Why are all these timestamps overmapped?
00:01:424 (8) -
00:02:814 (7) -
00:04:603 (8) -
00:09:172 (8) -
00:12:351 (9) -
I saw some of the responses and you seem to want to overmap some rhythms to indicate higher intensity and higher emphasis, but then, it doesn't make sense when you consider 00:01:424 (8) and 00:04:603 (8).
03:55:113 (1,2,3) - Offset the stack's position a little bit for the follow point to be parallel with (1)'s body.
01:46:651 (2) - moving it a bit to go along with the stack would look better: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16109391/1820
00:21:267 (1) - I would change the first 3 notes to Soft sampleset to highlight the drum's triplet that follows it.
03:32:036 (3,4) - I would stack (4) under (3)'s end, because right now, it's very easy to read (3) as a 3/4 slider and (3,4) as a 1/4 beat gap.
01:09:152 (4,5,6) - The triangle isn't perfectly equilateral here. To fix it, use guidance circles and the copy, paste, rotate shortcuts.
00:12:613 (2,3,1) - With my headset, I can't hear percussions on (3) regardless of the playback speed, so I wouldn't overmap it considering you're ignoring the accessory percussions on the reverse sliders that precede it.
00:09:728 (1) - The map doesn't seem to take advantage of unintuitive slider movements, so I would Ctrl+G this one.