Artist: ReoNa
Romanised ReoNa
Title: Untitled world
Romanised Title: Untitled world
Source: 明日方舟
Suggested Tags: mobile rui 毛蟹 fade レオナ xandit -careless- kal'tsit amiya ch'en arknights アークナイツ jrock j-rock rock japanese video game jpop j-pop pop yostar hypergryph a-1 anniversary full version kegani (LIVE LAB.) Shota Horie Kayoko Kusano theme song
Screenshots: n/a
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
wtf it astronicotine because your maps are addictive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is an actual good map, i really give props on how you repetitively made the beginning as for every difficulty u made it as.
00:00:333 (1) - Lower the volume of the intro and consider using the soft sampleset. Currently it's very loud here.
Some hitsounding stuff -
I don't like your normal-hitclap that much personally. It just doesn't really have an oomph to it and I don't hear it all to well when playing. It's either too quiet or honestly just a weak clap for this song.
00:15:816 (1) - i don't think this was meant to have a sliderslide, same w/ 01:33:236 (1) -
01:02:913 (3) - Missing sliderslide
02:52:026 - silence slidertail