00:01:021 (1,2) -you can buff this to 1.84 like you did 00:02:433 (1,2) - here for consistency and to avoid being walkable for sure (and other parts)
00:08:699 (3,4) - would be nice to buff distance here to ~~2.5 to be consistent with other (previous) parts. For now its 2.36
00:11:963 (1,2,3,4) - standstill doesnt fit here cuz the sounds are noticeably notable here compared to the rest, so having more movement would emphasise this better
00:12:227 (4,1) - wiggle, 5.68x hyperdash, to antiflow slider is too difficult. The pattern is fine but you can reduce the hyper to 3.50-4.0x (or even less preferably). Something like 01:07:286 (6,1) - is nicer. There's some other similar patterns with excessive hypers after wiggles like 00:46:110 (7,1) - which should be reduced as well
00:17:963 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - so here you actually do 2 consistent distances: ~1.7 and ~2.8 for bigger sound. I really suggest to buff the further ~1.7 distances little by little considering it as a build up
00:51:845 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - here is even way more weird distances. In this build up the further distances are even decreasing instead of increasing. Try to consistently increase distances in this one too!
00:19:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This feels a bit awkward, since the the song is building up, the sudden stop of movement is weird. You have left right dash in the previous section, but for this section you only have to walk. Maybe swap them so walk comes first then left right second
00:22:198 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - would be nice to see more dash strain to represent the vocal more, either scale this by 1.125 or increase the pattern urself
00:35:786 (1) - 00:37:198 (3) - 00:38:610 (1) - 00:40:022 (3) - 00:41:433 (1) - 00:42:845 (3) - 00:44:257 (1) - this is a very very very subjective opinion but, I feel like the short synth bursts feel underwhelming to play. it probably could be due to lack of contrast with distances but you essentially have two similar sounds (ex: 00:35:786 (1) - 00:36:139 (3) -) play different from each other.
idk if this rlly is an effective solution but one thing you could do is turn these notes into a 1/4 kickslider to have it standout from the note after it. if you're intentionally going for a light density for this section, disregard this. tho imo the distances as it stands is somewhat weak.
00:56:786 (5) - move left, far enough to make a hyper with both 00:56:698 (4) and 00:56:963 (6). right now the spacing is a bit awkward
00:59:963 (3,4) - kinda weird skipping the sound 01:00:051 - here. I think that wiggle here would be a bit better if it wont be an overkill
01:07:727 (2,3) - either make it a hyper or close up the spacing, i get the intention but it's still awkward from a reading perspective. same with 02:15:492 (3,4)
01:07:727 (2,3,4,5,1) - id clean this up to look more linear (like the ones at beginning of Coolest - [havent u heard im asendance])
01:08:257 (2,3) - distance here is a bit big considering the strength of this sound. Would be nice to do 01:08:433 (3,4) - this one same like 01:08:080 (1,2) - this one but mirrored and nerf this one to 01:08:257 (2,3) - 3.0 distance
01:17:963 (1,2) - try to nerf this one to 1.7. For now its equal to 01:17:257 (1,2) - this when rest of the distances are decreasing by ~0.3
01:25:021 (1,2,3) - distance here is also a bit bigger here. What about distance between 1 and 2 being 2.0 and between 2 and 3 being 4.14 so it can be a bit more consistent i guess?
01:26:080 (3,1) - , 01:26:786 (3,1) - and 01:27:492 (3,1) - . try to make consistent distances because for now its ~3.0 -> 2.6 -> 2.87 for the literally same sound.
01:34:198 (1) - could move this a bit closer to 01:34:374 (2) cuz its a bit hard to catch coming from an hdash. try ~1.80x distance snap
01:40:727 (2,3) - imo you should decrease distance here to 3.1 maybe because for now its equal to 01:40:462 (8,1) - when the section is kinda decreasing and also other distances are decreased as well
01:41:610 (2,3,4) - although there is a sound on 01:41:698 (3) -, a reverse wiggle too sharp for this section imo, mainly cause i dont really hear feedback from this so it feels overmapped. you can remove (3) and focus on (2,4) for the vocals
add whistles on all three sounds so it feels like u get effective feedback from it
01:42:757 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - i love this minimal distance section, v creative
01:57:051 (2,3) - , 01:57:757 (5,6) - , 01:58:463 (2,3) - . Try to equal the distance for those. Those sounds are pretty the same so distance should be also consisent
01:59:257 (6,1) - (1) isn't strong enough for a 1/4 hyper snap like this, distance should be reduced pls
02:03:492 (1,2,3,4) - i think this curve would play slightly smoother if ctrl+h & ctrl+g'd, pos seems fine. i think its the antiflow that felt off
+02:03:669 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - kinda acts as an intro to the concept you're doing in the section after. kinda. idk.
02:04:551 (1) - can you make this horizontal for better emphasis on the finish on 02:04:904 (2) ? uwu
02:07:727 (4,5,6,7) - is 1 small grid space (8px) wider than 02:13:374 (4,5,6,7) - not sure if intentional
02:15:492 (2,3,4,5) - hm, not sure if i like this interpretation or not. seems fairly weak since the momentum feels interrupted here.
you could try this interpretation though https://i.imgur.com/IH7Fi6Z.jpg
you made me find another mistake instead LOL: i matched with 02:38:080 (2,3,4,5) - , 01:07:727 (2,3,4,5) - and 01:30:316 (2,3,4,5) - (hyperdash+curve)
02:15:757 (5,1) - The 1/4 hyperdash here feels a bit too far compared to the others. Might move the notes like https://puu.sh/IayTC/9f2c3eb719.png to nerf the distance
02:17:963 (1,2,3,4) - To make these comfortable with hold-dashing how about increasing the distance for 1-2 and 3-4 to 1.2x? https://puu.sh/IayUn/c02891476d.png
02:20:389 (6,1,2) - lol. Well, the 1/8 10.00x hyper snap isn't too bad... but the antiflow of (1,2) makes this way too difficult for an overdose. Can definitely be nerfd
02:21:845 (6,7,8,9) - I think you can do something more interesting here :) even a regular stream instead of a standstill would be better here, though some kind of wiggle would fit really well
02:25:021 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - so here we have the opposite of #2525720/6911063 this. Spacing is increased nearly for all of them for no reason and also the distances between those are kinda strange too. You can do it in 2 ways:
Equal the spacing of those because of the bigger sound.
Decrease little by little for the lower , decreasing sound
02:25:021 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - why the overall distance here is decreasing not increasing? the music is approaching higher and higher but it feels kinda weird in gameplay cuz it's narrower
02:52:110 how about add circle between slider , cuz I felt same rhythm like 02:50:433 (1,2,3) this tho
03:06:316 (3,1) - a regular player's first instinct is to move more to the right after (3) but you can easily get baited since (1) is at the left. you can move 03:06:316 (3) - to x:90 and 03:07:374 (1) - to x:415 so it wont be a bait
03:12:669 (4,1) - antiflow here seems like a rlly harsh transition when you have a soft part in the prev section, plus the finish on 03:13:021 (1) - isnt as strong either imo. ctrl+h'ing should fix it, pos before was fine but u prob need to move 03:14:080 (5) - more to get the hdash
03:29:610 (8,1) - I feels a little far between 8 to 1 more then deployed before. can more close little bit tho.
my opinion under 1.5x