00:11:963 (1,2,3,4) - standstill doesnt fit here cuz the sounds are noticeably notable here compared to the rest, so having more movement would emphasise this better
03:23:963 (1,2,3,4) - copypaste z
03:35:257 (1,2,3,4) - yea antiflow or wiggle may fit better
00:51:492 (2,1) - same thing as #2576145
00:54:316 (2,1) - could add one here as well to differ difficulty
02:03:580 (2,3) - may be just me but this 1/4 dash makes it a bit easy to undershoot the next 1/4 hdash. would suggest decreasing just a tad
you're right
02:55:375 (4) - pls balance ds here or give more to the next object cuz it has high synth
changed, added hdash to (4,5) for high synth