
Less Experimental Mafia (Town Wins!)

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Fair enough, and I'll believe you. Is there a reason you didn't provide your actual role? Perhaps you aren't allowed to claim (which you most likely aren't allowed to say you cannot claim, either. Don't do that.) It'll be annoying to sort through the 100 roles in Mafia, since I have little clue about most of them.


Vote: 0_o

animask wrote:

Anyways I actually have a way of proving myself as pro-town, but that would require me to do something really risky for the town. First, I will use my role to get killed, then you will have to decide on someone who is more suspicious than me. If this happens, you will be able to vote for someone who could be mafia at the expense that 3 townies could be killed in a row. This would happen if you miss-lynch after my sacrifice. Which would make it a Lynch-Lose tomorrow (if I did my math right). So... I'll try to prevent that situation. Unless Rolled is correct and 0_o is actually mafia, then we would win on Day 3 instead. (Making my sacrifice a complete success.)
5 people. Self sacrifice (-1), mislynch (-1), NK (-1) = 2 people. That's going to be game over, no ly-lo.

So yes, don't go and do that.

It was either you or 0_o for me, 2 are already on 0_o so unless all 3 of us vote Rolled or Haneii I don't see 0_o getting out of it.

So without further ado; Vote: 0_o
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0_o was suspicious.

0_o was voted for.

0_o was lynched.

0_o was a Mafia Strongman.

Town was winrar.


Edit: Role lists soon.
Sleep Powder
Oh cool, my plan worked!
Sleep Powder
Now who was my buddy? I'm still too scared to roleclaim lol
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Mafia Strongman (0_o) - Every other day can Strongkill, which bypasses protections such as bulletproof vests, hiding, or doctor.

Mafia Politician (Firo) - Can steal a vote each night except in LyLo.

Jailer (Rolled) - Roleblocks and protects.

(Ascetic Cop Enabler) Hider(Ph0x) - Immune to all actions except kills. Can hide with another townie but dies if that townie dies. Otherwise lives unless strongkilled. Technically won neutral but still counted as town in LyLo. Recieved results from Amnesiac Cop, and cop is disabled if killed. (Basically, if played as if town there's a higher chance of winning. Results would only be told when it would guarentee a win, theoretically.)

Doublevoter (DxS) - Can vote twice.

Amnesiac Cop (Sends to enabler.) (NoHItter) - Sends results to the Hider.

(Miller) One-shot (Rantai) Bulletproof. - Investigates as guilty. Immune to one nightkill.

Relay Mason (animask) - Mason, but names aren't told and attempts at telling the other person who you are are censored or the message may not be sent. Messaged relayed by host.

Relay Mason (Haneii) - Mason, but names aren't told and attempts at telling the other person who you are are censored or the message may not be sent. Messaged relayed by host.

Edit: The title was a total lie, by the way. This game was more experimental than the last. It worked pretty well though, I guess.
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Mod notes:

I felt like the roles were pretty balanced, but unsure because politician and doublevoter both never acted, Amnesiac cop results were never obtained, and Hider never acted.

Relay Mason felt like a nice way to add some mystery and keep nice balance.

Strongman felt like a nice mafia role, I'll likely include again in future games.

More notes may be added as I think of them.
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I would like input from the players on the setup, and how they liked or disliked their roles.
Just a quick thought on my role. After a lynch though and after I'd cast a vote though saying if the power of my double vote actually decided the lynch I think it'd be much more obvious who has that role.

Kinda glad I got lynched first seeing as I got immediately busy right when Day 1 was beginning but good game either way.

Also chuckled a bit how I kept seeing Firo post in other parts of the forum after she opted out of the game though...
FUN FACT, this is the first time I've been lynched aside from being hammered by the mafia at lylo in Newbie Mafia 2.

But erg, I've been telling myself for AGES that when I finally get a mafia role that I wouldn't hesitate to take down my mafia partner if he was suspicious. I just didn't expect the suspicion to happen so quickly >_>

Here's my side of the story:
-I was this close to attacking Firo Day 1, but then the tables started to turn on Ph0X, and I decided to go with it and plan a recovery plan with Firo that night.
-That night I told her that she needed to come up with an excuse for her inactivity/brevity, and she said that she'd be more active in the future. Awesome. None of us had any strong opinions for the nightkill, and I was going to be away for the last ~18 hours of the night so I just told her to pick whoever she wants. I got back with about 10 minutes left in the night and didn't get a response back from her, so I had no idea whether she sent the kill or not. So I just made the decision to kill DxS because he wasn't very active and I figured I'd help keep the game moving.
-Day 2 starts, and oh look, Firo's gone. And I couldn't say anything to foul until the next night so we couldn't plan anything. I really did think the busy excuse would work, especially since Firo leaving proved it, but I clearly overestimated its effectiveness :P I ended up being too far along defending him to back down, so I held on in the hopes that someone would think "he wouldn't have defended him that obviously if they really were mafia buddies, would he?" after foul flipped mafia. Nnnnnnnnnnnnope.
-I knew I was pretty much screwed Day 3, so at that point it just became a game of "let's see if I can make it to Day 4" I was gone for a lot of today though (IRL) so I couldn't post but I spent a lot of time thinking of possible attacks, roleclaims, etc. But honestly, by the time I got home I was just thinking "screw it, just get it over with" :P

Ah well, it was fun. Definitely a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, I found it quite difficult to attack players that I knew were innocent. I was a proud of myself for using my strongkill at the right time, so that was something at least :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, Firo using his politician role would have been realllly useful. Oh well.
My text wall was wrong on so many levels. What a waste.

Sleep Powder
Cool, I guessed that my partner was either Rantai or Haneii at the start (after first relay). At the end I immediately thought Haneii (because of her "I'm currently not suspicious of NoHiTter and Haneii" remark). I wasn't completely sure what to do with this since it was Day 3 already... I just used this to ensure that Haneii wasn't mafia. With that I could use everyone's current suspicions to do some process of elimination. Since 0_o was the only suspicious one left I thought I should vote for him. In case he found a way to frame me (or some dumb luck and some townie thought I was mafia) I decided I would gamble a bit and go for the roleclaim modkill. After recieving the PM that I would actually lose instead of helping town win, I decided to keep going with my plan anyways (except I wouldn't actually roleclaim). Everyone seemed pretty convinced with 0_o so I probably just had to prove myself innocent somehow. I somehow enjoyed how Ph0X wasn't in this game (no offense), because his playstyle seemed to confuse me a lot more than 0_o did. I think I somewhat improved in this game.
Also, for the record animask, my vote for you originally instead of 0_o after the textwall, is I felt you were easier to read when put under pressure with some solidish proof behind it. Hope you don't take offense to it, but I think it definitely worked out well. I would have bet money you were pro-town after that subtle roleclaim.

If I would have put the immediate pressure on 0_o, I feel it would have been annoying to read him regardless of his alliance. Little bugger, with his law degree.
I knew animask was a mason since N2.

In one of the messages relayed to me:

animask wrote:

...the last post he(NoHitter) made about my reason for voting seemed to be an attempt to protect foulcoon without
actually targetting him or my decision.
I guess Mod forgot to edit the post or didn't catch that. I was never told his alliance but I was leaning a little bit towards town since he was trying to get me to help lynch NoHitter next, but he ended up getting killed by mafia that night.

This game was fun >w<
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Haneii wrote:

I knew animask was a mason since N2.

In one of the messages relayed to me:

animask wrote:

...the last post he(NoHitter) made about my reason for voting seemed to be an attempt to protect foulcoon without
actually targetting him or my decision.
I guess Mod forgot to edit the post or didn't catch that. I was never told his alliance but I was leaning a little bit towards town since he was trying to get me to help lynch NoHitter next, but he ended up getting killed by mafia that night.

This game was fun >w<
Yep, I didn't catch it. But, that's part of the fun of Relay Mason (For me.)

Not that Masonry needed much of a chance since masons can be mafia. I just wanted to try something new.
That was my first ever town game (woohoo I've completed a full round of town/mafia/neutral!)

Glad I stuck with my initial feelings that game, it came back to kick me last time >.<

I would like input from the players on the setup, and how they liked or disliked their roles.
I can't really say much, I was basically a newbie vanilla thrown into the big pool but I can say I enjoyed it.


0_o wrote:

-Day 2 starts, and oh look, Firo's gone. And I couldn't say anything to foul until the next night so we couldn't plan anything. I really did think the busy excuse would work, especially since Firo leaving proved it, but I clearly overestimated its effectiveness :P
Ahh yes, I thought that was far too convinient XD
I love you tunnel (on Firo).
This just goes to show that sometimes you have to trust your gut.
(Though not too much.)

Incidentally, I had thought a thief stole my ability N1.
Oh well.
I got set up for failure.

I'm glad you finally figured it out Day 3 Haneii, but I was fucking frustrated all of Day 2.
Yeah foulcoon. Can't blame you there.
You replaced into a real scummy slot and people suspected the slot you replaced in to.
If I was offered to replace into a slot like that, I would refuse.
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