mp3 quality
spectro =
hs delay
Since the noise hs keeps the back part too long without any noise, I would recommend cutting the back part slightly.
my suggest:
video game instrumental BMS RIP G2R2018 -GO BACK 2 YOUR ROOTS 2018 climax- 旅立った彼女へ Her requiem えいか eicaTV シ 死 hrchem TOHRU MiTSUHASHi Ticle _Asha
I don't think there is a big problem in other parts, but I personally recommend adding'electronic' as it is included in the genre.
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
01:20:065 (80065|3) - for future 2nd nominator, just pointing out the preview time might need to be resnapped to here, it hasn't re-snapped after mp3 change
also while it seems make sense to leave 00:19:440 - 01:59:440 - 1/8 notes not hitsounded, i feel you can either way add kick.wav to these hitsound, 25% would be enough it won't be too loud
main spread concerns here
(00:18:815 - // 01:58:815 - // 02:19:440 - )
7K NM / HD
00:18:815 -
02:18:815 -
I know what long notes simplifying but that used snapping looks not reasonable, simply. If you want to keep 1/4 snapping on hard, you should build-up 1/2 on normal. then it will make more sense.
4K HD / INS / EX
It's keeping their concept as guest difficulty but I think it needs to be reconsidered between them.
**since It's a part of my concerns so I haven't mentioned all here.
therefore you need to check all difficulties from that three points (00:18:815 - // 01:58:815 - // 02:19:440 - )
so yeah think about that whether they are providing a reasonably build-up for the next difficulty snapping.
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
kobii is a noob
make sure to include 'electronic' and 'other' to tags since its required by RC please.
I changed it, but other ranked map( has these tags(video game/ instrumental). which is right?
it's really up to you honestly and as long as it makes sense. I would say that the video game/ instrumental option is the best option imo here since it originated and was made for a video game but you could do electronic/instrumental too if you see it that way as well.
Mod by Ikikaera:
Hey, this set has the exact same issue as recently ranked set (875415#1246149)
Please use this MP3:
Try to reduce the size of this 2 hitsound files:
Also, do you have a plan to add 4K Beginner? It seems unbalanced when you have 7K Beginner without 4K Beginner