I HAVE RETURNED AND I AM AWAY AGAIN. I will come back once in a while, but in other times I will be online on Steam or wherever you can find me.
Alternate Nickname:ScorpiusG, which is used in other sites, and online games/game communities (such as Steam) from 2012 onwards.
Current Status:Away. Doing other stuff most of the time now.
Became part of the o!m BAT on 18 Nov 2013 which is apparently my birthday o.o Became part of the o!m QAT on 25 Aug 2014 due to how busier I get as time passes. Became alumni on 7th Jan 2015 to focus more on my other duties.
Rules for mods/BAT checks (bubble/rank):I'm not BAT anymore. Please don't send bubble/rank requests to me.
For normal mods, you can send me those requests anytime. I prefer if you send me one set at a time. Also please do not give kudosu for rechecks.
For bubble/piano icon requests, your set must have at least SP 12 and as well as a few mods or comments by other people on your mapset's thread before asking me. Of course it goes without saying that your set should also be in Pending Beatmaps and you have everything finalized before I or any other BAT gives the set a bubble. Please note that Star Priority or the genre of the song will not affect on how I judge or prioritize your map.
For heart/rank requests, the requirements are the same as bubble requests except that of course your set must be bubbled first by another BAT. PLEASE CONFIRM THAT YOUR LAST UPDATE WAS FINAL BEFORE REQUESTING THIS. ISSUES FOUND IN YOUR SET AFTER IT BEING RANKED WILL NOT BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. CHECK YOUR SOURCES FOR ONE LAST TIME FOR 100% ACCURATE DATA FOR THE SET'S METADATA.
For re-bubble or re-rank requests, again those can be sent anytime but I will not attempt these until at least two or three days have passed since its bubble/heart pop and/or certain issues have been resolved.
Don't ask me to bubble/rank anything else that's not a Mania set. I can probably still mod Standard and Taiko, but that's it. You'd be best relying on other mode-specific BATs for difficulties other than Mania.
In the case that you didn't receive my mod for a long while (over two or three weeks) either I may have forgotten about your requests or I'm simply busy. You can send me reminders in that case if you're worried about your requests. After all, I'm still human...
I WILL ignore your requests if you send me a map with abused/overmapped patterns not suitable to be ranked. Don't expect a post from me, especially if your chart is becoming more like this or this. If your request is ignored by me, I will add the set requested to the Ignored Sets list below. If you have made huge updates on your set that would be WORTH my time, you can message me again after a month since your last request.
*Rules are subject to change anytime.
Quick and simple tips for osu!mania charting:
Follow Pitch Relevancy (PR in short) accordingly for best effect. Reversed PR hardly or never works by the way.
Try to aim for unique patterns that fit the song. Or at least make them fun for the fingers.
For multiple difficulties in the set, try to make each chart unique in its own way. If you copy&paste to make a new difficulty and it looks extremely identical to the previous one, it can show your laziness of mapping and should be prevented. Lazy Example #1.Lazy Example #2.
Never build awkward patterns. Drumrolls with 2nd and 3rd fingers on the same hand is NOT fun. Same goes with tedious jacks and etc.
Always try to balance between both hands. If one hand does all of the work, that hand will hurt A LOT afterwards.
Use earphones or headphones. It's way easier to listen to the key instruments worth noting for the chart. Increasing the bass also helps.
It's highly recommended to never chart the vocals, unless they're keysounded somehow (DJMax, Vocaloid, IIDX, etc.).
You can give small breaks in-between by making a section either completely empty or having less notes than usual. This is very important if you want to make it balanced for those who are skillful but without a lot of stamina.
Don't abuse long notes in your charts. These can drastically multiply the difficulty in your chart. While this does not matter much in O2Jam, it does make a huge difference here since it requires near-perfect timing precision for both the start and end of the long note to get that MAX/300g/320. Also be careful when you start and end them as these matter a lot in the long run. DO NOT RESORT TO ABUSING LONG NOTES FOR THE SAKE OF INCREASING THE CHART'S DIFFICULTY IF IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO THE SONG ITSELF.
Try to test or at least feel what it's like to hit those notes.
Ask others for opinion on your map and/or view it from a global perspective of how average players would react to your chart. This is VERY important if you want it ranked for the right reasons.
Long story short, I'm one of the few well-known experienced notecharters in the O2Jam community. I make various kinds of charts which depending on my mood at the time. All of my O2Jam charts can be seen in my YouTube channel.
Using my years of experience from O2Jam and other rhythm games, I'll make some awesome charts for osu!mania and as well as help out the community by modding/qualifying their mania charts.