Your stream shapes feel somewhat random overall, your very first one being a good example of that, starting out with a wave into a straight section into a circular pentagon into a simple curve. You would probably be far better off with more consistent and overal simpler stream shapes, leading to a visually cleaner map and also not having to resort to somewhat awkward angles such as 00:26:108 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) (this has neither flow, nor a sharp direction change which would be the most common, comfortable and expected choices here).
Again, I personally believe this issue could be solved by just not trying to have such long and super spaced streams to begin with. That way you wouldn't have to deal with such complex and varied shapes all of the time.
00:26:108 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - there angles start in every white tick... 00:27:413 - here's 1/8 burst
"I personally believe this issue could be solved by just not trying to have such long and super spaced streams to begin with." why not? there's decent reason to do it, so i'd prefer it as it is, since it's the top diff and low bpm, so spaced streams are needed to emphasize the drum percussion
The points where your angles change may be somewhat consistent but this does in no way change the fact that the stream shapes themselves are random, not representing anything at all and awkward to play.
Also, I'm fully aware that 00:27:413 (1,2,3,4,5) is 1/8s? What's your point here?
I outlined the reason why I think constant and long streams are not the way to go in #4422768, you are missing out on a lot of potential emphasis to introduce meaningful variety.
Consistency of what? Of shapes, huh? There're a lot of ranked maps which use the same variety of shapes etc., f.e.
Rhythm choices feel a bit clunky in your map at times - Your streams during the kiais are quite overdone considering the sound that they are following is fairly subtle. I have no problem with your kiai basically being a constant 1/4 beat but you could probably try to follow vocals a bit more by emphasizing those using sliders and/or direction changes instead of mapping pure streams with little emphasis besides spacing to follow vocal pitch.
The occassional slider interjections that are already there are a start but at times they feel somewhat arbitrary. By that I mean that while they do follow certain rhythms/patterns in the song you don't really have any proper consistency with that which is something I feel is necessary if you really want to make this map so slow-stream-pilled.
Honestly, trying to explain my point would really just be me reiterating the same point again and again.
So I'm gonna say it once more: consistency.
But it appears that you're set on the way you mapped your diff anyways so I'm closing this, I can't be bothered to have discussions that lead nowhere.