wait oops one last thing
change Virtual to Live > Virtual to LIVE for consistency with other ranked mapset https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1024346#osu/2142659
your current mp3 is higher bitrate than what is allowed according to ranking criteria, spek shows the current mp3 is 256kbps which is probably an upscale from what youtube has
i re-downloaded and converted the mp3 to rankable quality, if you are going to use this mp3 please double-check the offset
Romanized artist field should use commas to separate the names, so instead of
"Lize Helesta Ange Katrina Inui Toko"
it should be
"Lize Helesta, Ange Katrina, Inui Toko"
double check tags, should be consistent across all diffs (keep in mind spaces are used to separate tags)
Source field should be blank, it is usually used for media/games the song comes from.
にじさんじ is just the name of the group, it is not a media or game. Can move にじさんじ to tags.