Retired from competitive play, been a great run and I <3 everyone for all the support they've shown me through the years, but I must move on. I hope what I did inspires others, and would inspire those same individuals to inspire many more others.
Major props toRaishu for the 2 banners, you're goddamn amazing
It was back in 2008, when I was 7 years old, where inside a supermarket was an arcade, at there I found a Pump It Up Prex 3 GX cabinet. I thought: "It doesn't hurt to give a shot" so I did, and failed miserably. But that didn't stop me from quitting trying the game and I improved at it day-by-day until I was able to do charts that are level 7-8 (out of 28). And that was when the boredom hit me. After playing that for at least a year, I had a 2-3 year hiatus due to boredom. And right immediately after that, I got interest in PIU again and somehow manage to play Doubles and Crazies, even sometimes, Nightmares.
In late 2013, when I got bored and randomly looked up some tutorial on how to find songs for Stepmania, the video I watched showed itself a site called Flash Flash Revolution, so I decided to just randomly clicked on the webpage. I didn't know that it's a game so I tried out a few songs or two, but my PIU skills never helped me so it was learning a fresh new rhythm game for me... I was interested at the community behind it so an account named "Devilchilly" was made, and this is how my story as an actual rhythm gamer started. Throughout my stay at FFR, I've met many amazing people who are genuinely nice both on the web and IRL, I am so appreciated by the fact that these people have accepted me and see me as a part of the community and I just cannot thank them enough for making my life more exciting.
And right now, you probably might ask: "How did you know about osu?". On the FFR video database, I saw a video of Staiain playing Ridorii with 1 finger which sparked my interest for the game. Then I instantly went to the site to create an account and play the game. Fun fact, first song I played was Thrift Shop by Macklemore because my taste in music was normie af back in those days lol.