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some hand balance elements that can be improved :
00:27:044 (27044|4) - 00:36:644 (36644|4) - move to left-hand side
00:30:044 (30044|1) -

00:47:744 (47744|4) - change ln to note, quite crowded on right hand
01:20:444 (80444|4,80744|4,81044|3) - nudge to left by one column (4 4 3)
01:34:844 (94844|4,94844|5,97244|4,97244|5) - nudge to right by one column (67)

02:09:644 (129644|6) - remove, add break also avoid that 1/1 anchor after the long chains of 1/1 double

02:40:844 (160844|0) - highly recommend a much visually readable & more hand-balance friendly stairs like

i think you can apply similar idea to 4K EZ, esp. with the lowered numbers of notes


all applied
I also applied 2nd (00:47:744 - ), 3rd (02:09:644 - )suggestion on 4k, others are kept the same

Marked as resolved by Umo-