mapped by MyAngelMegu
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 21 January 2021 so it was graveyarded...
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Overall map lacks aesthetics and flow imo.

A lot of sections like 00:52:554 (1,2,3,4) - Feels a bit out of place. In the sense that it plays rather comfortable in a kiai section when in contrast your less intense parts are all mapped with sharper corners.

Aesthetics wise. A lot of sliders seem randomly angled on similar sounds. So there is no real cohesion there.
A lot missed opportunities of stacking overlapping objects that are fading out.

  • Would recommend being consistent with how you angle your sliders.
  • Find fading objects and stack objects that are currently in your measure to stack them on top of each other. (makes your map look less cluttered)
  • Really try stick to 1 or 2 types of flow through out the whole map (I see a lot of circular flow and sharper directions all randomly placed just in specific sections. The for instance is filled with circular and sharp flows)

GL o/


pretty sure most of this already changed



Marked as resolved by MyAngelMegu

Rhythm and contrast both could use some work here:

00:03:182 - 00:05:925 there's plenty of exciting stuff going on in the music with this strong intro but the fact that you've covered all that with just 1/2 sliders (with low-ish spacing no less) just makes the section feel real underwhelming. (that's not to mention that slider leniency reduces the difficulty of this section by a lot as well, which i don't think is that appropriate)

I'd suggest adding some more active notes like replacing 00:04:211 (4) with 2 circles and same with 00:05:239 (3) to spice up the rhythm here and bring up the difficulty to match the song's intensity a bit more. (also maybe buff the spacing there a bit).
This would also boost contrast with the calmer section coming a bit later

00:08:668 - 00:13:468 is quite a bit calmer than the section before it, yet your overall spacing doesn't really change that much to reflect this. Along with an sv that doesn't change at all and not much change in the actively clicked rhythm density, this hurts the contrast somewhat.

I recommend nerfing the overall spacing in this section and lowering the sv as well.

00:14:154 - 00:19:297 feels pretty bland in terms of rhythm since all there is here is pretty much 1/2 sliders despite the fact that the rhythm in the vocals is quite dynamic.

All the clicking is also done on beat, so playing through this part just feels like tapping metronome to the beat instead of playing to the song.

I suggest varying the rhythms a bit more around the vocals. Here's an example:
for stuff like 00:14:154 (1,2,3,4) - try something like or (time is 00:14:154 in screenshots)
this rhythm adds some more clickable stuff and makes the rhythm more dynamic.

I would also recommend lowering sv by a bit for 00:14:154 - 00:23:754 to provide better pacing contrast with the more intense section right after.

For 00:25:125 - 00:30:611 could also use some work as the rhythms feel a bit too much like drum filler (a lot of red tick emphasis potential being missed out too).

Considering that in large sections of the map later on you still prioritize vocals the most, this section feels like it takes away from that concept too much.

For stuff like 00:25:811 (1,2,3,1,2) - try smth like (time is 00:25:811 - in screenshot). This changes the rhythm a bit to follow the vocals and instrumentals a bit more

For 00:28:725 (3,4,1) - try smth like (time is 00:28:725 in screenshot). This also follows vocals a bit more closely and doesn't completely gloss over 00:29:068 like your original rhythm does.

These rhythms still allow you to map the drums, just not as the most important layer.

00:36:097 - 00:41:582 suffers from a similar issues as previous.

For 00:36:782 (2) could prolly change to 2 circles since there's such an obvious 1/2 rhythm in the vocals in the form of hard syllables. Just makes more sense to me for that bit to be clicked.

00:37:640 (1,2,3,1,2) - maybe try smth like (time is 00:37:640 in screenshot). This makes for a more intuitive rhythm that feels more connected to the song imo.

00:40:211 (1,2,3,4,1) - maybe try smth like (time is 00:40:211 in screenshot) so that the vocal note on 00:40:211 gets better emphasis in the form of a slider and the rest integrates nicely with how the drums do a neat fill here.

This section would also benefit from having its sv reduced a bit since there isn't that great of a pacing increase from the previous section (if anything, i think it should be lower in this section than previous).

I think the sv for 00:41:582 - 00:46:897 should be lowered to match that of 00:25:125 - 00:35:925 since intensity/pacing wise these two sections are virtually the same.

The kiai could have its overall spacing buffed to stand out more from the previous sections and make it clear that this is the climax part of the song. In addition, slider spacing in particular should be buffed more than the rest since sliders are real lenient in this game.

This causes stuff like 00:58:040 (1,2), 00:59:412 (1,2,3,4), etc to feel kinda weak in comparison to jump patterns despite the fact that those sliders are still representing strong sounds that deserve good emphasis.

There also seems to be some 1/4 percussion stuff in the music that was missed. I think mapping a few more of those at least could benefit this section by having more variation and making this section more intense overall. It's kinda hard to hear due to the audio quality but here's some examples:

stuff like 00:53:068 (4): can prolly make this a 1/4 triple instead since there seems to be 1/4 drums there and this is a pretty intuitive spot for a burst like this.

stuff like 00:57:182 (3): try smth like (time is 00:57:182 in screenshot) again to get that 1/4 in the percussion in a spot where it's intuitive to do so.

For 01:01:640 (3,4,5) try smth like (time is 01:01:640 in screenshot) similar reasons as previous, except now there's a bit fill coming up so having that 1/4 slider acts as a bit of a buildup.

If 1/4s are added, be sure to make changes to the hs to reflect it properly


changed most of these things. I had a list, but clicked on one of the screenshots which closed the osu site and everything i wrote in detail got deleted.
basically please dont mod like this, just put it in timeline for the sake of my sanity
short version:
-spacing in the opening is fine, im not increasing it, changed one slider to notes tho

-lowered spacing in the next section

-rhythm is mapped on the drums, as soon as drums pick up pace again so does the mapping

-slider fillers only happen when theres no drum on red tick, other sounds on red tick are mapped so this should be fine

-kiai is getting adressed

-other stuff changed from timeline mods already


Needs to work on structure. Rhythm looks random at verses but is fine at other sections 00:13:950 - this section changes rhythm patterns midway even though nothing changed, 00:27:268 - this section's rhythm is pretty much all over the place as you don't really know what's being followed.
Patterns and aesthetics also take a hit as there's not much consistency with rhythm choice.
Flow is also pretty much random, especially at the kiai, 00:52:554 (1,2,3,4) - 00:53:925 (1,2,3,4) - at the 1st half you have some wide-angle jumps but at the 2nd half you have sharp angles 01:04:897 (1,2,3,4) -. You use sharp angles to emphasize this vocals 00:55:297 (1,2,3,4,5) - but then at the 2nd half you use 01:06:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - wide-angles to map it.
I suggest consistently using sharp angles and using wide-angles for emphasis.


00:14:154 (1) - not sure what rhythm change you hear here, i hear a drum on every white tick and thats exactly what i mapped in these 5 seconds
00:26:497 (1) - drums...
yes, the kiai needs some work for sure


There are no hitsounds in this difficulty, this violates the ranking criteria.


on a side note, please refer to #1697663



Marked as resolved by MyAngelMegu

Title and artist are wrong, check them properly.


Same goes to tags.


oof, looks like the japanese characters got messed up. fixed and thanks for pointing it out!

Marked as resolved by MyAngelMegu

This diff has no combo colors, since hoster's diff have them, please put them also in GDer diff.



Marked as resolved by MyAngelMegu