check MV there's massive bunch of stuff like "diff x uses 1/3, diff y uses 1/4" kind of conflicts
if there's parts with both rhythm in different layers of the music, fiar enoughn, but if not, sounds like a nope from me
this section in contrast to the rest of the song is extremely calm, using a break here almost acts as an object in and of itself to create contrast between the intensity of the song as a whole. whats the most inactive thing you can do here? nothing.. so i did nothing lol. I like it like this, one can claim its undermapped, but its supposed to be-- for contrast
I mean, it's not exactly "4/4" when you need the resets is it? If you think it's 4/4, might as well remove them too, though it may not sound great, as you know
so, instead of resets, having 6/4 point for the sequence that has them is cleaner, since it's essentially 2 phrases of 6 beats which cause the resets
music typically doesn't have some wild unaligning beats, it's either 4/4 there without need for any reds, or then it's not 4/4 for a part of it there
@Zoli's Extreme
kind of a shame that your diffs are missing kais, the guitar part are mapped in a more intense way, feels like the kiai should be there. could just copy those from other diffs
could you clarify on why you use pink in particular? given the tone of the song and the color palette, red could be a better fit imo
I already have red and orange combo colors for 1/3s, 1/6s tho and the reason why i'm using pink/magenta for 1/8s is because they stand out enough to be different from the red/orange pallete, while being similar to them. I could prob use green/cyan instead in case someone dislikes the color choice, until then tho i'm keeping current ones
swap ar between Replicate and Zoli's Extreme? on the top diff the need for high ar is higher due to pattern structure and snapping changes, I don't see such a strong need on Zoli's diff use 9.8 tbh
will write full mod tomorrow, but for now i want to say that if you want to rank this map for mappers guild, zoli have to rank 2 more maps to join the guild (
remove mappers guild related tags or wait for zoli to rank 2 more maps
Rules were changed, GDers now are not obligated to have 3 ranked maps to participate into the mapper's guild set.
"soft-hitwhistle.wav" has a notably louder left channel. Used most frequently leading up to 02:00:781 (1) - in [Hitsounds].
"drum-hitclap.wav" has a notably louder right channel. Used most frequently leading up to 03:12:866 (8) - in [Replicate].
"drum-hitwhistle2.wav" has a notably louder right channel. Used most frequently leading up to 02:10:038 (1) - in [Hitsounds].