Not really good at research but assuming that this is from a 'Video Game' song, you should change the title into (Game Ver.) instead of (Short Ver.).
"If a song title contains short or game version markers, the markers must be standardized to (Short Ver.) and (Game Ver.) respectively." from the Ranking Criteria.
Metadata ( literally says Short Ver in the title of the song.
There is a spread issue in your mapset:
The difficulty gap between your Hard and your Insane is too large: your hard diff is mostly distance snapped, has no slider velocity variation,occasional triples and no streams,.While your top diff has variable slider velocity,variable spacing,streams and long jump sections.
I suggest adding a Light insane diff that introduces more difficulties elements such as variable slider velocity and spacing to make the transition easier for players.
you should switch the hitnormal samples to soft instead of normal since the default hitnormal on normal sampleset kinda overpowers the song and makes it somewhat hard to hear since the hitsound is so loud. also imo having normal sampleset as hitnormal kinda makes the other hitsounds less impactful since the hitnormals are already so loud
Metadata: consider adding ''Itō itou observer productions vn virtual novel japanese video game pop jpop j-pop op intro theme song anime ending ed'' to the tags.
Reference: (this is the waybackmashine as the new sebsite does not include those pages anymore)
Japanese and video game STILL have to be in the tags as the website genre and language are NOT searchable in the game itself as they are not information included by the .osu file
1.Using the drum sampleset as standard sampleset is not the best idea for hitsounding im my opinion as 2.using drum-hitclap for the snare and drum-hitfinish for the finish is not an option to use those for. If you use the default skin and listen to their respective default sound, you will see that those are ''normally'' used for additional drum sounds with a different pitch compared to a typical kick.
I would recommend you 1.use the soft (or normal) sampleset and 2. use soft-hitfinish for the finished and soft-hitclap for the snares as they give much better feedback and especially: They give default players the correct kind of feedback.
Maybe use a few more whistle throughout your map to increase the amount of feedback the player gets. I feel that the map has a few sections with nearly no feedback at all.
You could use the whistles to reflect the main melody/vocals for example.
maybe make the spinner at the end of each diff end on the blue tick? I can understand that why it's on 1/16, but i think 1/4 makes a bit more sense as that's the tick where the sound ends completely. So having it end there might be a bit more intuitive.
add volume changes throughout sections. having it 70% the entire time is ear bleeding especially in slow parts.