Syr (done)
BSC (done)
NOV (done)
EXH (Done)
MXM (i think ok)
HVN (done)
Timing Signatures are incorrect at the moment in comparison to the ranked version(s).
See changes below:
33632,200,3,3,5,40,1,0 -> 36832,200,3,3,5,40,1,0
36832,200,4,3,5,40,1,0 -> 39232,200,4,3,5,40,1,0
57626,200,4,3,5,40,1,0 - one to debate, because everything being 6ms off seems weird. (see #3616288)
-> 74632,200,6,3,5,40,1,0
75832,200,4,3,5,40,1,0 -> 76032,200,4,3,5,40,1,0
76332,200,4,3,5,40,1,0 -> 76532,200,4,3,5,40,1,0
76832,200,4,3,5,40,1,0 -> 77032,200,4,3,5,40,1,0
from rc: "Avoid spamming short kiai time segments. Doing so can be distracting and can negatively affect gameplay."
01:24:132 - 01:27:332 from here may seem like nothing to those with a skin that hides the flying stars, but some skins keep the flying stars and it can block the lanes depending on where they're offsetted. this is against guideline but will leave to your judgement
Would be better to explain my ranked ver then, i believe its very justified (within the measure) since i did really pick which one are stands out instead of every cymbal
Oh also, i'd like to say, this judgement is based on default skin, no fancy stuff (since i dont use one)
The default skin is already quite annoying with kiai spam due to the constantly stars streaming on the sides of the playing field. I'm pretty sure this has been a rule/guideline for ages, even before the manianRC rework in 2019 iirc. I really do not encourage using kiais in rapid succession like this, it's very distracting. If you wanted some visual emphasis, making a storyboard that people can enable or disable at will would be better since you're giving the choice to the player whether they want these visual effects. If you spam kiais tho, there is no way for the player to turn that off.
Kiai duration (stars) are like 3/1 and what i did was mostly on empty places (like only single chords per 4/1) & the most crowded are 2/1 (occurred once i think, or twice at max)
If it were to put on crowded ones (even just twice), i'd agree to set just once (i, myself gets distracted by that)
Noch, the 2/1 occur thrice, and on top of that, the kiai at 01:27:132 - would be completely invalid as it is not a good point of emphasis, it would make more sense to kiai the entire section than a cymbal hit (otherwise there would be kiai points all across the map.)
If you want to keep kiais during this section, I would recommend just using:
That is enough to get across the point of the dramatic sounds for this song without it being overkill, like it is now.
^^ agree with hydria. i also agree with ryu about the transparent stars. some skins that offset the lanes to the left or right will be blocked when the stars shoot out numerous times. i would say if u want to keep the kiais, u should include a transparent star png in the folder. i can provide a file when i’m on pc
I will change once i get home (like in 14h) since im unsure about skin thing + picking some kiai is easier option
General re-check for what was changed in Hydria's check, and also additional checks
Audio: Min 192kbps - Good
Spek Graph:
-> Proper time sig, offset, and BPM - Good
-> All below ranking maximums - Good
-> Current Tags - metal video game sdvx 4 3 ExistRuth instrumental Revolt from the abyss gravity wars コナステ konasute konaste Ω omega dimension Syrion- ryu sei
-> Some suggestions - Part of SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ , u can add "III" "three" to tags. U could also add "four" to tags (as extension to "4")
-> Final Tags - metal video game sdvx 4 four 3 III three ExistRuth instrumental Revolt from the abyss gravity wars コナステ konasute konaste Ω omega dimension Syrion- ryu sei
Meta source:
those additional tag (number as word, including roman) are redundant imo, just search using number makes life easier (and faster). didnt mean to belittle those people who use them to search, but isnt time precious? or is it not?
given that the offical sdvx chart has an effect over the last note it shouldn't be used to question when notes end, plus using official charting outside of like [bms charting for bms songs] is a weird justification at all.
given we now have clearer audio, there is clearly a sound at 01:50:432 - which should be followed up with LNs instead of just the static 1 set of LNs that are there now.
METADATA: short ver (its this one) (long ver)
You need to decapitalise the F.
AUDIO: 128 i mean it's acceptable but we can do better, check this out:
don't apply this until after the rest of the mods are done since they use old offset
new offset is ~832 (+203), remember to move ALL timing points
TIMING: unused green lines
BG: PNG, max res, barely under limit. Make a JPG, it'll be easier. (your BG is currently bigger than the old audio bruh)
HITSOUNDS: that is a hitsound (why #5 though)
TAGS: same as riunosk's which is fine
AIMOD/MV: one unsnapped note, made a separate post about it
fix title + green lines + audio (at the end) and then resolve.
i giggled at how the bg is barely is under ranking limits
good luck on the set
uhhh can you elaborate? did you cut the song and remake the timings? or just make the timings based off the full ver grave rank
just checked your timing, it does worse than current (i believe mine is slightly wrong too, need a bit early but i dont have time to fix atm) -5 should be fine
why use vibro or bad minijack to make hard map when u can do this
see guys we don't have to abuse rice patterns
— riunosk
00:57:434 - I think the timing gets a bit off at the point, following the drums at least they seem to come in earlier than the timing you have right now. I think adding a bpm point and adjusting it to be 10ms earlier would fix it, but it would be a good idea to get a second opinion since I'm not great with timings
The ranked map seems fine so it might be 10ms off across the whole map. Looking back now a lot of the distinct sounds like 00:05:434 - 00:00:634 - where the notes seem to be coming in late. It's hard to get it perfect since the guitar/drums are live but I would suggest listening through it at 25% to see what I mean