mapped by Dash-
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 5 September 2021 so it was graveyarded...
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noting metadata here again for clarification:
this song was originally released under the BEER ON THE RUG label on bandcamp. as of now the original site is dead but exists on the internet archive:
the song here is called "待機", which is what this map is (check the track length)
however, on some releases this song is mistitled as "外ギン Aviation", which was coincidentally the release i had when submitting this map for the first time (most specifically, the 2012 cassete release), and also mistitled are the 2017 reissues under the new label Olde English Spelling Bee, which had 外ギン Aviation and 待機 swapped.
apparently the newest available tracklisting for this album (on ) still keeps this mapset's song as 外ギン Aviation and there's no 待機 at all.

as there's currently no way of obtaining this album through that last bandcamp link, i'm going to use the original tracklisting metadata for this mapset and add the mistitle to tags. any suggestions regarding metadata were discussed in #2300875 and #2587329. i'll be willing to assist with any concerns that may arise from metadata again.


The title is 待機, which you have done correctly. the "外ギン Aviation" title in the bandcamp is likely a mistake.

other meta suggestions:

  • I suggest writing her alias in the artist section without full caps, as "Macintosh Plus".

  • "Ramona Andra Xavier" in tags, that is Vektroid's full name.

  • "dstnt", "Laserdisc Visions", "New Dreams Ltd.", "Virtual Information Desk", "PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises" (optional) in tags, those are her other aliases.


will add more as I find more info


capitalization: sure; was basing it on the other ranked set of mac+ which was all caps but the capitalization on both her twitter and bandcamp as of now is title cased so yea
full name added
don't think that all of her aliases need to go to tags since its not really in the scope of the song
added 2nd recording label olde english spelling bee cuz i forgot :p

Marked as resolved by Dash-

01:06:672 - You need to silence this spinner



Marked as resolved by Dash-

I looked up the song and I found a completely different song with this title on youtube Please provide something like an album link or proper metadata source with proof that the title and artist belong to this song in particular.


The fadeout comes at a pretty random place, if you made the cut yourself I would definitely cut it at another place or just not cut at all.


there are issues with metadata here since the mp3 used here is from the cassete release (, which lists this song as 外ギン Aviation (see >Track B3 is mistitled as "待機" and track B5 is mistitled as "外ギン Aviation")
the original, web sourced Bandcamp release ( didn't have this "外ギン Aviation" at all, but had "待機" instead which is what 外ギン Aviation was in the cassete release
since those are swapped, i had to decide whether i kept the cassete's tracklisting or if i changed it so it reflected the original tracklisting, so i went with the former

(also the fadeout is from the track itself, but i can check on other releases if its the same)


(they're the same)

i won't resolve this until it's agreed on whether or not should i change the track name to the original release or if i keep the cassete one, since this is kinda confusing 🥴


decided to change to original track name, since the cassete tracklisting is listed as a mistitle so yea

Marked as resolved by Dash-

could probably at least add the mistitle to tags then

Reopened by Dashyy-


Marked as resolved by Dash-

yea this is aight, mostly just had some issues with hs but nothing too major. normal looks good as well, gl!


your topdiff is more of an insane than a hard since it contains very varied spacing on similar snappings, like at 00:04:362 (1,2,3,4) - where each note has a different gap in rhythm yet have very similar spacing, and at 00:20:220 (5,6,7,1) - where the gap between the rhythms are the same but the spacing is way too varied for a hard

in addition you have sudden sv changes like at 00:22:874 - 00:27:868 - which hard level players will not be able to read


yeah, it's not meant to be a hard at all
i'm gonna space some things out in the map to give more clarity of that tho


i wonder if i need to make a hard diff now 🤔

Marked as resolved by Dash-

moved set to wip until i finish it




good luck :>


add "instrumental" to tags


i'd figure the genre/language selection would already make it searchable but ig not

Marked as resolved by Dash-

yeah its dumb i wish it did that lol


if this manages to get a 2nd that mods this and some more mods in general, it's a maybe but not guarantee


the best map i've played


it's like a mix of sex and cute animals


pog map!




Great song choice! GL


Cool map!


already better than sotarks ! 👍
