00:46:625 (2) - the jump is too sudden imo.
the music is not so intense at all. look at another similar stuff u do on 02:00:922 (1,2) - 02:16:391 (1,2) -.
so it would be better to keep consistency to avoid the illogical variation.
I'd http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16191910/8118
01:22:719 (2) - maybe u can use slight overlap to avoid the perfect stack, it's too counterintuitive
01:31:391 (1,2,1,2) - same
03:18:266 (1,1,1,1,1) - pretty hard to know what the hitobects are since the slider body are perfect stack.
01:29:985 (1,2,3,4,5,) - the rhythm feels too dense to show the music.
I can see u use a very low spacing, but the rhythm is still broken tbh.
the sound on 01:30:336 - is not dominating and it's very quiet, so making a gap is more fitting for the decreasing music
also, 01:29:985 (1,2,3) - it's better to follow the suddenly varied vocal in another way to distinguish the normal vocal 01:29:750 (5,6) -. eg 1/4 reverse.
02:00:922 (1,2) - it's pretty easy to lose combo on the tail of 02:00:922 (1) -.
u can avoid the antiflow imo, like http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16191891/357c
03:06:313 (3,1) - seems like an excessive 1/4 jump since it doesn't even have slider leniency to back it up, probably a mistake?