00:03:139 (3,1) - I feel as though a dash should be placed here. a downbeat to a big white tick usually is the place to place a basic dash.
This will most likely increase the difficulty (it's already 2.6*) so I would prefer not tbh, I just thought that since it's the beginning I would start out slow. If I were to add a dash, then platter and salad wouldn't make a difference (since both will have dashes at the start and that I won't be making a cup). I do see your point however.
00:07:022 (2,1) - same as
00:03:139 (3,1), a downbeat to a big white tick usually is the place to place a basic dash. There is a big drum hit that is never emphasized with any sort of dash until much later in the map, which is inconsistent.
looking through, there are many more that use the same Drum without emphasis, can this be changed so that they do? 00:08:787 (3,1) - 00:09:846 (2,1) - 00:12:669 (2,1) - 00:14:433 (3,1) - 00:15:492 (2,1) - 00:17:257 (3,1) - 00:19:021 (4,1) - 00:20:433 (4,1) - 00:52:904 (4,1) -
00:12:139 (4,1) - this dash is way too harsh, would reduce spacing to at least 2.6x (00:45:668 (4,5) - here is a good dash spacing usage)
00:17:257 (3,1) - dash here would emphasize well the build up and music change
then 00:19:021 (4,1) - here can be used as well
then 00:19:374 (1,2,3,4) - this can be more spaced comparing to previous C shape-ish pattern
then 00:20:433 (4,1) - here dash wouldn't hurt too and make the build up more interesting, there is a break after anyways so boosting it isn't bad thing
00:19:021 (4,1) - 00:20:433 (4,1) - i feel as though that these distances are a bit ambiguous, using ~1.95x ds would be much clearer to dash on
00:36:492 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:39:315 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:42:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:44:962 (1,2,3,4,5) - hs during these sections sound very messy consider cleaning up pattern or hs
00:39:315 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:36:492 (1,2,3,4,5) - this pattern uses really little movement, but it's good you don't emphasize it fully (hard timing for new players), I would increase spacing a bit tho like this: https://imgur.com/8q2obJL
00:42:139 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:44:962 (1,2,3,4,5) - and for these I would make some clean C shape like here (and remove dash to the steamy thing imo)
00:45:139 (2,3,4) - this is quite awkward to walk on cuz of how narrow the spacing is, making the upcoming dash a bit uneasy to catch considering it's the same direction. would suggest giving the walks more room for motion so it doesnt seem too different from the next 1/1 walks
00:46:021 (7,8,1) - note on (8) should be removed to not overmap the salad, I know there is a sound but emphasizing white big tick with a dash is more important so please follow the instruction.
i kinda feel like 00:45:668 (4,5) - should have a dash to emphasize the beat, and keep a walk for 00:46:021 (7,1) - because it's not that big
00:57:139 (6,1) - 01:02:433 (2,1) - 01:13:727 (2,1) - suggest having dashes here to stay consistent with the rest of the instances, rn it's quite odd that these are just walks since it's also quite expected to hit the dash on such a strong beat
the third in particular may also need to be adjusted flow-wise when adding the dash cuz the current 1/2 pattern may be a bit complicated at this level
00:57:492 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Please, have SOME difference in patterning. Even if it uses the same sounds, there should at least be some differences and variety of sliders and notes, whilst keeping the same timeline
I had a feeling this will get mentioned, It will take some time to redo all the patterns as I will have to go through the other difficulties as well. While I do think variety is important, I honestly find these patterns kinda gimmicky? Also, there's like a dash every 0.6 second, if I make variety, this might be more confusing to new players imo.
00:57:669 (2,3) - that's a pretty big spacing for a walk, 1.4x should be max imo.
00:59:080 (2,3) -
01:03:316 (2,3) -
01:04:728 (2,3) -
00:58:375 (2,3) - imo 2.6x dash spacing would be more forgiving for salad
00:59:787 (2,3) -
01:04:022 (2,3) -
01:00:316 (1) - 1.26x is a bit far for antiflow walk after a dash, make it around 1.00-1.15x like 01:05:963 (1) -
01:06:669 (2,3,4) - 1/2 patterning is enough of emphasizing the sounds, it differs from normal 1/1 patterns used before so remove the middle note
01:29:257 (2,3,4) -
02:37:022 (2,3,4) -
01:09:845 (3) - (and all similar dashes) at 2.75 is way too difficult for a salad dash, fluctuating between 2.30-2.50x is more appropriate
01:19:374 (3,1) - the distance between these two fruits is underwhelming as a walk, you should move 01:20:080 (1,2,3) - to around x:250
01:27:845 (1,2,3) -01:38:433 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - and patterns like it are all fun to hit, but sadly, trying to reach them just feels weird as you have them line up uncomfortable out of a walk, causing the player to stop and go on the same left or right movement. Increasing the DS to 1.00x or so on all of these will allow for an easier flow into the pattern.
01:41:963 (4) - this could be three 1/2 notes with a dash to the third instead of a verticalish slider, the section ending finisher isn't emphasized well right now compared to your other diffs (same for 02:49:728 (2) - ).
02:03:845 (1,2) - 2 fairly strong dashes after one another (second one being stronger) is disallowed since: "If higher-snapped dashes are used, they must be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes)." Please, make 1 into a walk.
02:05:257 to 02:24:845 Is WAY too dash dense for a normal player and instead of having dashes every half bar, there should be some more movement changes rather than dashes (dim it down to 1 [or more] bar[s] in between each dash)
This could also free up the restrain of the repetitive patterning and create some variety in the map.
02:05:257 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - cool concept but it starts with 1.3x spacing and ends with 1.8x which is at the end really edgewalk likely, nerf each by 0.1 or 0.2 (scale it with ctrl+shift+s)
02:08:080 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - here also can be kept same spacing or increasing spacing, to make reasonable distance changes
02:10:904 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - also would be good to make less random
02:07:374 (1,2,3,1) - 02:13:021 (1,2,3,1) - would rather just make the 1/1 as a walk so the new measure gets more emphasis, it is also quite strange that this consecutive dashing wasnt present on the second half of the kiai either when there are similar instances of this sound. making it more friendly by removing the 1/1 dash would be nicer for a lower diff tho
02:07:904 (3,1) - 02:13:551 (3,1) - 02:19:198 (3,1) - these dashes feel a bit too tight imo. could reduce to like 2.6x~
02:17:257 (1,2) - The dash here is kinda ambiguous, would increase about 0.1x
02:20:257 (2,3,4) - this stream feels super unneeded compared to the same exact sounds heard before not being mapped. Remove it and continue with the consistence you had beforehand.
02:25:021 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this growth goes out of hand on this as well as it forms into an unrankable multi-dash wiggle, strong dashes in the end. This breaks a number of rules since consecutive dashes can and should only be basic-snapped and only upwards to 2 at any given time. please dim down the DS and make this wiggle walkable, or even change it up in such it can be easier on a new player.
02:51:492 (3,1) - in this section 1.4x 1/1 walks are really hard to hit, and don't feel like dash either you know, consider fixing spacing between those
(I don't mean good dashes like 02:52:904 (3,1) - but those can be increased when lowering walks maybe)
02:58:551 (6,1) - should be a dash to be equalized to the same musical dash consistency at 02:52:904 (3,1) -