Hey wanted to share some of my thoughts on some patterns. Felt like some stuff was maybe a bit too difficult to read for beginners.
It's mainly regarding the way you ''path'' some of your combos.
For instance:
Here are some more instances where stuff can be miss read.
2nd kiai has similar questionable stuff.
Hope this can help :D
01:09:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You could gradually lower distance snap of the bursts in here since the toms are lowering in octave.
So give 01:09:126 (1,2,3,4) - more DS (distance snap)
01:09:507 (5,6,7,) Lower DS
01:09:793 (8,9,1) Super low DS
Would transition nicely into the stream here because it emphasizes a new section of the song.
01:01:983 (1,2,3) - I feel like you can be more creative with 01:01:983 (1,2,3) - There are deep guitar sounds playing on these so turning them into sliders and giving them a cool pattern represents them a bit better than just a stack which feels lackluster imo.
Be careful how you space these 01:26:269 (1,2,3) - in relation with 01:26:840 (4) -
The gap to 3 -> 4 is 1/1 yet spacing is similar and sometimes bigger with 1/2 gaps 01:26:269 (1,2,3) -
So it would be difficult for the player to read and can be confused what to tap 1/1 and what to tap 1/2
In this case nerf spacing of 01:26:269 (1,2) -
Do check with all the other similar parts of the map if you got all of this consistent
I think in general through out the song, you want to highlight the background vocals with your stream bends.
It doesn't make whole lot of sense to bend your stream here 00:21:412 (1) - It's not intuitive for a player to bend their cursor on random sounds. The background vocal through out the song (for instance the one that is playing on here 00:21:221 (5) - ) is a better audible queue to move your cursor.
So In the future try to look for elements in the song to use as a way to bend your streams. In this case the background vocal is nice. But you can also use kicks or changes in guitar (00:27:698 (1) - 00:28:269 (1) - 00:28:840 (1) - You do that here really well)
Also would like to add that not EVERY stream has to bend. Just be consistent
00:08:322 (3,4,5,6) - These drums become louder/come more forward than 00:07:750 (1,2) - yet everything is stacked.
Which doesn't emphasize the louder drums in the song too well.
Would recommend doing something else with 00:08:322 (3,4,5,6) - like a tiny jump pattern or separating the stack like so https://prnt.sc/vaaPwsuNfAms
01:03:167 (1) - until 01:20:613 (3) - It stood out that the right side of the area is being used 80% of the time. Which feels rather bland.
You could flow 01:10:912 (3) - 01:11:319 (2) - upwards to top left since tons of space there. This way you can fill up the playfield a lil bit more
just for reference: https://prnt.sc/Z2zzYwR8oNvA
01:59:782 (2,3,4) - afaik this is the only 1/2 triple stack in this section and it isn't introduced anywhere else. Which I feel could be misread as a triple like these 01:52:666 (5,6,1) - 02:01:596 (5,6,1) - since the ds is so similar.
So you could turn these 01:59:643 (1,2,3,4) - into doubles or atleast split them apart in a different way
04:06:565 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm feels like it isn't following anything. I thought at first that it was following the background guitar instead of the main guitar. But it isn't following neither. Then these 04:07:862 (1,2,3) - follow main guitar
So would suggest following main guitar like so: https://prnt.sc/dxBWd5g-H4NN
or even do it like you did here 01:38:025 (1,2,3) - which is also cool and probably makes more sense than what I suggested above for difficulty sake
02:01:511 (1,1,1) - yeah also this. just a stack of 3 notes doesn't really fit because again it's kind of like a climax
00:54:360 (4,5,6) - is a bit better. But would space out a bit more. Or even give both this and mod above ^^^^^ more SV to contrast better with non kiai sections
00:21:203 (3) - also
Find where applicable, because there are more tom drums like these later on in song