
Less Experimental Mafia (Town Wins!)

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Rules wrote:

9. A lynch occurs when a player has an absolute majority of votes on them.

10. At deadline, the player with the most votes is lynched. In the event of a draw, the player who had the most votes before being tied will be lynched.

So does that mean, in the case where majority hasn't voted, majority vote would be no vote (no lynch)?


those who don't vote by the end of the day lose their say/vote and the person with the most votes at the time gets lynched?

Haneii wrote:

So does that mean, in the case where majority hasn't voted, majority vote would be no vote (no lynch)?


those who don't vote by the end of the day lose their say/vote and the person with the most votes at the time gets lynched?
Players who haven't voted contribute no vote. A no-lynch vote is a type vote, and has to be contributed.

Your last option is correct.
Wow, I had no idea it was this far into the day already. Day ends in ~18 hours.

Ph0X wrote:

Realized I missed this post by DxS.
That's strange, since you linked to it here:

Ph0X wrote:

0_o, what are your thoughts on DxS's rolefishing post?
Vote Count
NoHItter (2) - Ph0X, Firo
Ph0X (2) - Rolled, Haneii
animask (1) - NoHItter

Not voting (4) - 0_o, Rantai, animask, DxS

0_o wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

Realized I missed this post by DxS.
That's strange, since you linked to it here:

Ph0X wrote:

0_o, what are your thoughts on DxS's rolefishing post?
I think I meant to link DxS's previous post, but linked that one by mistake.
You have to realize how unlikely your claim of "missing his post" is. Granted, knowing your meta, I doubt you'd make such an argument (explicit vs implicit) fully aware of DxS's explicit claim, however I feel this is a more likely to be selective targeting than an honest mistake.

ie, DxS's post was in your subconscious, yet Rantai was your meal of choice. The likelyhood of you literally "missing" his post is very slim.
You asked 0_o's opinion to create distance between yourself and DxS? Maybe.

Rolled wrote:

You asked 0_o's opinion to create distance between yourself and DxS? Maybe.
No; I noticed the game was slowing down and made an attempt to kickstart discussion.
And I honestly didn't remember DxS saying he thought animask was pro-town until I looked back from your post, Rolled.

Ph0X wrote:

And I honestly didn't remember DxS saying he thought animask was pro-town until I looked back from your post, Rolled.
That I find strange, seeing as you linked to it directly. Let me make sure I understand fully; You're claiming to have mentally (or literally) skipped DxS's post stating animask is pro-town, and in an attempt to jumpstart discussion, you intended to ask faceman's opinion on this post made by DxS?

DxS wrote:

tick tock tick tock.

So....any ideas if we can assume what role animask is?
For the record I also find this whole "tick tock" bit to be awkward. I can't supply any information behind my feeling but it doesn't sit well in my stomach.

Rolled wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

And I honestly didn't remember DxS saying he thought animask was pro-town until I looked back from your post, Rolled.
That I find strange, seeing as you linked to it directly. Let me make sure I understand fully; You're claiming to have mentally (or literally) skipped DxS's post stating animask is pro-town, and in an attempt to jumpstart discussion, you intended to ask faceman's opinion on this post made by DxS?
Yes; that's correct.

Rolled wrote:

DxS wrote:

tick tock tick tock.

So....any ideas if we can assume what role animask is?
For the record I also find this whole "tick tock" bit to be awkward. I can't supply any information behind my feeling but it doesn't sit well in my stomach.
I took that as "well, the time is passing... let's talk about something". I guess there was no real hurry (and things weren't that slow at the time), so it's kind of out of place.
Originally I had Ph0X and Firo as my top 2 suspicions but wanted to get some clarification from Ph0X before making any choices. At the very least Ph0X's train of thought makes sense to me but I don't necessarily agree with him (I still think it's simple aggressive play)

As it stands, Firo didn't make any sort of argument as to why she found NoHItter suspicious, jumping onto Ph0X's reasoning without any extra input (pretty sure Rolled outlined this somewhere). If I had to guess, I'd say she was just looking for an easy vote and NoHItter's aggression was the perfect scapegoat.

Otherwise I don't feel too strongly about anyone else at this stage.

Vote: Firo
Sleep Powder
Playing Style

I still get the feeling that I should vote for Rantai, but I shouldn't focus too much on my original suspicions. (aka my target suspect)

I'm in a similar position as Haneii right now. I don't have enough information to vote for anyone else.

@Ph0X, "inb4 some retarded Two logic about me not wanting you to be around to benefit myself" seems like a WIFOM statement.
You say its retarded, but you could be trying to avoid Rolled's metagaming in the future which can be good or bad. Lets see... the good
thing would be if Rolled was actually mafia and tries to use something similar to what you stated. This way, you would be able to prevent any accusations or statements from Rolled from hurting you. If you were mafia this would benefit you by making other players believe that similar accusations made by Rolled are useless and will just make Rolled more guilty in some way.

I really have no idea where I got this idea from, but its just an idea and I'm not even sure about an FoS atm.

The above was all saved as a draft from about 6 hours ago.

@Rantai, use quotes so I know what you're talking about next time...

Vote: Ph0X

Reason? Reason 1 would be to eliminate my thick metagame tunneling for Ph0X and try to imagine him as mafia for once. Reason 2 would
be the things that I stated earlier.

animask wrote:

@Ph0X, "inb4 some retarded Two logic about me not wanting you to be around to benefit myself" seems like a WIFOM statement.
You say its retarded, but you could be trying to avoid Rolled's metagaming in the future which can be good or bad. Lets see... the good
thing would be if Rolled was actually mafia and tries to use something similar to what you stated. This way, you would be able to prevent any accusations or statements from Rolled from hurting you. If you were mafia this would benefit you by making other players believe that similar accusations made by Rolled are useless and will just make Rolled more guilty in some way.

I really have no idea where I got this idea from, but its just an idea and I'm not even sure about an FoS atm.
You're right; it is a WIFOM statement. I was shutting down a possible (though not probably) WIFOMic argument with which Rolled could have possibly responded.

animask wrote:

Reason? Reason 1 would be to eliminate my thick metagame tunneling for Ph0X and try to imagine him as mafia for once.
Oh, thanks. =[

animask wrote:

Reason 2 would
be the things that I stated earlier.
Didn't you say "I'm not even sure about a FoS atm"? What pushed it over the edge?
At the moment, I don't think Ph0x is a good lynch target.
I prefer a lynch on Firo for voting me without even stating the reason apart from "I agree with Ph0x"

Vote: Firo

Seems like another Q to me. No input, disparity in posts, and doesn't respond well to prods at all.
I have a feeling firo is just kinda here in the games just to be "here"

Doesn't seem like someone who even has a willingness to create a constructive post imo.
Day 1 ended like 8 hours ago. :roll:
Sleep Powder

Rolled wrote:

Day 1 ended like 8 hours ago. :roll:
Does that mean the votes are final?
That's that, then. =\
Topic Starter
Day has ended, but lynch scene and stuff is delayed until tomorrow morning when I have the energy to do it.
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Apperently mild anger/frustration can give me enough energy to update both my games, even if I really don't feel like doing so.

Ph0x - Neutral Hider - Lynched D1

It is now Night 1, send all Night actions within 24 hours.
Topic Starter
DxS - Doublevoter (Town) - Killed N1

It is now Day 2. Deadline is in 5 days. (7 alive, 4 to lynch.)
Vote: Firo
Nothing has changed for why I want to lynch Firo.

Incidentally, the kill of DxS feels odd to me.
It doesn't seem to be a logical kill at all.
I see nothing except a FoS at animask (which a lot of people also did) and a statement on how Firo is "just here".
Sleep Powder
Maybe DxS was right and hes onto somebody? In this case, Firo would be the person.

You should really think about the situation a bit before actually voting. Things can happen
throughout the day. Unless you're really sure... but being that confident in your vote that
quickly is kind of suspicious.
I can change my vote depending on the events of the day.
As of right now though, I voted Firo because she's still the most suspicious in my eyes, because of the events Day 1.

animask wrote:

You should really think about the situation a bit before actually voting. Things can happen
throughout the day. Unless you're really sure... but being that confident in your vote that
quickly is kind of suspicious.
Remember we can unvote this game. Early votes serve the purpose of putting pressure on someone.

animask wrote:

Maybe DxS was right and hes onto somebody? In this case, Firo would be the person.
Well here are all the posts that he's made this game:
[quote="DxS":12c26]Can't we all just agree that no matter what animask is not benefitial to town?[quote="DxS":12c26]tick tock tick tock.

So....any ideas if we can assume what role animask is?[quote="DxS":12c26]@Rolled I'm just asking if anyone has an idea on what animask's role could be since he's always rather outspoken no matter what he ends up being.

Personally I think he has a pro town aux role or is just plain town but again no immediate ideas.[quote="DxS":12c26]I have a feeling firo is just kinda here in the games just to be "here"

Doesn't seem like someone who even has a willingness to create a constructive post imo.It doesn't seem to me like DxS was a threat to anyone, really. I'd say either he was bus driven, or the mafia wanted to play it safe and pick a low-profile target whose death wouldn't raise much dust.

Vote Firo to get him talking.
Sleep Powder
If you just vote to add pressure, anyone (especially mafia) could jump onto that bandwagon.

The "pressure" excuse could be used to the point where a mafia could potentially hammer if Firo is innocent.
If Firo isn't innocent, someone would be trying to defend her (in some way) at the 3rd vote.

Having 4 votes activates the hammer, but since its still early in the day, its unlikely someone would do that... (easily raises suspicion after 2nd vote)

Unless you two (NoHiTter, 0_o) thought of that beforehand and wanted to start the bandwagon to lower your suspicion.

If you really wanted information, you could also prod Firo. Based on what everyone is saying, Firo is just lurking and voting
or being inactive in the game.
@0_o: Bus driven? Like, bus driver? Is that some form of expression I'm not aware of?
Woops, had some confusion on the bus driver role. I see what you mean now.

Carry on~
Firo Prochainezo
I see a lot of votes against me and I would like to reply them all, but it seems like I can't. ;__;

LadySuburu, please replace me. I have IRL problems that I have to deal and, unfortunately, I can't find time to keep up with this game.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Topic Starter
Looking for a replacement for Firo.
Topic Starter
Foulcoon replaces Firo.
why do I always replace the person getting voted for? anyways I'll read the thread soon :)
foulcoon how about you just fucking sign up from now on
Nobody informs me on sign-ups sir. Maybe you should tell me next time.

P.S. - I'm out with my girlfriend tonight so ill get into the game tomorrow.
Rghrgr. I was on a similar page as NoHItter but I think I'll withhold for now until foulcoon makes a proper response.

0_o wrote:

It doesn't seem to me like DxS was a threat to anyone, really. I'd say either he was bus driven, or the mafia wanted to play it safe and pick a low-profile target whose death wouldn't raise much dust.
My thoughts exactly except, DxS was already under a bit of suspicion which could have prompted a kill that could implicate those that FoS'd him.
Honestly from what I've read nohitter is a pretty aggressive player. He almost seems too aggressive to be mafia to me so I'll withhold judgment for now. I would like to hear more from Haneii though, as a no-lynch vote on day 1 seems to be the extend of his/her activity. I know that this might sound hypocritical considering Firo's activity, but I promise to try to be much more active.
Who do you find most suspicious at the moment?

Hope to hear more from you foulcoon (as opposed to Firo).
I'm keeping my vote on you still since Firo was suspicious and you just have the same slot.
Honestly my opinions haven't changed much from the first day, that said foulcoon is still high on my list.

NoHItter wrote:

Who do you find most suspicious at the moment?
I really don't know tbh. Before I probably would have said Firo due to his oddly brief accusation yesterday, but seeing as he quit due to IRL stuff preventing him from keeping up with the game, that would explain the lack of substance.

My gut's still wary of NoHItter, but I feel like I'm always suspicious of him for some reason so I won't be acting on that for now.
Sleep Powder
(Why do I get the feeling that my last few posts got ignored a little...?)

Due to game inactivity, (or just the lack of posts)

my FoS still stands with Rantai and NoHItter.

@NoHiTter, wait... you said your vote was to add pressure, right? You also
said that foulcoon has the same slot as Firo so you're keeping your vote. (baton passing? lulz wats the terminology?) Rantai (who I also suspect) is keeping foulcoon on his list, which is similar to what NoHItter did.

@foulcoon, you claim NoHItter to be an agressive player. Playing it safe by posting it as information rather than
an opinion, BUT you withheld your "judgement for now" even though you thought that he was "almost too aggressive to be mafia".
This seems like a good cover to hide your actual opinion on NoHItter.

@0_o, I have this feeling that you're acting much more pro-town than some of the other people here. You also voted for
Firo/foulcoon in order to add pressure. foulcoon did give out some information and you didn't ask him any questions yet... You
probably just forgot, but I'm getting townie tells from you. If I consider metagaming, I would realize that I've always considered
you as pro-town. After thinking for a bit, I realized that your play style just seemed to give townie reads. Back to the foulcoon ordeal...
if you didn't forget, you are probably planning something with NoHItter just as I thought. This is just enough information to give...

FoS 0_o I don't feel suspicious of Rantai as much after all of this... unFoSing Rantai

@Haneii, prodding Haneii...

animask wrote:

@NoHiTter, wait... you said your vote was to add pressure, right? You also
said that foulcoon has the same slot as Firo so you're keeping your vote. (baton passing? lulz wats the terminology?) Rantai (who I also suspect) is keeping foulcoon on his list, which is similar to what NoHItter did.
Whether a slot is scum or not doesn't change when someone replaces into it.
Firo was scummy, ergo the slot was scummy.
foulcoon may be a new player, but the same slot is still scummy.
Also, where did I say my vote was pressure?

animask wrote:

(Why do I get the feeling that my last few posts got ignored a little...?)
Because understanding your posts/lines of thought is quite difficult so I think a lot of us have just stopped trying.

animask wrote:

@0_o, I have this feeling that you're acting much more pro-town than some of the other people here. You also voted for Firo/foulcoon in order to add pressure. foulcoon did give out some information and you didn't ask him any questions yet... You
probably just forgot, [. . .] if you didn't forget, you are probably planning something with NoHItter just as I thought.
I wanted Firo to explain his actions (or lack thereof). But while foul now has Firo's role, he doesn't have his mind, so there really isn't any point in interrogating him over what Firo was thinking. foul already gave his own opinion on NoHItter, and Firo's quitting message gave (me at least) a reasonable explanation for his brevity, so I really don't have anything else to ask from him.

Forgot to unvote in my last post, so I'll do that now.
Sorry been rather busy with work and have been out all day.

going to vote: Haneii

speak up.

animask wrote:

@Haneii, prodding Haneii...
Sorry about that everyone. I'll be more active now with the weekend finally here ^_^

So DxS got killed last night? odd.

A few of us were cautious/suspicious about DxS. Why would mafia kill off someone that could keep the attention off them :/? (unless they weren't really paying attention to the thread - Which makes me think it could be Firo, but that would only make sense if she was the only mafia since everyone else seemed to be up to date with everything). Maybe I'm just over thinking things.

Although this comment bugs me:

Rantai wrote:

DxS was already under a bit of suspicion which could have prompted a kill that could implicate those that FoS'd him.
Again, probably over thinking things...DxS's death makes more sense if mafia killed him to put the spotlight on those who FoS'd him. More people to keep suspicions off themselves/him/herself (2 or 3 for the prince of 1?).

animask wrote:

@foulcoon, you claim NoHItter to be an agressive player. Playing it safe by posting it as information rather than
an opinion, BUT you withheld your "judgement for now" even though you thought that he was "almost too aggressive to be mafia".


Firo Prochainezo wrote:

This situation has been pretty confusing and I don't know what to say.

Except the fact that NoHItter sounds mildly suspicious.
Ph0X explains why Nohitter is suspicious

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

I don't need to repeat what Ph0X said.

Vote: NoHItter

You may have replaced her, but you're still doing the same thing >_<. You comment on someone's behavior, don't explain/or give us any insight on how you came to the conclusion. It might be too early but, like her, it seems like you just post up a prompt of some sort and hope that someone else will continue where you left off...
I'm pretty sure animask and you both misunderstood what I said. I'm not accusing nohitter of being mafia, I actually stated I believed the oppposite. I voted for you haneii because you're under the radar and relatively inactive (much like the rest of this game lately). I'm not going to unvote yet because rather than offer any valid insight on the game you just tried to make me look bad...
...I never assumed you were accusing NoHitter of being mafia.

foulcoon wrote:

Honestly from what I've read nohitter is a pretty aggressive player. He almost seems too aggressive to be mafia to me
you think he's aggressive, maybe even too aggressive to be mafia - yup, I think I got you the first time ^_^

What made you think I was misunderstanding things?
foulcoon can you (and anyone else who hasn't answered) answer NoHitter's question

NoHItter wrote:

Who do you find most suspicious at the moment?
I'd like to hear more thoughts (it's also getting too quiet)

Haneii wrote:

You may have replaced her, but you're still doing the same thing >_<. You comment on someone's behavior, don't explain/or give us any insight on how you came to the conclusion. It might be too early but, like her, it seems like you just post up a prompt of some sort and hope that someone else will continue where you left off...
This is what made me think you're misunderstanding things. If you took the time to read and understand that I was stating that I don't think NoHItter is mafia, you wouldn't say that I'm "doing the same thing" as Firo was. Frankly I don't agree with what Ph0X and Firo were getting at, I honestly believe that Firo was trying to put as little effort into the game as possible.

Yes I commented that NoHItter was an aggressive player. You're asking me to "give insight on how I came to the conclusion" on why I believe he is an aggressive player?

Most suspicious: everyone who isn't talking right now, and Haneii.

Now my question for you, Haneii: are you dumb or stupid?

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

This situation has been pretty confusing and I don't know what to say.

Except the fact that NoHItter sounds mildly suspicious.

foulcoon wrote:

Honestly from what I've read nohitter is a pretty aggressive player. He almost seems too aggressive to be mafia

Haneii wrote:

You may have replaced her, but you're still doing the same thing >_<. You comment on someone's behavior, don't explain/or give us any insight on how you came to the conclusion. It might be too early but, like her, it seems like you just post up a prompt of some sort and hope that someone else will continue where you left off...
I'm still wondering why you believe I think you're accusing NoHitter of mafia...

foulcoon wrote:

Yes I commented that NoHItter was an aggressive player. You're asking me to "give insight on how I came to the conclusion" on why I believe he is an aggressive player?
YES! I just want you to talk/elaborate more! I was comparing you to Firo not because I think you both are attacking NoHitter but because you both don't say much ^_^, sorry if I wasn't clear.
I don't think I need to add commentary, I'm not Ph0X. Just look at his posts its quite obvious what I mean when I say hes an aggressive player.

P.S. - you didn't answer my question.
Sleep Powder

@foulcoon, I understood that you think NoHItter is not mafia. The way you said it made me feel
like you were trying to protect him without being caught. You don't want to see him as a mafia member?
Is there any evidence to back-up your ideas of him? That would've been a better way to back up your ideas...
Also, my last post (I think it was my last post anyways) was questioning why you said that you NoHItter probably
isn't mafia and at the same time said that you're withholding your judgement on NoHItter.

NoHItter wrote:

animask wrote:

@NoHiTter, wait... you said your vote was to add pressure, right? You also
said that foulcoon has the same slot as Firo so you're keeping your vote. (baton passing? lulz wats the terminology?) Rantai (who I also suspect) is keeping foulcoon on his list, which is similar to what NoHItter did.
Whether a slot is scum or not doesn't change when someone replaces into it.
Firo was scummy, ergo the slot was scummy.
foulcoon may be a new player, but the same slot is still scummy.
Also, where did I say my vote was pressure?
I was probably just trying to connect you and 0_o together as mafia and ended up thinking of 0_o instead of you.
Topic Starter
Deadline is extended until 16 hours after this post.
Ugh I feel like a slacker.

foulcoon, resorting to insults now? (viewtopic.php?p=958985#p958985). Sounds like you're starting to get desperate.

Seriously though, it isn't hard to provide reasons as to why you think someone is anything (I mean how would you come to that conclusion anyway) and the fact you're getting really worked up about it and refusing to provide the reasons in your own words shows you've got something to hide.

foulcoon wrote:

This is what made me think you're misunderstanding things. If you took the time to read and understand that I was stating that I don't think NoHItter is mafia, you wouldn't say that I'm "doing the same thing" as Firo was. Frankly I don't agree with what Ph0X and Firo were getting at, I honestly believe that Firo was trying to put as little effort into the game as possible.
You say this, but...

foulcoon wrote:

I don't think I need to add commentary, I'm not Ph0X. Just look at his posts its quite obvious what I mean when I say hes an aggressive player.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

I don't need to repeat what Ph0X said.
Maybe my reading comprehension sucks, but that looks like you're doing the same thing as Firo, taking Ph0X's arguements etc and saying "what he said".

Quite frankly, I'm not convinced that you're not also looking for an easy jump. Vote: foulcoon

Also Prod: Rolled
Vote Count
foulcoon (2) - NoHItter, Rantai
Haneii (1) - foulcoon

1.5 hours left, guys. Rereading thread now, let's actually get some votes in before the day ends?
My vote stays on Firo/foulcoon.
I see nothing significant to change my vote over the previous posts.
Sleep Powder
Vote: foulcoon

Reason: Not giving information that's actually useful in proving his innocence.

animask wrote:

Vote: foulcoon

Reason: Not giving information that's actually useful in proving his innocence.
That's a horrible reason to vote someone. That's a Burden of Proof.
Eh, I got nothing. I still don't know how I feel about lynching foul (I've already stated my reasons for this), but hopefully the results will give us some insight for tomorrow.
Topic Starter
Death, most people would feel sad when someone they've been conversing with dies.

However, you are not.

Why, you may ask?

Well, you're celebrating the death of foulcoon. He was a Mafia Politician.

It is now night 2. Send in all night actions by 24 hours from this point.
Topic Starter
NoHItter - Amnesiac Cop - Killed Night 2.

It is now Day 3. With 5 alive, it's 3 to lynch. Deadline is in 5 days.
...well how about that.

So I'm thinking Rantai is likely town, he was on foul's case all day yesterday and it would be a pretty ballsy move to gun for your mafia partner like that.

Here's the amnesiac cop description from the wiki:

MafiaWiki wrote:

An Amnesiac Cop functions as a normal Cop, but does not receive the results of its investigations. Those investigation results are sent to another (unknown) player. The subversion of this unknown player being a Mafioso or a Serial Killer has been done to death.
I think it should be safe to have the receiver of the investigations claim and let us know the results, but keep in mind that the receiver isn't guaranteed to be pro-town.

It'd be nice to hear from Rolled, this game could use a painstakingly detailed post-by-post analysis.
Sleep Powder
My second guess was going to be NoHItter, but since he got NK'd I have to find someone else who is could be mafia...

Also, 0_o, the receiver could have been a mafia member and decided to kill the confirmed aux role, but the reciever
can't prove that those investigations are correct.

First, we could try finding out who didn't vote for foulcoon. 0_o, your first vote was in order to make Firo/foulcoon to to talk, but
you unvoted afterwards.

Now for my first ever attempt at a 'process of elimination' vote.

Haneii - Seems to be a townie, because of how she discussed with foulcoon.
Rantai - Thought of as a townie by 0_o (based on how he targetted foulcoon)
Rolled - No suspicions on him...
0_o - No suspicions on him, but he tries hard to be a helpful pro-townie.

FoS 0_o
and Rolled

I'm guessing there will be only 1 more mafia member (again).
It will come soon faceman, I promise.

Also responding to prod.

I've started school back up, and the pace the game was going really didn't make it a top priority. Glad to see it going in the right direction now, and I'm going to contribute hopefully later tonight.

I've also asked LS a question, and I'm trying to wait for a response before I go accusing people of things.
Well then.

Rolled, make some kind of response please. >.>

But hmm, who do we have left?

Haneii - I'm convinced she is town. She's the one who aggravated foulcoon to the point of insults and subsequently paved the way to his lynching (imo). (Read: Page 10)

animask - Conflicted, leaning town. I feel he was following the current a bit, being the last to vote based on a very weak reason Noted here compounded with a sudden jump from NoHItter to foulcoon (as he came under pressure). However, This post tells me he was kind of on him before the pressure started mounting.

It may well be just his playstyle, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

Rolled - Conflicted, no read. The moment foulcoon came onto the stage he went dead silent. What does that actually imply? I have no idea yet.

Looking back to his posts, he was heavily on Ph0X's case, made a bit of a jab at Firo, jumped onto animask's WIFOM and was clearing Haneii. (Read: Page 7) Nothing here that stands out as scummy or town - overall I cannot distinguish anything from him.

0_o - Half way convinced to scum.

(Read: Page 5) Ok so he had a small generic banter with NoHItter. It started off as questioning his game play then quickly dropped coupled with a sudden topic changer. More or less I feel that he was just looking for something to stay out of the inactive radar. Following that he has basically stayed neutral the entire game. (Not going to fish for his posts)

This is now all theories.

There was this one post that went against Firo. But I suspect this was only used to make his teammate (under the assumption of mafia) speak up to try and dig herself out of her rut (by that point we had quite a few people on her) or possibly distance himself away from her lest she be the next lynch)

She dropped, however and now he had foulcoon who seemed much more active. This lead to an unvote under the guise that 'she was busy'. Convenient? I think so.

Theories end.


Rantai wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

This is what made me think you're misunderstanding things. If you took the time to read and understand that I was stating that I don't think NoHItter is mafia, you wouldn't say that I'm "doing the same thing" as Firo was. Frankly I don't agree with what Ph0X and Firo were getting at, I honestly believe that Firo was trying to put as little effort into the game as possible.
You say this, but...

foulcoon wrote:

I don't think I need to add commentary, I'm not Ph0X. Just look at his posts its quite obvious what I mean when I say hes an aggressive player.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

I don't need to repeat what Ph0X said.

0_o wrote:

I wanted Firo to explain his actions (or lack thereof). But while foul now has Firo's role, he doesn't have his mind, so there really isn't any point in interrogating him over what Firo was thinking. foul already gave his own opinion on NoHItter, and Firo's quitting message gave (me at least) a reasonable explanation for his brevity, so I really don't have anything else to ask from him.
Was that really his own opinion or was that just an easy scapegoat? I felt it was clear it was the latter, yet 0_o didn't respond to it at all, even partly defending him (through neutrality);

0_o wrote:

Eh, I got nothing. I still don't know how I feel about lynching foul (I've already stated my reasons for this), but hopefully the results will give us some insight for tomorrow.


So, maybe I'm over-thinking this but that is all I've got at this stage.

As it stands - 0_o > Rolled > animask > Haneii
*Useless doublepost*

Oh wow I think I used 3 different types of post referencing there. Oops XD
Alright, let's get talkin', folks.

Rantai wrote:

(Read: Page 5) Ok so he had a small generic banter with NoHItter. It started off as questioning his game play then quickly dropped coupled with a sudden topic changer. More or less I feel that he was just looking for something to stay out of the inactive radar.
I dropped it because I was satisfied with his answer - in previous games he has stated that he doesn't take meta into account, so there really wasn't anything more to say.

Following that he has basically stayed neutral the entire game.

If you check out my previous games you'll see that I rarely do have any strong opinions within the first couple days. I usually don't attack anyone without (what I think is) hard evidence, and with so little activity I really didn't get enough information from anyone to make a decent case.

There was this one post that went against Firo. But I suspect this was only used to make his teammate (under the assumption of mafia) speak up to try and dig herself out of her rut (by that point we had quite a few people on her) or possibly distance himself away from her lest she be the next lynch)

She dropped, however and now he had foulcoon who seemed much more active. This lead to an unvote under the guise that 'she was busy'. Convenient? I think so.
Looking at that now, yeah I can see how that would look sketchy. Again though, it really is just my playstyle. Her brevity was the very reason for my suspicion, but when it was revealed that she was busy with IRL stuff that really was enough evidence to dilute my suspicions.

[foul says NoHItter is aggressive without explaination, Rantai calls him out saying it's the same thing Firo did with Ph0X]
Was that really his own opinion or was that just an easy scapegoat? I felt it was clear it was the latter, yet 0_o didn't respond to it at all, even partly defending him (through neutrality)
I was actually going to attack you on that, but I was struggling with the wording of the post because it was late and I was freakishly tired, so I basically went "screw it, I'm not gonna be able to change any opinions in the next hour anyway" and went to bed :P Basically though, I thought it was pretty obvious that NoHItter was an aggressive player (which, actually, is probably why I'm suspicious of him all the time) so I didn't think anything of foul not providing exact quotes. I really didn't think it was a valid attack, though now that I'm 100% coherent I suppose I could see where you're coming from having not played with NoHItter as much.
Oh, when did Rolled make a post? My mistake for missing it.


0_o wrote:

I was actually going to attack you on that, but I was struggling with the wording of the post because it was late and I was freakishly tired, so I basically went "screw it, I'm not gonna be able to change any opinions in the next hour anyway" and went to bed :P Basically though, I thought it was pretty obvious that NoHItter was an aggressive player (which, actually, is probably why I'm suspicious of him all the time) so I didn't think anything of foul not providing exact quotes. I really didn't think it was a valid attack, though now that I'm 100% coherent I suppose I could see where you're coming from having not played with NoHItter as much.
This is way too reliant on meta don't you think?

Yes, it was obvious he was an aggressive player. The fact that foulcoon just echoed this was what jarred me (No, really all he said was "NoHItter is aggressive").

Hold on, by what you're saying, the norm for NoHItter is aggression and that it should just be taken as is. So then foulcoon commenting on that is basically like me saying the sky is blue then? If so, then you would have me believe that he was just stating the obvious, which is just as bad as it gives the impression he is adding something when he really is adding nothing. (like someone trying to avoid attention)

I fail to see how that works. If I misunderstood, can you clarify it for me. Maybe I'm just too much of a nub to understand

However, what made me call him out was partly due to him dong what Firo was doing but also the fact that he was contradicting himself by saying he wasn't when he actually was. Losing his cool didn't help either.

But yeah if I am reading this correctly, my attack was unjustified because foulcoon was stating the obvious. I don't buy it.

0_o wrote:

I dropped it because I was satisfied with his answer - in previous games he has stated that he doesn't take meta into account, so there really wasn't anything more to say.
Meta shield again. Alright, rereading it I can see that now.

0_o wrote:

If you check out my previous games you'll see that I rarely do have any strong opinions within the first couple days. I usually don't attack anyone without (what I think is) hard evidence, and with so little activity I really didn't get enough information from anyone to make a decent case.
More. I'm inclined to believe this. But the problem I have with it is that you can use this as an excuse to stay neutral when it benefits you.

0_o wrote:

Looking at that now, yeah I can see how that would look sketchy. Again though, it really is just my playstyle. Her brevity was the very reason for my suspicion, but when it was revealed that she was busy with IRL stuff that really was enough evidence to dilute my suspicions.
And you had no opinions whatsoever on what she actually said then?

0_o wrote:

I think it should be safe to have the receiver of the investigations claim and let us know the results, but keep in mind that the receiver isn't guaranteed to be pro-town.
I have not received the results. 0_o, it's safe to say that you did not receive the results?

Animask, Rantai, both of you have posted since 0_o has asked his question and neither have answered. Do both of you deny receiving the results?

Haneii, I'd like a yes or no answer from you too please.

Do you smell that? Smells like a textwall is approaching.

I'm managing my time a bit better for D3. Looking forward to see if the receiver is still in this game.

Rantai wrote:

Hold on, by what you're saying, the norm for NoHItter is aggression and that it should just be taken as is. So then foulcoon commenting on that is basically like me saying the sky is blue then? If so, then you would have me believe that he was just stating the obvious, which is just as bad as it gives the impression he is adding something when he really is adding nothing. (like someone trying to avoid attention)

I fail to see how that works. If I misunderstood, can you clarify it for me.
The point that he was trying to make wasn't that NoHItter was aggressive; he said himself that that fact was obvious. His claim was that he saw NoHItter as town because of that obvious aggression:
[quote="foulcoon":7a782]Honestly from what I've read nohitter is a pretty aggressive player. He almost seems too aggressive to be mafia to me so I'll withhold judgment for now. I would like to hear more from Haneii though, as a no-lynch vote on day 1 seems to be the extend of his/her activity. I know that this might sound hypocritical considering Firo's activity, but I promise to try to be much more active.
But yeah if I am reading this correctly, my attack was unjustified because foulcoon was stating the obvious. I don't buy it.
I believe your attack was unjustified because it was based on him not bothering to prove the obvious. Make sense?

But the problem I have with it is that you can use this as an excuse to stay neutral when it benefits you.
Perhaps, but there's really not a whole lot I can do about that.

And you had no opinions whatsoever on what she actually said then?
Not exactly sure what you mean here. I simply believed her behavior was legitimately explainable by her IRL business.

Rolled wrote:

I have not received the results. 0_o, it's safe to say that you did not receive the results?
No results here.
Questions for mod, or anybody else that can answer them:
Is the receiver of the amnesia cop's investigations aware of NoHitter's identity?
Is there a different receiver each night?
If the receiver has been killed, would we be aware by their identity in their death-post? (doubtful)
Mafia can receive the amnesia cop's results as well, correct? (I think this is stated at the end of amnesia cop's role ID from mafiawiki, but the wording is retarded)
Would NoHitter at least be aware if the receiver (assuming it's only one person) has died, making their role useless?
Topic Starter

Rolled wrote:

Questions for mod, or anybody else that can answer them:
Is the receiver of the amnesia cop's investigations aware of NoHitter's identity?
Is there a different receiver each night?
If the receiver has been killed, would we be aware by their identity in their death-post? (doubtful)
Mafia can receive the amnesia cop's results as well, correct? (I think this is stated at the end of amnesia cop's role ID from mafiawiki, but the wording is retarded)
Would NoHitter at least be aware if the receiver (assuming it's only one person) has died, making their role useless?
1. I cannot answer this question.
2. I cannot answer this question.
3. I cannot answer this question.
4. Yes, it is possible that a mafia member would be the reciever of the results.
5. Assuming that there's just one reciever, I would inform them. It is very similar to how I treat enabler roles.

Rolled wrote:

Haneii, I'd like a yes or no answer from you too please.

My FoS list atm:

0_o = rolled =animask > Rantai

0_o : A bit too neutral imo. I'm pretty tired atm so I'm keeping things short but it's mainly from your past posts just helping others with their plays/suggestions etc... You don't seem driven to find/get rid of mafia. I guess I'm just suspicious of your goal.

:I know nothing about you. Because I can't read your actions you are a bit threatening...

: I've can't shake the suspicions I had of you since the start of the game. Your logic/actions all over the place @_@. The way you jumped onto foulcoon at the end of day 2 was a bit odd. But your reasoning was "animask" like...really conflicted here :<

: I honestly didn't understand why you voted for foulcoon.

Rantai wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

I don't think I need to add commentary, I'm not Ph0X. Just look at his posts its quite obvious what I mean when I say hes an aggressive player.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

I don't need to repeat what Ph0X said.
Maybe my reading comprehension sucks, but that looks like you're doing the same thing as Firo, taking Ph0X's arguements etc and saying "what he said".

Quite frankly, I'm not convinced that you're not also looking for an easy jump. Vote: foulcoon
I don't remember him using any of PH0X's arguments so that post confuses me. Anyways, he turned out to be mafia so I'm not complaining. And because of that turn out, you're at the bottom of my FoS list.

Rolled wrote:

0_o wrote:

Animask, Rantai, both of you have posted since 0_o has asked his question and neither have answered. Do both of you deny receiving the results?
I have not received any results.
Did I misinterpret that?

"Just look at his posts its quite obvious what I mean when I say hes an aggressive player" my belief was he was referring to Ph0X.

I believe your attack was unjustified because it was based on him not bothering to prove the obvious. Make sense?
I don't believe I asked him to prove anything, just simply asking him for reasons why he thought NoHItter was aggressive. Ie. I didn't need him to prove to me he's aggressive, I just wanted to know what was going through his head in his own words.

0_o wrote:

The point that he was trying to make wasn't that NoHItter was aggressive; he said himself that that fact was obvious. His claim was that he saw NoHItter as town because of that obvious aggression:
[quote="foulcoon":f9ad4]Honestly from what I've read nohitter is a pretty aggressive player. He almost seems too aggressive to be mafia to me so I'll withhold judgment for now. I would like to hear more from Haneii though, as a no-lynch vote on day 1 seems to be the extend of his/her activity. I know that this might sound hypocritical considering Firo's activity, but I promise to try to be much more active.
Ok I see where you're coming from. However, that did not seem like he saw him as town to me, merely he's conflicted between which role he thinks he is.
Okay, I'm going to assume that animask will respond the same as everybody else. Admitting you have the results right now is not the most beneficial thing to do, because it would be obvious to them, that I know a mafia member was NoHitter's proxy.

Granted, I'm not 100% positive. There is a small chance that one of our dead townies hold the results, however I find this unlikely as our only two townies (pre-NoHitter) to die were D1. Maybe it's wrong to expect NoHitter to roleclaim once he realizes his role is useless, but truth is I do expect it.

Let me clear up some confusion now caused by my first paragraph.

Roleclaim: Jailer.
A Jailkeeper (or Jailer)'s Night Action is one that protects its target from kills, but also Roleblocks its target. Unlike Doctor, Jailkeeper's protection extends to stopping every kill that would resolve on the target by default.

I protected NoHitter n2, which I felt was a no-brainer play, yet to my surprise he ended up being night-killed. I even contacted LS to make sure my night action was accounted for.

There's a few reasons I feel it is safe/required for me to role-claim right now. 1, being, that I feel the most likely situation is NoHitter scanned me Night 1, and the results were given to a mafia member. Therefor, if mafia know my role, everybody else may as well also. Second reason being, perhaps I'm confused. At this point I feel the only possibility of my protection not succeeding is that I was roleblocked. If there is a more pro-town explanation of how this could occur, I'd like to know asap so I don't go off in the wrong direction.

Let's assume my first reason is correct. The mafia now have my role information, and it is useful on multiple levels. The first way is to claim that they are the pro-town receiver of NoHitter's discoveries. That said, it would not be beneficial for them to directly accuse me of being scum. Another way, which I feel has already been accomplished, is to roleblock me at a time where it is obvious who the night-kill target is going to be. I'm also assuming here that the mafia member is not aware who the Cop actually is, otherwise NoHitter would be a bad NK target as it's free information.

Now given my above reasoning, I'll analyze the players remaining in the game, obviously exemplifying myself. If you feel I'm mafia it's up to you to fill in the blanks.

1. 0_o (ISO)
2. Rantai (ISO)
3. Haneii [(ISO)
4. animask (ISO)
5. Rolled (ISO) (if you are lazy and feel the need for it)

I am eliminating Rantai as a suspect, as they were the second vote on Foulcoon D2 (unlikely if mafia), etc. All of this has already been said.

1. 0_o
2. Haneii
3. animask

Haneii was a large part in forcing foulcoon to his breaking point. Not entirely as exemplified as Rantai, though close.

1. 0_o
2. animask

Let's start with 0_o's ISO. A few things stuck out to me:

0_o wrote:

Vote Firo to get him talking.This was 0_o's only vote throughout the entire game, which was removed short after. I understand this was addressed, and 0_o has stated why he removed his vote, however it does seem a bit too forgiving to not continue the fire on foulcoon, knowing that he's in a bad spot due to Firo.

Not only did 0_o cast only one vote, but he also pushed votes from other players.

0_o wrote:

1.5 hours left, guys. Rereading thread now, let's actually get some votes in before the day ends?
An easy way to ensure you have no ties with mafia is to not create any ties with anybody. Obviously voting isn't the only ways to create ties, however. Since we're on that subject, I'd like to point out that the only players 0_o has "attacked" (or came close to) are confirmed town (with the exception of animask). (assuming Rantai and Haneii are confirmed, I understand not literally) He's also defended foulcoon a few times, who is confirmed mafia (derp) Quotes were not used to save space.

"Gah why do I find you suspicious in every game we're in >_>" - 0_o vs animask

"Also, why did you vote animask for saying WIFOM things when you said yourself that he says those kind of comments regardless of his role?" 0_o vs NoHitter

"That's strange, since you linked to it here:" 0_o vs Ph0x (A badly quoted example. Please see hyperlink. p.s.- This was a very strong point that solidified my vote towards ph0x, and perhaps others' votes as well)

These were all of 0_o's posts that I found to be somewhat suggestive of a person's scum relation. I did exclude 0_o's defending of foulcoon, however hopefully they're fresh in everyone's mind. I'm starting to run out of steam here, been typing this for like an hour. Also I'd like to note that 0_o has never attacked me, where I feel it was due (supporting one of the benefits of possessing my role information as mafia). I'm not proud of my lack of activity as soon as foulcoon joined the game, in fact I'll say it was rather scummy. Rantai had a good point there.

Before I fall asleep, let's talk about animask:

I really can't put in the same amount of effort as I did with 0_o, and that's not fair. My brain is pretty exhausted. One thing that's very important (imo) to note, is that animask was the third on the bandwagon for Ph0x, and a third on the bandwagon for foulcoon. This is a bit bookwormy, but I find the tell to be rather revealing from personal experience: - Tells for finding mafia wrote:

Third person on a wagon is likely to be mafia (+15)Animask's vote on both players actually reveals a lot. It sealed the deal for Ph0x's lynching, (3 voted ph0x, 2 voted Firo) and in the case of foulcoon, it was a last-minute attempt to distance himself. Foulcoon was getting lynched D2 whether animask voted or not.

That said, combined with the fact that I don't recall animask directly attacking me after D2, I'm going to vote for animask

Worst case scenario IMO, is if animask turns out to be town, it will be a Day 4 town victory as opposed to a Day 3 town victory (lynching 0_o d4)
Enjoy reading that. Good night.
Good luck town.
If that's the case I guess it really doesn't matter who get's lynched first.

vote: 0_o because I'm more suspicious of him than I am of animask.
That is a lot to digest.

Wait let's see. 4 v 1 --> mislynch assumed, town NK --> 2v1.

Good point.
Animask's vote on both players actually reveals a lot. It sealed the deal for Ph0x's lynching, (3 voted ph0x, 2 voted Firo)
How did I miss this? I knew there was reason why animask was irking me

As for 0_o, you are making solid points but I'm still wary.

Very conflicted now, I am willing to trust that Rolled is not lying at this point, unless someone counterclaims.

I'll wait a bit and see how animask responds.
Animask's vote on both players actually reveals a lot. It sealed the deal for Ph0x's lynching, (3 voted ph0x, 2 voted Firo)

Sorry but I don't understand. How does it reveal a lot? Can someone clarify/explain, please?
Firo (mafia) was tied (actually, count pre-animask-vote was 2-1 favoring ph0x. However with something like three or four not voting, it could sway easily) with votes for Ph0x (town). Animask's vote nearly assured that his (hypothetically?) mafia partner wasn't lynched.
Nvm, reread the original post/paragraph

Think I should go to sleep, I'm having trouble thinking things through XD
woah, ninja
Sleep Powder
Risky time

My votes weren't actually hammer votes, were they? Anyways I actually have a way of proving myself as pro-town, but that would require me to do something really risky for the town. First, I will use my role to get killed, then you will have to decide on someone who is more suspicious than me. If this happens, you will be able to vote for someone who could be mafia at the expense that 3 townies could be killed in a row. This would happen if you miss-lynch after my sacrifice. Which would make it a Lynch-Lose tomorrow (if I did my math right). So... I'll try to prevent that situation. Unless Rolled is correct and 0_o is actually mafia, then we would win on Day 3 instead. (Making my sacrifice a complete success.)

If the mafia have results on me, they wouldn't really want to lynch me just yet, since I don't have a very useful role. They could easily
try to frame me during the Day, but they probably didn't think I would come up with this use for my role.

@Rolled, your vote is obviously not for pressure, but I think it's too early to vote for now. Same for Haneii, but I was going to vote
for 0_o if I couldn't find anyone else who was more suspicious. I remember being suspicious of you and you reply back with a vote against me? Seems kind of scummy to me... though you could change your mind after what I just posted. I still don't get how you manage to rely on
a single "scum tell" while you have more information on 0_o. A simple FoS or HoS could be enough for now...

@0_o, no, I haven't received any results. You're talking about the investigation results, right?
Fair enough, and I'll believe you. Is there a reason you didn't provide your actual role? Perhaps you aren't allowed to claim (which you most likely aren't allowed to say you cannot claim, either. Don't do that.) It'll be annoying to sort through the 100 roles in Mafia, since I have little clue about most of them.


Vote: 0_o

animask wrote:

Anyways I actually have a way of proving myself as pro-town, but that would require me to do something really risky for the town. First, I will use my role to get killed, then you will have to decide on someone who is more suspicious than me. If this happens, you will be able to vote for someone who could be mafia at the expense that 3 townies could be killed in a row. This would happen if you miss-lynch after my sacrifice. Which would make it a Lynch-Lose tomorrow (if I did my math right). So... I'll try to prevent that situation. Unless Rolled is correct and 0_o is actually mafia, then we would win on Day 3 instead. (Making my sacrifice a complete success.)
5 people. Self sacrifice (-1), mislynch (-1), NK (-1) = 2 people. That's going to be game over, no ly-lo.

So yes, don't go and do that.

It was either you or 0_o for me, 2 are already on 0_o so unless all 3 of us vote Rolled or Haneii I don't see 0_o getting out of it.

So without further ado; Vote: 0_o
Topic Starter
0_o was suspicious.

0_o was voted for.

0_o was lynched.

0_o was a Mafia Strongman.

Town was winrar.


Edit: Role lists soon.
Sleep Powder
Oh cool, my plan worked!
Sleep Powder
Now who was my buddy? I'm still too scared to roleclaim lol
Topic Starter
Mafia Strongman (0_o) - Every other day can Strongkill, which bypasses protections such as bulletproof vests, hiding, or doctor.

Mafia Politician (Firo) - Can steal a vote each night except in LyLo.

Jailer (Rolled) - Roleblocks and protects.

(Ascetic Cop Enabler) Hider(Ph0x) - Immune to all actions except kills. Can hide with another townie but dies if that townie dies. Otherwise lives unless strongkilled. Technically won neutral but still counted as town in LyLo. Recieved results from Amnesiac Cop, and cop is disabled if killed. (Basically, if played as if town there's a higher chance of winning. Results would only be told when it would guarentee a win, theoretically.)

Doublevoter (DxS) - Can vote twice.

Amnesiac Cop (Sends to enabler.) (NoHItter) - Sends results to the Hider.

(Miller) One-shot (Rantai) Bulletproof. - Investigates as guilty. Immune to one nightkill.

Relay Mason (animask) - Mason, but names aren't told and attempts at telling the other person who you are are censored or the message may not be sent. Messaged relayed by host.

Relay Mason (Haneii) - Mason, but names aren't told and attempts at telling the other person who you are are censored or the message may not be sent. Messaged relayed by host.

Edit: The title was a total lie, by the way. This game was more experimental than the last. It worked pretty well though, I guess.
Topic Starter
Mod notes:

I felt like the roles were pretty balanced, but unsure because politician and doublevoter both never acted, Amnesiac cop results were never obtained, and Hider never acted.

Relay Mason felt like a nice way to add some mystery and keep nice balance.

Strongman felt like a nice mafia role, I'll likely include again in future games.

More notes may be added as I think of them.
Topic Starter
I would like input from the players on the setup, and how they liked or disliked their roles.
Just a quick thought on my role. After a lynch though and after I'd cast a vote though saying if the power of my double vote actually decided the lynch I think it'd be much more obvious who has that role.

Kinda glad I got lynched first seeing as I got immediately busy right when Day 1 was beginning but good game either way.

Also chuckled a bit how I kept seeing Firo post in other parts of the forum after she opted out of the game though...
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