00:03:099 (1,2,3) - feel like this pattern could be prettier since rn it feels cramped. the blanket between the notes are kinda weird too. for example, the blanket between 3 and 2 is fine but the blanket between 1 and 2 are touching each other. i suggest moving the 00:03:392 (2,3) down a little like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17423843/1242. also make sure to do it for the other patterns that were rotated 30 degrees. 00:03:879 (1,2,3), 00:04:658 (1,2,3), etc.
00:05:437 (4,5) - the drums are more emphasized here than the melody imo. would be nice if you could change these to be clickable on every drum as it would transition nicely into the next pattern instead of just spamming sliders. maybe something like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17423868/783a
00:13:229 (1) - get rid of NC here? feels weird that you're ncing the middle of the measure when you weren't before.
ex: 00:10:112 (3), 00:11:671 (3), 00:16:346 (3), etc.
00:26:087 (2,3) - this is very subjective, but i think it'll be cool if you made these sliders curved instead of straight. this is because the vocals in the back (the ooooo) hit your curved 1/2 sliders on every note. ex: 00:21:801 (1), 00:22:580 (1), 00:23:359 (1), etc. in the spot that i mentioned, there are 2 notes of her singing and would be a cool representation of the music.
00:27:255 (3,4,5,6,7) - Patterns such as this are ok, but they require context. In general, quite a few patterns feel a bit jarring, both aesthetically and playability-wise. I can provide more examples if you wish.
00:48:197 - there is a clear sound here in the drums here yet it's not mapped. a circle there would be better
00:49:658 (8,9,1) - here they are mapped
it's arguable that the previous timestamp is focusing primarily on the vocals, but also I would map it since it's arguably just as strong a sound as in the second instance
01:06:022 (3,4) - spacing is kind of too underwhelming given the intensity of the vocal at (4) so spaced this out more than current here
i agree here, also make sure to check out similar areas such as: 00:59:788 (3,4), 02:02:125 (3,4), 02:08:359 (3,4), etc.
01:23:554 (5) - the angle here feels very sharp especially because the stream is all in the same combo but I think doing an NC would help show the emphasis of the louder piano coming in
01:23:457 (4) - this is actually a overmapped note (drum and piano start at 01:23:554 (5))
removed now and NC on 01:23:359 (3)