Obviously not worth a DQ on its own, but if this gets DQ'd for any other reason it might be a good idea if you added 'luvoratory' to tags just for easier searching.
also added luvoratorry luvoratorrry luvoratorrrry luvoratorrrrrry luvoratorrrrrrry in case people don't remember how many r are there in the title
please put the preview point somewhere more fitting, such as a chorus. Current location doesn't do a good job of serving the purpose of a preview at all. Wanting the whole song to play in the menus (if that's the reasoning) is a poor trade off for a lackluster preview point
u wanna uhhhhhhhhh make the combo colors lighter? the entire palette doesn't look really harmonious, especially 2 and 3 look pretty dark compared to 1, and 4 is very saturated compared to all the others, especially 2
Unused files.