
Edward Maya feat. Vika Jigulina - Stereo Love

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Topic Starter
Barney Stinson
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domenica 6 novembre 2011 at 02:29:47

Artist: Edward Maya feat. Vika Jigulina
Title: Stereo Love
Tags: Lolicore Flandre NeoRainier HellDawn
BPM: 127
Filesize: 8853kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. HellDawn's Easy (0,64 stars, 135 notes)
  2. Insane (4,94 stars, 534 notes)
  3. LoliFlan's Hard (4,84 stars, 416 notes)
  4. Neo's Taiko (4,83 stars, 732 notes)
  5. Normal (2,91 stars, 239 notes)
Download: Edward Maya feat. Vika Jigulina - Stereo Love
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
That's my first serious maps. Thanks to HakuNoKaemi, MathiasXII for mp3 file, Lolicore Flandre for guest diff, lighting effect, cursor trail and bg colors, Vivere for SB, Neo Rainier for Taiko Diff, HellDawn for easy diff, -Sekai- for Taiko BG and all the people who modded my map. Full uploaded. Causes: Changed name and done some mistakes. Hope I fixed all

Please, Re-Dwnl if u download before 18/10, Thank u all <3
IRC Modded :D
I did an IRC mod of this map.
Tested in taiko, lots of speed ups/slow down, but still enjoyable.
Also, good timing.
Star *
Nice one :)
viva la patata u.u...
Normal & Insane

Song Setup -> Audio -> Music Track: Lead-in (Seconds) 3

Piccolo suggerimento per la Insane
Sposta l'AR a 8

la vedo meglio con Circle Size 4 (questo dipende da te)

i primi 2 suggerimenti ti consiglio di applicarli
quando ho più tempo la guardo meglio

Star~ 8-)
star ~
Bella ale! :)
Star ó.ò
Bella ale, star :3
Piccolo Check via IRC :3
Komeiji Yuki
star :3
Irc Mod & Star★
starrrrr :lol: :lol: :lol:
General -
Background Image? Or is it just me who doesn't see it :?

Normal -
Fixed some spacing errors, attatching file lol
00:06:663 - Weird Slider o uo Concider change? lol
00:28:159 - Slider speed up? :? Stick with the previous slider at 26's speed lol XD

Insane -
I am really lazy so I will just send you osu file too. = w=
Fixed: Some hitsounds and spacing. Combos

Sent you big osz file lol XD

Star :3
Okay , General : seemed good , Nice sound
In game Modding ,Kudosu award pls
good luck ! Star ~
This is it.


Relax men! <3
Nothing to do here


00.22.254 - (2) Remove
01.04.301 - (9) Remove

Nothing more.

General: Maybe, you should think in insert more breaktimes on the map... anyway, great job! n.n

Black Star.-

*Molti BATs faranno storie per la tua Normal: ha uno star rating di 3.74, mentre le guidelines suggeriscono uno star rating inferiore di 3. Nel successivo modding vedrai perchè ha uno star rating così alto.
*Ottimizza l'offset: 528, poi Resnappa tutte le note (Timing > Resnap All Notes)
*Elimina il countdown nella scheda Song Setup > Advanced e togli la spunta a "Enable countdown"


Snappa bene la fine degli sliders (si sarà modificata con un cambio di BPM) selezionando l'opzione su Timing > Recalculate Slider Lenghts

Non c'è nulla di unrankabile, adesso come adesso andrebbe bene. L'unico problema è proprio la sua difficoltà XD
La ragione principale per la quale ha uno star rating così alto è dovuta alla presenza di patterns ostici come questi:

01:13:986 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7); 01:45:876 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); 02:02:411 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4); 02:24:380 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) che sono proprio adatti ad una Hard piuttosto che ad una Normal (che poi dovrebbe essere la diff più facile della mappa)

Inoltre il tempo di recupero tra uno spinner ed il prossimo hitobject è pressochè minimo, questo potrebbe confondere un nuovo giocatore.
Ma questo è abbastanza trascurabile perchè il BPM è relativamente basso e la Overall difficulty idem. Tuttavia penso che almeno questo dovresti fixarlo (magari facendo lo spinner più corto o posizionando i prossimi beats distanti da quest'ultimo):

01:38:317 (1,1,2,3) - Questa parte ha il 01:41:388 (1) piazzato subito 1/2 dopo uno spinner silenziato

Per il resto...non sono proprio d'accordo con sliders lenti come questo: 02:50:128 (5) - 00:26:270 (3) - [<- con questo poi successivamente crei uno slider con velocità 1x subito dopo D:] 00:51:781 (7) ...insomma la maggior parte. Ma questo non intacca particolarmente il gameplay, al massimo sono un pò improvvisi D:


Snappa bene la fine degli sliders (si sarà modificata con un cambio di BPM) selezionando l'opzione su Timing > Recalculate Slider Lenghts

00:22:018 (1) - Nuova combo random
00:37:136 (2) - Me lo sarei aspettato 1/2 BPM più lungo, considerando che precedentemente hai seguito il ritmo in questo modo [come 00:35:246 (6) - 00:31:466 (4), magari aggiungi una slow section come hai fatto per quest'ultimo slider e poi elimina questo 00:37:608 (3) riunificando con il distance snap]
00:51:781 (2) - La velocità dimezzata è abbastanza...inaspettata DD:
01:03:592 (5,6,7,8) - Non ha senso seguire il ritmo così. Seguilo come hai fatto per 01:02:647 (1,2,3,4) no?

Stella, hai migliorato di moltissimo questa mappa
beh, mappa ( o richiedi ) una difficoltà con rating <3 se non vuoi applicare i consigli di Armin
Inoltre nella mod uso l'offset di Armin
Chiedi guest per completare la mappa ...
Mi piaceva più il wallpaper di Negima! Magister Negi Magi
per il il kiai sta da 02:31:236 a 02:59:583 ...
al limite su 02:01:000 - metti una fontana kiai... ( si mette aprendo e chiudendo dopo poco una sezione kiai )

migliora il placement della mappa... per esempio:
00:05:252 (2) - muovilo 6 quadrati (griglia 3) a sinistra e uno verso sopra per ottenere questo effetto
00:05:724 (3) - miglioralo, posiziona e fallo diventare così
00:06:669 (4) - Flip orizzontale ( Ctrl + H ) e posiziona cosi
00:11:866 (1) - Flip orizzontale ( Ctrl + H ) e posiziona per ottenere un effetto simile a 00:04:307 (1) -
00:20:842 (4) - Flip orizzontale ( Ctrl + H )
01:36:433 (4) - Semplicemente dritto no?
e così via
La parte grafica la devi migliorare tantissimo, controlla tutta la map e migliora graficamente
00:26:276 (3) - non ho capito perche l'hai rallentato...
01:45:882 (1,2) - Forse un pò difficile per una normal?
02:25:567 (1,2) - Salto? in una normal ?.? ed è pure lungo ...
01:47:772 (1,2) - ^
02:01:472 (x) - Aggiungi Nota
02:09:740 (x) - ^
02:25:094 (4) - Fallo di 1/1 ( togli il repeat e farlo allungare fino al tick bianco) l'overlap è confusivo...

prima parte ( ho deciso di dividerla in più parti o.o )
da qualche parte hai dimenticato di continuare il pattern, inoltre usa anche i Whistle e Finish ...
00:35:252 (4) - Finish all'inizio
00:37:142 (3) - ^
00:50:842 (5) - Clap
00:51:787 (7) - Clap
02:01:000 (1) - Finish
02:09:740 (3) - Clap
02:13:283 (3) - ^
02:21:787 (2) - Clap alla fine
02:25:094 (4) - Clap all'inizio
02:26:984 (6) - Clap
02:31:945 (1) - Whistle
02:33:126 (5) - Finish
02:34:071 (2) - Whistle
02:35:016 (5) - Finish
02:35:488 (1) - Sliderslide whistle ( sopra, non all'inizio o alla fine )
02:37:850 (1) - Whistle
02:38:323 (2) - Clap
02:38:795 (3) - Finish
02:39:740 (1) - Whistle
02:40:213 (2) - Clap
02:40:685 (3) - Finish
02:41:630 (2) - Clap
02:42:575 (4) - Finish
02:43:047 (1) - Whistle
02:44:465 (4) - Finish
02:45:173 (1) - Sliderslide whistle ( sopra, non all'inizio o alla fine )
02:46:354 (4) - Metti un Finish a posto del Clap
02:47:299 (2) - Whistle
02:48:244 (5) - Metti un Finish a posto del Clap
02:49:189 (2) - Whistle
02:50:134 (5) - Whistle ( Sliderslide+inizio+fine )
02:52:024 (3) - Finish
02:52:732 (1) - Whistle
02:53:441 (4) - ^
02:53:913 (5) - Togli Clap e metti Finish
02:54:622 (1) - Whistle
02:55:331 (4) - ^
02:56:512 (1) - Aggiungi whistle di sopra, poi cliccka la fine e metti un clap invece del whistle
02:57:693 (5) - Finish
02:58:165 (6) - Whistle
02:56:984 (x) - Aggiungi nota
02:57:457 (x) - ^ con Whistle sopra
02:58:165 (6) - New Combo
02:58:638 (3,4) - Falli divenbtare uno slider con Clap ad inizio e fine?
02:58:402 (x) - Aggiungi nota
boost the volume of normal-hitsound sections to ~70%, it's just wrong that the soft sections are louder than the normal ones
1:13:986 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern starts a bit too far, in comparison with that previous slider's end.
1:28:396 (1) - delete new combo
1:44:695 (1) - ^
2:50:128 (5) - inconsistent spacing, it's placed way off too far.

0:05:010 (4) - a grid higher, looks a bit better
0:05:955 (1), 0:06:427 (1), 0:06:899 (1) - people don't really like this kind of new combo usage
0:13:514 (1), 0:13:986 (1), 0:14:459 (1) - ^
1:07:844 (10) - move it a bit higher? this jumps doesn't fit at all
1:19:892 (1) - one grid to the right, so it's consistent with the rest of the pattern.
1:46:230 (1) - it's starting the pattern on 1/4 tick, so... delete that note?
1:50:600 (2,3,4,5,6) - overmapped, you can find a better solution
2:07:136 (7) - maybe stack it with previous slider's end? also, don't forget to move (8) a bit to the right, to keep the consistency.
2:26:033 (1), 2:26:506 (1), 2:26:978 (1) - once again, nonsense new combos.
2:51:781 (10) - i don't even know what should i say... this is just wrong. most likely you've messed up something with the timing sections.


some suggestions


you wallpaper is 1228x768 that is unrank just make 1024x768 that is most better


00:20:836 (4,6) - <- I not like this overlap maybe change this ?
00:21:781 (1) - New combo?
00:50:364 (4) - bad slider maybe this ? If you change this try fix spacing at 00:50:836 (5) or stack with end slider 00:50:364
01:09:262 (1) - at start slider sound whistle is not fit this song IMO
01:21:073 (1) - New combo?
01:21:073 (1,2,3) - Maybe this ?
01:36:427 (4) - weird slider try make better
02:05:718 (3,4) - Stack weird
02:08:553 (1) - Remove new combo and Spacing with 02:09:262 (1)
02:16:112 (7) - Remove new combo
02:15:640 (6,1,1) - Spacing
02:16:821 (1) - bad allign


02:42:096 (3) - maybe this ?

that all :( i can't give star because i aldready :( but i don't care kudosu star so STAR !

well good luck

00:03:835 - No reason to keep this inheriting section. Delete it.
00:10:921 - ^
00:18:953 - ^ Same here. You shouldn't put one in that is the same as the previous one.
01:02:417 (4) - Add clap?
02:14:228 (5,6) - This shouldn't be touching the health bar.
02:16:118 (7) - New combo?
02:50:134 (5) - This is too far from the previous note.

Same problem with inheriting sections on Normal.
00:55:094 (7) - Add new combo
00:55:803 (1) - Remove this new combo

I think you've got potential.
• Lead-in: 2500 could be better
• Not going to use custom colours?
Not important, just might improve the look.

• AR -1?

00:35:252 (6) - Not going to do the same as the others in the section? eg. 00:33:362 (6)
01:52:378 (4) - No Whistle
01:52:496 (5) - Whistle
01:53:913 (1) - ^?
01:55:331 (7) - ^?

Wow, nice mapping! Star!
"Each mapset must have at least two osu!standard difficulties, one of which must be below a 3-star difficulty level."
Normal is above 3 star, and therefore you will need an easy difficulty to get this ranked.
"Difficulties of a mapset must be in a consecutive order. ... A gap in difficulties (e.g. Easy-Normal-Insane) will not be allowed."
Going by this, you will also need a Hard.

Can't really point out anything that's wrong besides the timing points..

Pointless timing points:

00:06:669 (4) this slider isn't symmetric, and I can't tell if you meant to do that.
00:13:756 (4) move up 1 on the grid
00:14:228 (5) move right 1 on the grid
00:27:693 (1) move left 1 on the grid
00:27:929 (2) move right 1 on the grid
00:30:055 (4) move to x=64 y=208
00:39:504 (4) move to x=328 y=112
00:47:063 (4) move to x=264 y=88
00:48:008 (2) move right 1 on the grid
00:49:661 (1) move to x=88 y=168
00:53:677 (2) move up 2 on the grid
00:55:567 (2) move to x=312 y=88
00:57:457 (2) move up 1 on the grid
00:57:693 (3) move left 1 on the grid
01:23:205 move this spinner back to 01:22:968 and extend it so it ends on the white tick.
01:45:882 move the middle slider thing up 1 right 1 on the grid
02:16:118 (1,2) Spacing
02:35:016 (5,1) Spacing
02:54:622 (1) move to x=344 y=56
02:54:858 (2) move to x=384 y=96

AR-1 Maybe?

Pointless timing points:

00:42:457 (6) move to x=424 y=112
00:42:575 (7) move to x=432 y=152
01:15:173 (8) move left 1 on the grid
01:45:764 (5) move right 1 on the grid
01:45:882 (6) move right 2 on the grid
01:46:354 (1) move to x=184 y=256 and then adjust 2-7 like this:

Topic Starter
Barney Stinson
Thank u Makar8000! Ur mod was very helpfull. Remind me to mod ur map tomorrow, now I have to go. And I ask u sorry for make u waiting!
Modirc on some confusing hitobjects on Normal, fixed something about rhythm on Hard.
Great song and map.Everything seems fine but i added a few things

-New BG image (1024x768)
-Added custom hitclap sound
-Added a default normal-hitclap with lowered sound
-adjusted the sound levels on Normal and Insane
-added blank sounds to the spinnerspin,spinnerbonus and soft-sliderslide

Hope it sounds better.Not much i can do here D:


Keep it up ;3!

Heres the modified osz -
Hi :)

- Awesome background image. Sadly, it's too good for this map as it is now, it still looks like a wip
- Also, the gap between Normal and Insane is kinda big, maybe you should map another diff between these two?
- And, well, your diffs look, uh, too random? When I play, I feels like you did the rhythm, but you didn't place the notes yet.

00:32:063 (5,1) - put (5) under the end of slider or stack (5) and (1) for a better shape
00:35:016 (5) - 5 grids left, 1 grid down. it will fix spacing and will also make it look better, i think
00:36:669 (4,1) - kinda unexpected jump here, since music is the same, but you're using different pattern this time
01:28:402 (6) - remove whistle?
02:07:142 (7) - nc? you use it later on the similar patterns
02:10:449 (7) - ^ actually, you have to decide yourself if you need nc here, but please make it a repeating pattern
02:14:701 (7) - ^ same
02:32:890 (10) - start at 02:33:126 and end at 02:33:598
02:36:433 (5) - repeat?
02:44:228 (10) - remove clap at end?
02:56:984 (3) - 5 grids left, 4 grids down. that will put it in center of the square
02:56:512 (1) - 1 or 2 grids right and also 02:57:220 (4) - 1 grid up

I'd say the spacing here is too small. I'd go with 1,0x but that's my own preference so nvm
01:38:323 (1,1) - since it's the easiest diff it your mapset, id' suggest to increase the time between spinner and circle
01:51:551 (1,2) - make one (or both) of them curved like you did before?

I guess I can give you a star, since it's playable, but this map needs more work. Good luck.
Did some IRC modding...
Change the first timing point to soft hitsounds
01:07:142 (6) - Maybe new combo?
01:14:701 (6) - ^
01:22:968 (6) - This jump doesn't feel fitting in this spot, maybe move this a bit closer to the previous note?
01:28:638 (7) - New combo
02:05:961 (5,6) - Nononono, no spacings like this~ How about something like this? Oh yeah, also new combo to 6.
02:10:449 (7) - New combo
02:13:756 (6) - ^
02:33:126 (11) - New combo and remove new combo from the next note
02:43:520 (6) - New combo
02:48:244 (8) - ^
02:48:953 (1) - Remove new combo
02:50:134 (9) - New combo

00:59:346 (1) - Just my personal opinion, but I really don't like short spinners in normal diffs.. ;u; Specially when the next note comes so quickly after the spinner ends. I'd just add a slider or something here, but I don't know, your choice.
Also, just noticed that there are quite a lot of notes appearing too quickly after spinners..
02:03:362 (6) - New combo
02:29:346 (1) - Again pretty short spinner and a note right after it. Maybe delete 02:31:236 (1) - and make the spinner end there?
02:54:858 (7) - New combo

It's nice for your first serious map. :3 Have a star~
hihi~ :)
some suggestions:

lead-in may be quite long...1.5 second is enough imo.
delete the .osb flie if you want.

you should control your combo in 3-6 for a normal imo.
00:50:606(3,4) - weird. you'd better remove (4) and make (3) repeat one more time.
00:51:787(1) - new combo doesn't make sense. try to avoid this kind of problem.
01:09:268(1,2) - not overlapped perfectly.
01:11:157(x) - add a note.
01:12:102(x) - ^
01:13:992(x) - ^
01:16:118(1) - should starts at 01:15:646.
01:34:537(T) - useless timing point.
01:41:151(T) - ^

rename to hard?
you should control your combo in 7-11 for a normal imo.

nice map.
lol starred already XP

Se fossi in te metterei il kiai da 02:31:236 a 02:57:693 e lascerei solo una fontana a 02:01:000

in generale potresti ordinare le note meglio ( lo so, eccheppalle! )
01:11:394 (3) - Sposta a 01:11:157 (3)... essendo che seguivi la voce
02:02:417 (5) - Secondo il resto della mappa, dovrebbe esserci un New Combo
02:19:425 (3,1) - Non mi piace come sono sovrapposti...
02:26:039 (4) - Secondo il resto della mappa, dovrebbe esserci un New Combo
02:50:134 (5) - Fallo finire a 02:50:606
02:52:968 (4) - Secondo il resto della mappa, dovrebbe esserci un New Combo
02:54:858 (4) - ^
02:58:165 (4) - ^

[LoliFlan's Hard]
00:37:614 (1,2,3,4,5) - Flip + H, as i don't like the 00:36:433 (5,1) - overlap
01:14:228 (3,4) - Just Ctrl + R ( no hitsound change.. ), well, it's better and good
01:29:583 (5) - I think is better if you make this a slider with no repeat and use a 0.5x section on it... just try the effect :3
02:01:000 (1,6) - I don't like this overlap, maybe move 6 end ?
02:14:583 (1) - Move at 02:14:465 (1)
02:54:386 (8,9) - it isn't stacked, use Stack leniency = 0.3.
Good diff, i say :yesyes:

Il Mapset è decente, generalmente migliore di altri che ho visto
Topic Starter
Barney Stinson
HakuNoKaemi, grazie per il tuo rerecheck. Il che comporta an ririri(ri)kudosu! per 'sta mappa te ne sei beccati 4 ahahah
Hey there! M4M time.

Wrong timings and plain mapping errors are marked as RED

- Metronome is 1/1 late. Use offset 55 to fix that. Timing and note placement will not change.
- Many (green) timing points are not snapped. This is not a big problem unless it's KIAI or wrong hitsound changes though.

Generally you should only map what you can hear. Especially in Easy/Normal placing random beats will confuse beginners. I suggest mapping the vocals in the earlier parts of the song (most dominant and therefore best choice in this diff).

00:00:527 (1) - maybe start this earlier @00:00:055 and extend to 00:03:598 to end it just where it ended before to match the song
00:05:247 (2,3,4) - wrong timing. Move all 3 back 1/2 ((2) to red tick): Adjust spacing afterwards.
00:07:377 (1) - move back 1/2 (red tick) and extend by 1/1 (end on 00:11:157 red tick)
00:12:810 (2,3,4,5) - wrong timing, move back 1/2 to 00:12:574 (red tick): Adjust spacing afterwards.
00:20:369 (3,4,5,6) - again wrong timing, move back 1/2 to the red tick again. Adjust spacing afterwards.

00:22:732 (1) - move back 1/2 (to red tick) and keep ending on 00:25:094
00:34:070 (1,2,3,4) - don't start mapping the background beats only (1,2,3) and suddenly switch to mapping melody only (4) inside the same combo! I suggest mapping the dominant parts here: move (2) 1/4 back to 00:34:425 (blue tick), move (3) back 1/2 to 00:34:779 (red tick). As this is a pretty tough pattern for beginners in the first play, you could use a 1x repeat slider here instead of the 3 circles:
00:36:432 (1,2) - move (1) back 1/4 to blue tick and (2) back 1/2 to red tick: Adjust spacing afterwards.
00:38:322 (1,2,3,4) - the switch in focus might be easier if you turn (1,2) and (3,4) into sliders each so players can pick up the background beat
00:50:606 (3,4) - plays weird and might be too tough for beginners. Maybe use something like this:

00:51:787 (1) - clap on ending?
00:54:385 (3,4) - maybe use a slider like 00:56:275 (3) here to make it more difficulty appropriate
00:57:929 (3,4,5) - Maybe replace the 3 circles with a 1x repeat slider
01:09:267 (1,2) - don't stack this in a beginners diff
01:14:228 (1,2,3) - maybe replace with 1x repeat slider
01:19:897 (1,2,3,1) - wrong timing, replace (1,2) with slider, move (3,1) back 1/2 to red tick (adjust spacing) and snap the green timing section to 01:21:078:
01:27:456 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - wrong timing again, you can move (2) back 1/2 to red tick (adjust spacing) and rearrange the circles on red ticks each:
01:35:960 (3) - timing is wrong here for the vocal-docus but mapping the background beat feels and plays still OK-ish here so maybe just leave it as is (or if you want use the 2/1 - 3/1 - 5/2 - 7/2 pattern from before)
01:43:755 (3) - too short, extend to 01:44:700 and maybe use the same 0,5x SV from 01:41:866 (3)

02:24:621 (2) - Maybe replace this with a slider and start it on the earlier red tick to match the song:
02:31:236 (1) - this circle is too off-center so close after the spinner in a beginner-difficulty. Move closer to center.
02:37:850 (1) - maybe replace with slider and start 1/2 earlier on red tick to match the song and the same part @02:41:393 (1,2):

[LoliFlan's Hard]
00:00:528 (1) - maybe start this 1/1 earlier on 00:00:055
00:06:905 (6) - there is nothing to map on 00:07:142 so I suggest turning this into a single circle @00:06:905
00:15:173 (1) - silence ending?
01:11:630 (5) - remove 1 repeat and add stacked circle @01:12:339 (also start the next combo on this circle) to fix the cheap 1-1-1-2 repeat
01:37:142 (6,7) - sounds and plays weird. Maybe remove (6), move (7) where (6) was before and bring turning point + ending on the other red ticks:
02:27:693 (1) - should end 1/1 earlier on 02:30:528 (red tick)

Maybe "fix" those other 2x repeat sliders as they often come unexpected. This is "only" a Hard map so you should be concerned with readability and overall play-flow.

00:20:724 (X) - add circle
00:21:197 (X) - ^
00:21:669 (4) - remove
01:06:787 (4) - maybe remove as it is quite overmapped
01:10:567 (4) - ^
01:14:346 (4) - ^

Gererally you could try to use less overmapped streams and more jumps and hard (+symmetrical?) patterns (kinda like some of ztrots insane maps).

Pretty good hard and even if it is slightly overmapped I liked the insane. The Easy/Normal can be fixed.

heyy M4M here :D

00:11:866 (1) - Maybe too high , the slider?
00:26:275 (3) - sudden slow the slider would be hard for newbies
00:28:165 (3) - ^
00:30:055 (4) - ~ 00:32:180 ( ) - make a spinner?
00:34:070 (1,2) - part them because they might confuse players
00:39:031 (3) - like the front , make a slider or add circle at 00:41:393 ?
00:42:810 (4) - ^
00:45:881 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - clap sound weird , maybe (1) , (3) , (1) , (3) clap ...
00:51:787 (1) - like mod 00:26:275 (3)
01:12:338 (1) - not be covered? a bit far form (4) to (1)
01:14:228 (1) - move to 01:13:992 and add circle at 01:14:936 ?
01:16:117 (1) - there should be a break time
01:36:432 (4) - like this?
01:45:173 (1) - remove NC?
02:02:417 (1,2,3) - clap at begin and remove clap at end?
02:20:369 (1) - overlap 02:19:425 (3) - , make it beautiful ?
02:31:944 (1) - remove NC ?
02:33:125 (6,1) - swap NC ?
02:37:377 (x) - add a circle?
02:52:968 (4) - NC?
02:54:858 (7) - ^

[LoliFlan's Hard]
00:52:259 (x) - add a circle?
02:05:015 (x) - ^
02:39:267 (x) - ^
01:44:228 (x) - ^
01:53:440 (8) - ^ , and add finish?
02:33:126 (7,1) - swap NC ?
02:43:047 (5) - NC?
02:58:165 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - (nazi@ @)make them more like pentagon

00:21:669 (x) - add a circle?
00:32:417 (2) - move to 00:32:535
00:34:306 (2) - ^
00:40:921 (1) - remove NC?
00:51:787 (2) - sudden whistle > < turn down the volume
01:01:944 (x) - add a circle?
01:09:268 (4) - volume > <
01:11:275 (x) - add a circle?
01:28:638 (7) - NC?
02:06:078 (x) - add a circle?
02:07:142 (7) - NC?
*btw - (I think more triplet can be more fun in the Insane diff ^ ^ just up to you )
02:33:126 (11) - NC?
02:33:835 (1) - remove NC
02:37:141 (x) , 02:37:377 (x) - add circle?
*btw 2 - (use NC frequently , more than 10 combo I think it's terrible :P)

[song setup]
No Source?
No Tag !? add loliflan lolicore flandre in Normal and Insane

yeah ~ nice song :D starrr---
here some suggestions :D

00:58:401[1]: remove new combo
01:09:267[1]: ^
01:35:015[1,2,3,4]: change so it looks like this:

02:12:810[1]: Add clap
02:13:283[2]: Remove Clap
02:15:645[1] Add Clap
02:20:369[1] ^
01:22:259[2] ^
02:27:929[1] ^
02:28:873[1] ^
02:38:322[2] ^
02:43:047[1] ^
02:50:060[5] ^
02:51:078[1] Remove Clap
02:51:551[2] Add Clap

[LoliFlan's Hard]
00:41:393[1,2,3,4,5] Spacing issues

00:59:346[1]: Remove New Combo
that's all i guess!
really nice map, star! :D
Hi there! Sorry for the delay!

  1. Why do all the difficulties have different combo colours? you should consider using the same colours in every difficulty, it gives the mapset consistency.
  1. HP Drain Rate: 2 should work fine, I think.
  2. 00:34:070 (1,2,3) - Mmmm... I don't think this is too easy to read for a new player, since they are 3/4s apart... I would suggest a slider with a repetition, it will be easier to play:
    The main objective for this is that an unexperienced player understands how the following patterns will be, so that he/she doesn't confuse while trying to hit the object (circle, slider) on the correct time.
  3. 00:36:314 (1,2) - And here, also, I think that you can make the distance snapping a little lower. Like, those nazi things people tend to say: "Move (1) one grid right, and (2) one grid down".
    But I mean it, do it - it makes the pattern more noob-friendly. :D
  4. 00:49:661 (1) - Why is this so far from the end of (3)? I mean, why is there such a big jump? Try using the correct distance snapping from the yellow (3). You might have to move the following (2).
    Oh and also, add a clap, it sounds good :D
  5. Just a side note here: Try to keep the distance snapping correct. This is a basic advice you should always take into consideration, EVEN MORE if you're mapping and easier (Easy, Normal) difficulty.
    Check your difficulties back in search of these issues, and fix them by yourself, so that you get practice at it :D
  6. 01:09:740 (4) - This isn't properly stacked under (3). Howeever, I think it would be better if you don't stack it under (3), Believe me, it's quiet confusing for new players.
  7. 02:09:267 (1) - I don't know, this sudden stop in the one-beat-apart circles kinda breaks the flow. Maybe you could try a slider that starts at 02:08:558 (5) and ends here. Like this:
    It will play much, much better. Of course, you can make that slider in any shape you want :D
  8. 02:14:228 (1) - Ok, I know that since you changed the velocity, the spacing is reduced, but this is really confusing. Please place this as if you hadn't changed the slider velocity:
    I mean, I would say that this is almost an order xD
  9. 02:31:236 (1) - You should delete this and end the previous slider here. I haven't said anything about objects too close from the previous spinners, but I have to mention this one. It doesn't quiet fit here as it is now, and it's way too soon after the spinner.
[LoliFlan's Hard]
  1. 00:35:724 (1) - Well, actually I saw some things before this that were a little hard to predict, but I'm flexible today :) But this here, I'd recommed you to use the normal spacing, and not this shrinked spacing (aka small spacing). I don't think it fits.
  2. 00:52:732 (3) - DON'T fully stack a slider. This isn't very playable. I wouldn't say it's unrankable, but it looks horrible. Seriously. Place it in some other way.
  3. 00:53:913 (3) - This clap sounds weeeird, it should go on 00:53:440 (1) instead of here.
  4. 00:54:385 (5,6) - Please place this in some other way, because: 1. (5) isn't at the right distance from (4) (and I know you're using jumps, but this one just doesn't look good), 2. Stacking (5) and (6) here doesn't look good and 3. It doesn't flow well, in my opinion. Try something more open, like this:
    Or something similar.
  5. 02:07:850 (4,5) - Can you please move these to the left so that they aren't almost fully overlapped by (2) and (3)? It doesn't look so good :/
  6. 02:32:417 (5,6) - Stacking this just doesn't work here, since (7) is too close from (6). Try this:
  7. 02:33:125 (7) - Add a new combo, and then remove the new combo from 02:33:834 (1).
  8. 02:37:259 (6,7) - These two should be placed further from where they are now. Maybe you can place them above those two sliders, so that the overlap doesn't look like shit. Or I don't know.
  9. 02:58:637 (3,4) - If you want to make a good-looking star pattern, then move these two (3 and 4) 3 grids up.
  1. 00:48:007 (2) - WTFwhy the heck did you use this jump?? It doesn't fit with the music at all °-° PLEASE place this using normal DS o.o
  2. 00:51:314 (1) - Seriously, I see no reason for using such a big jump. Please re place this in some other way without the jump.
  3. 01:10:921 (5) - I think this would work better not stacked, and you should have the new combo here, and not it the next circle. Also, you can use a jump here if you want to, but don't overdo it -.-
  4. I guess the rest is fine~
That's all! Have a star
00:42:338 (3,4) - Just thinking you should move these to the right so they line up with (1)
00:50:133 (2,3) - This too, line it up with (1)
01:00:999 (1) - A bit short time after spinner and it's not a really long spinner either, so I think you could have this more in the center of the map?
01:35:015 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not really important but since we're at it, move this to the right so it's in the middle? :p
02:04:306 (3) - Up 1 grid, right 2 grids, lvl 3

Well, not much more I want to say, and nothing really broke me when I was playing, so I won't go much into spacing or whatever. Still I find stuff like 00:38:204 (1,2,3) - kinda hard to read for less skilled players. But that's just my belief, and I have no idea if that's right :p

01:05:134 (2) - Add a repeat on this slider?
01:11:630 (5) - This felt a bit awkward to me. Reduce repeat by 1 and add a note instead?
01:12:693 (2) - Same as 01:05:134 (2) I guess
01:13:756 (1,2) - Idk, why not have them in the center so they're symmetrical?
02:31:945 (3,4,5,6) - This felt weird and I think it didn't fit as much with the mapping style.
02:37:260 (6,7) - Stacking :<
02:39:150 (2,3) - ^
02:56:039 (9,10,11) - ^

Not much more to say. Nothing really tripped me up here either.

00:13:047 (1,2,3,4) - this jump is biiig
00:21:079 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - feels kinda out of place imo
00:29:583 (4) - Newcombo
00:30:764 (2,3) - Again biiiig jump
00:55:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This gets kinda covered by the combo before and looks kinda ugly this way. move it somewhere else?
01:01:709 (2,3) - yeah :<
01:06:196 - I miss a note here
01:10:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the spacing is weird here
01:28:992 (8,9,10,11) - unnecessary streams imo
01:43:283 (4) - newcombo
02:03:597 (1,2) - weird jump compared to the rest of this part :<
02:05:961 (5,6,7) - spacing?
02:09:504 (4) - line it up
02:56:512 (1,2,3,4,5) - Looks kinda weird imo

Generally there are so many slider slowdowns and streams :< The slowdowns are kinda fine since they did make kinda sense, but I don't really like all the streams. anyhow, that ends this modpost.
Stereo Love means that the Love comes from 2 directions.

After looking over all of your maps, here's what I found.

~LoliFlan Hard~
01:13:756 (1,2) - Center these two notes.
01:15:173 (6) - Make this slider symmetrical with (3).

Here, have a star.
nice :D the song is catchy ><

hope it gets ranked, have a star
Heres the heart shaped sprite i told you about,it looks like this hope you like it

i think ill need that kudos now that the starring system is changed :o

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