Also if you guys don't want to fixed some of those mods just poke me, there are literally datas in the previous position without changing.
Such a good song and really fun beatmap. I want this beatmap to get ranked
bloated mp3 file (128kb/s to 192kb/s)
use please this mp3
offset should be 285 (just make -1214ms for all map)
old mp3 spec -
new mp3 spec -
I love this mapset so much. my only issue with it is at the end, that hitsound on the objects is e x t r e m e l y loud, maybe make the sound quieter? other than that this is an amazing mapset, keep up the great work!
I don't know what should I change to, but the hitsounds at the very end is too loud, and I'm not comparing to the whole map. Change it to something lighter will better for the transistion, or an easier solution is to just increase the hitsound volume from 50% to 100% smoothly
I think it's fine. Abrupted ending will represent the song better that way considering the context
I would have post this in Timeline if it only happens in one or two diffs, but seems like it happens to a lot of diffs. This includes: SZeraora's Extra; Reina's Stitches Extra; Hausen's Expert; Insane; Extra; BeGinNer's Another.
The part from 02:09:448 - to 02:10:624 - are not continuously 1/4 notes. If you hear it carefully, there are only 3 notes in snap 1, 3 and 4 (1/4 snap). All the diffs that have this error are all Insane or higher, so simplify them are not a good way at all...
I think this explains it all:
Marking for resolved for now
your bg in top diff is very good, but it seems to me that there is not enough contrast, I decided to diversify a little and I did it in fact, I could do a lot and work on your work for a long time, but this is quite enough in my opinion. If you do not like it, you can not put this BG, your work just gave me fantasy and I decided to process it
Reminder to change the letter "m" in "Remia_Xenophere" to "n" when I can access to my PC again.
I suck at typing confirmed.
This is another set sadly ;-; still hope WelkinTheWolf to bring it back tho ;w;
I hate this song with a passion but the map itself is okay. Only modded things I found using modding tools because I couldn't be bothered to put effort. Good luck
Honestly I don't even expect you to mod this also because of the song lul, but thanks!