"soft-hitfinish.wav "の遅延時間は約5ミリ秒で、そのうち0ミリ秒は完全な無音です。
"soft-hitfinish2.wav "の遅延は ~5 ms で、そのうち 0 ms は完全な無音です。
"soft-hitclap2.wav "の遅延時間は ~10 ms で、そのうち 0 ms は完全な無音です。
grid usage could be improved. if u do ctrl+a in any of the diffs, u'll notice most of the objects are closer to the center of the grid and the corners+sides are untouched. its less apparent in the 2 top diffs but usage could still be expanded
using a larger portion of the grid makes the experience more engaging for players
the only real issue for every diff is flow, i feel like there's an extreme lack of thoughtful patterning or just patterning in general. rhythm choice is great however, if you just went through and patterned most of what you have it'd probably be good to go for rank