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This beatmap was ranked on 22 August 2024!
nominated by wafer and Ryuusei Aika
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I wonder if this kind of map really suitable for ranked section becasue from what I see nothing other than rhythm in Lunatic and top diff is really representing the song when everything are going same direction and having same spacing.

While I can understand the concept behind the map and some people might like it but as Ephemera said in 1334617#2081343/5787409 I believe loved is a more suitable place for this kind of map?


is the only determining difference between ranked and loved the quantity of the means of representation


sorry but how can you say you understand the concept of the diff where you literally only understand the "rhythm" aspect you mentioned in the first paragraph when clearly there is more to it


can the mapper please explain the concept to me (and many other curious souls) besides the fact the map is shaped as an octagon?

a poem that nobody can understand isn't really much of a poem


Honestly, gameplay wise the top three diffs here are closer to the loved chaoz fantasy mapset or the high effort stream practice maps, than to the other ranked maps. Circles represent some sounds in the song, I guess? Unfortunately, it's where the song representation ends. Even making the troll illogical direction changes (as Mismagius suggested) would do it way better.

Normal and hard diffs are cool tho


Mapper intention is quite obvious which is mapping a rhythm-memorizing diff. I would be more focusing on whether if this concept suitable for ranking. Song expression is a problem, as there is no changes representing the song. Mapping is supposed to map according to the song, not placing rhythm that every song could do. I am not willing to see every single map in ranked is placing rhythm with same patterning concept as this map, and becoming a trend in the future.

-> Imagine this map is ranked, why not hitsound diff as well.

It worth a veto imo, as this is debatable.


Agreed with Kyle, the mapper intention is obvious to me as well but the BNs that are pushing this keep talking about the "concept" of this map as if it's a deep concept that once understood, will the intention of the mapper then become intuitive and provide an ideal player experience.

Which I'm willing to call BS.

This map is no more than a lazy attempt at making a "concept" and disrupting the quality of the ranked section just for the sake of it. If the mapper wants to come out and change my mind, please feel free, otherwise me - and hundreds of thousands of people who will end up playing this map in the future if it does get ranked will be dumbfounded at why this was allowed to be ranked.

For this map to be ranked is to let this map set a precedent for what is allowed/suitable to be ranked in the future.

Meanwhile, I can get behind this map being sent to the Loved Project as I'm sure there are players willing to compete against others on a leaderboard for a map like this.


lol this mapset has more thought put into it than the 20 harumachi clover sets theres already plenty of precedent


explain why is this low quality with a reason that isn't 'lazy'. the effort (whether high nor low) put in a map should not relate to how it is being appreciated.


literally no one here saying the map is low effort or anything so maybe it’s just your thoughts

Marked as resolved by Saggin


Reopened by Saggin

Is this map an out of season April Fool's joke?


Good points being brought up all around, the concept is based around the source game behind this song, syobon action. It's based on super mario but everything about the level kills you inexplicably, and you basically learn it through trial and error. A lot of people played this game in their earlier internet days and this map is basically dedicated to producing a similar experience.

I'm sacrificing a bit of song representation here to get the gameplay experience to exactly where I want it, but doing this is nothing new. Mappers overmap doubles into triples and simplify rhythm all the time in order to make it easy to play; i'm just making it harder instead as a design choice.

There's been a lot of thought and discussions with many people put into how to make this map approachable, showy, exciting, and not too unfair while still retaining the core experience, so please don't overlook that and say "this is just a hitsound diff".

As for loved vs. ranked, I don't really see maps as "belonging" to either loved or ranked, it's just a matter of whether mappers are willing to put in the effort to make a spread, conform to the rules, and push it through the process.

Ephemeral's reply also doesn't completely apply as this isn't something that looks like it was fished out of the past, we have had many gimmick maps that have separately explored placement limitation (ash like snow, cross time, unbreakable), rhythm challenges (beat cannon, luvoratory, faithlessness, etc.) and this is just putting all those concepts together


i agree with your loved vs ranked points, and i could care less about object position IF it followed the music properly

halfway through the map it just seems like you're mapping a different song under an odd gimmick, if i were you i'd pick one or the other since one on itself already makes an odd gimmick so combining two just makes it a mess

also i feel like the rhythm from the beginning is already pretty challenging? i don't rlly see why you went out of your way to just completely destroy the flow of the map by adding weirder filler rhythms and even ignoring some that you've established previously

imo this isn't lazy, this is just executed poorly


halfway through the map it just seems like you're mapping a different song under an odd gimmick, if i were you i'd pick one or the other since one on itself already makes an odd gimmick so combining two just makes it a mess

What changes are you talking about halfway through the map that isn't supported by the big intensity change? The song gets more active so I want to increase the density of the rhythms. What two different gimmicks are you suggesting that I'm mixing?

Also remember that different rhythms are there to contribute to the difficulty of memorization. The fact that they're using different rhythms is a design choice, not an oversight

If you have particular suggestions that can improve the execution without taking away from the main goal, please let me know


this mapping style can be problematic enough. however, there are precedents for similar cases like "ash like snow", and this map has its own nice features for each difficulty. but i think the similarities between lunatic and last can be problematic enough tbh owo;;;;;;;;;;;;;

just don't think the Lunatic difficulty is really necessary. other than that, it was really unique and amazing


lunatic has to exist between insane and top diff cus spread gap was too sus befroe


i think having it is better than not having it but its kinda sus when u see ryuusei aikas ruboratorrrrrrrrrry 0000difficulty howver is it k there r different extra difficulties on the set?

ofc its not wrong to add lunatic for making spread perfectly but yeah i just wrote cuz i thought it wud be k without n couldnt find any difference except stacked 5 of notes stream tbh

but since ive already heard enough opinions from the mapset owner so i wont be posting my opinions here any more. it was an understandable reason, and i want to ganbarre for this mapset


I'm sacrificing a bit of song representation here to get the gameplay experience to exactly where I want it

we have had many gimmick maps that have separately explored placement limitation (ash like snow, cross time, unbreakable), rhythm challenges (beat cannon, luvoratory, faithlessness, etc.) and this is just putting all those concepts together

I cant agree that the maps you mentioning here are really similar with this one because apparently those map are still somehow mapping to the song and emphasizing stuff by having different spacing/pattern, but in this map it doesnt seems you just sacrisfied "a bit" but more like "all" song representation just to keep the circle pattern going, the pattern have literally nothing to do with the song and the concept here does not justify the fact that the pattern have nothing related to the song at all


tbh i think that just making a new filler rhythm like every few signatures or so to make it progressively more difficult would be better than just going buck wild with the rhythm and doing whatever


honestly i have no idea why even discuss such obvious things like apparently nowdays "concept" is (or what allows you) to map entire set within an hour completely ignoring everything else.
Concepts should be a valid excuse only in cases when they are not sacrificing like 99% of how normal map looks like.
and btw have no idea why even talk about other maps when it was never a good practive to take older things into consideration when discussing things
Also im quite scared of 37% voted for this being ok as ranked map


superseded by #3733444

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