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I came here because there seems to be a little problem with the use of mp3.
If you check the sound quality of mp3 using Spectro, you will see a cutoff like this.
Cut-off at 11kHz = Bitrate of 64 kbps.
Cut-off at 16 kHz = Bitrate of 128 kbps.
Cut-off at 19 kHz = Bitrate of 192 kbps.
Cut-off at 20 kHz = Bitrate of 320 kbps.
Cut-off at 22 kHz = Bitrate of 500 kbps.
When checking the 192kbps ranked map:
When you check the audio of your map:
As of now, it violates the RC rule (128kbps sound quality is used for 192kps files). The solution is to find the one that fits the mp3 192kbps or lower the existing mp3 to 128kbps.
I suggest changing to a 128kbps file first.
mp3 suggest: offset = keep
I hope my suggestion helps , Strangely, the pm is not sent, just neglecting you.
Hi and thanks for responding to my BN check request!
I used the above-mentioned Spectro program and the sound quality problem is indeed present upon checking the main audio file. Now the suggested 128kbps mp3 is applied as the main audio.
This suggestion certainly helped me learnt how to check for the sound quality and its audio cut-off (to reduce the beatmap file size while keeping the main audio quality). Thank you so much for taking your time here ^_^
When I was reading the RC I came across this guideline:
"Avoid replacing the hit finish in soft/normal samplesets with frequently used custom hitsound samples. Using these finishes to represent snare/bass drums or a song's melody can sound obnoxious for anyone disabling beatmap hitsounds. Replacing hit whistles/claps is recommended because those samples are used more often. osu!taiko beatmaps are exempt from this guideline and have their own mode-specific hitsound sample guideline."
I think I need to do something about it...
normal-hitnormal.wav --> soft-hitnormal.wav
normal-hitfinish.wav --> soft-hitwhistle.wav
normal-hitclap.wav --> soft-hitclap.wav
normal-hitwhistle.wav --> hihat.wav
LR_CymbalG --> soft-hitfinish.wav
This requires re-dl since the audio file has been changed ;_;
(Listing the changes I made)
UH OH, I used .ogg file to conserve the file size without realising it's unrankable...
The RC being referred to is outdated. Current version of the revelant entry is as follows:
Active hitsounds must use the .wav or .ogg file formats. .mp3 files have slight delays, and therefore are reserved only for longer passive hitsounds, such as ambient noises.
whick clearly states that ogg is rankable used as hitsounds.
??!!! ehh that's true.
"Active hitsounds must use the .wav or .ogg file formats. .mp3 files have slight delays, and therefore are reserved only for longer passive hitsounds, such as ambient noises."
I thought there an ongoing proposal about this issue. (but it's actually about using .ogg as the main audio source) (
While there's actually an older thread allowing .ogg as hitsound
Fortunately I have the old version I can revert back into lol.
Since RC allows .ogg as hitsound I will be reverting back to .ogg hitsound to reduce the file size
following this bm from you request this map for mod that day, and some of member modded it. and still watching the progress >.>
seriously thank you for creating that modding queue, onii_ue and Stelar have been incredibly helpful in correcting the mistakes I've made in this map
Sure, no objection here. (however it caused an AiMod warning where "More than 1/3 of the map is Kiai time. Consider reducing this.", I guess it's not really rule breaking
I think I'll take some the relevant tags from this ranked mapset (, since this is also a nanawo akari song covered by another hololive member
Before: hololive vtuber virtual youtuber McEndu nanawo akari cover peko
After: ホロライブ hololive vtuber virtual youtuber ナナヲアカリ nanawo akari nayutalien nayuta seijin cover McEndu peko
Thanks, but I guess I'll play it safer by finding more mods on the lower difficulties first @@