00:12:255 (6) - can turn this into kick slider for drum in 00:12:353 and make 00:12:450 (1) landing has more impact :3
either reduce spacing on 00:31:151 (1,2,3,4) or increase the 00:31:540 (5,6,7,8) since there's definitely intensity raise on 00:31:541
00:32:710 (1,2,3,4,5) - contrast here doesn't rly impressive for rly strong guitar sound, this could get more flow changes rather than boring linear flow of 00:32:710 (1,2) one, so the pattern can be more impactful to play
01:27:645 (2,3) - i'd think to change the pattern or just flow here so it wont make repetitive feelings with 01:26:086 (3,4) since they're so similar and landing in very short time
01:31:541 (6,7) getting more approval by high distance between 01:31:346 (5,6), maybe do the same with 01:27:645 (2,3) tho or just change both
02:49:853 (1,2,3,4) - this could be spaced a lot for intensity raising, so the pattern itself would be more impactful to play, getting smaller spacing here is boring i rly recommend avoid it
03:31:152 (2) - 03:31:931 (4) - mapping these as two kick sliders would fit better the intensity of the section, and would also create a better intensity increase with 03:43:619 (2,3,4,5) - that have circles
03:56:281 - why did u skip drum here? it is very noticeable to skip, turning 03:56:086 (4) into circle and add triple on 03:56:281 is the best choice here for emphasize things
03:56:476 (1,2,3,4) - same with #2887418, but not rly flow changes it could have lot more spaced for sound here become very prominent as you can here