ljqandylee - Changed appear of title and artist
Roxas - Re-changed appear of title and artist
ruminime - GD
Rumia- - GD / BG
YunoFanatic - GD
REDYUMiKA - GD / PFH+ / Mod / Shoot star
NaxelCL - GD
Reikosaka - GD
Luckman - Mod
arcwinolivirus</strong> - mod
lZenxl</strong> - SB
<strong>Simple_Star</strong> - mod
Shana Lesus - mod / Shoot star
Shi-ra - mod
<strong>pengomon</strong> - mod
PROGUY - Re-changed appear of title and artist / rechecked / 1st
/ 2nd 
Devilchilly - Supported me in work hard to ranking this map
Lunatic Raccoon - Supported me in work hard to ranking this map
ExPew - Checked /
/ 3rd 
hutunohito - Modding the map after get ranked (Changed)
arcwinolivirus - 
<strong>Ryu Sei</strong> - Shoot star
Lokovodo - Shoot star
R e x 1 0 0 - Shoot star