23:24 Yuugoh: Hey I feel like helping a fellow TL user out, want me to comment on your map
23:25 Yuugoh: I hate going to the proces sof a mod post, so I'd rather just do it like this :p
23:25 HanzeR: haha yeah sure, that be great lol
23:30 Yuugoh: Okay lets start with.. [start] hehe
23:30 HanzeR:
![Grin :D](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/242.gif)
23:30 Yuugoh: at 00:31
23:31 Yuugoh: I'm not sure what rhythm you're following
23:31 Yuugoh: but I feel like if you made the 1 slider a bit longer and turn the 2 into a circle and.. something with that 3 slider it
23:31 Yuugoh: would be better
23:31 Yuugoh: that 3 feels out of place right now
23:32 Yuugoh: I guess it's following the guitar chord?
23:32 Yuugoh: but then it's a bit too long for the chord
23:32 HanzeR: here?
23:32 HanzeR: 00:32:476 (3)-
23:32 Yuugoh: yeah
23:33 HanzeR: hm
23:33 HanzeR: hmmmmm
23:34 Yuugoh: also 00:08:476 (1) this note, I feel like it would be better as a slider like 00:08:476 (1) that one
23:35 HanzeR: what about like this
23:35 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GvZU23:35 Yuugoh: fuu
23:35 Yuugoh: 00:08:476 (1) this
23:35 Yuugoh: l2link
23:35 Yuugoh: 00:08:476 (1)- this
23:35 HanzeR: haha
23:35 Yuugoh: so that's how it works
23:36 Yuugoh: and that 00:26:626 (1)-
23:36 Yuugoh: I hate how my puush isn't working
23:37 HanzeR: aah
23:38 Yuugoh: and that image you puushed seems about right
23:38 HanzeR: hah ok cool
23:38 Yuugoh: 01:06:076 (1)-
23:39 Yuugoh: Perhaps let the slider end on this note instead?
23:39 HanzeR: ohh hm that works
23:39 Yuugoh: it feels a bit out of place, and placing a note right after a spinner isn't very common in this level of difficulty
23:40 Yuugoh: I lvoe your sliderticks btw
23:40 HanzeR: haha really
23:40 HanzeR: i might have to change it though t-t
23:41 Yuugoh: aww really? why?
23:41 HanzeR: the easy is like 700 combo solely because of the ticks haha
23:41 HanzeR: not sure if score matters anymore though
23:41 HanzeR: i guess it doesnt
23:43 Yuugoh: if a shitty bat/mat tells you that's wrong
23:43 Yuugoh: tell him he's wrong
23:43 HanzeR: rofl
23:43 Yuugoh: it's not a rule nor a guideline and it adds to the fucking map
23:44 HanzeR: yeah hopefully it wont be an issue
23:47 Yuugoh: well this diff looks fine to me
23:48 Yuugoh: 00:53:776 (1)-
23:49 Yuugoh: this is one of the coolest return sliders I've heard in a while actually
23:49 Yuugoh: I don't know if it's intentional, but it matches the sound pan of the drum crashes perfectly
23:49 HanzeR: ohh really
23:49 HanzeR: which diff haha
23:49 Yuugoh: start
23:50 Yuugoh: gonna begin with middle now
23:51 HanzeR: okkk
23:56 Yuugoh: man I really don't like how the approach circles of those triples stack
23:57 Yuugoh: don't even know why
23:57 HanzeR: hahaha
23:57 HanzeR: hnm
23:58 HanzeR: the ones here are off by 1 grid i think
23:58 HanzeR: 00:36:301 (1,2)-
23:58 HanzeR: might be why
23:58 HanzeR: im so lazy when it comes to these things XD
23:58 HanzeR: esp in easy diffs haha
23:58 Yuugoh: xD
23:58 Yuugoh: this diff is actually pretty hard for a 4.5 star hard
23:59 Yuugoh: first off, I'd suggest a one tick bigger circlesize
23:59 HanzeR: hmmm
23:59 Yuugoh: and the hitsound on 00:18:076 (1)- sounds a bit out of place with the music
00:00 HanzeR: i might go -1 on ar i think
00:00 HanzeR: too
00:01 Yuugoh: yeah I was thinking about that too
00:01 Yuugoh: haven't tried playing with it yet though
00:02 HanzeR: im not sure about the cs though
00:02 HanzeR: it might be too easy to 3mod then
00:02 HanzeR: lol
00:02 Yuugoh: hm..
00:03 Yuugoh: yeah I guess the cs is fine
00:05 Yuugoh: I'm assuming you're following vocals on 00:29:926 (7)-
00:05 Yuugoh: then I think it should be one tick longer
00:06 HanzeR: aa ok
00:06 HanzeR: yeah i hear that too
00:06 Yuugoh: alright nice
00:07 Yuugoh: lol I forgot about that 'new' circle slider thing
00:07 Yuugoh: I was all like wow his circle sliders are good
00:08 HanzeR: hahahah nopeee
00:08 HanzeR: that thing saved me x.x
00:08 Yuugoh: oh and after checking it, ar-1 is a good idea
00:08 HanzeR: yeah i like it better
00:08 HanzeR: plays better on hr too /o/
00:09 Yuugoh: makes the ninjatriples less ninja
00:13 Yuugoh: 00:51:076 (3)-
00:14 Yuugoh: shouldn't this note keep the hitsound pattern up?
00:14 HanzeR: i was thinking that but hm
00:15 HanzeR: i used the whistles really for the parts where her voice has that chorus effect on it
00:15 HanzeR: and since it ends on the note before that
00:15 HanzeR: it sounds weird though without the whsitel your right
00:16 Yuugoh: it makes the note lose value even though it's of equal value as the rest of the pattern
00:17 HanzeR: yeah
00:18 Yuugoh: I should really mod with standard skin lol, whistels don't sound like whistels at all with my skin xD
00:19 HanzeR: ohhh really haha
00:19 HanzeR: i just leave hitsounds to their own usually, they can be really cool on some maps
00:19 Yuugoh: I don't override custom hitsounds
00:20 HanzeR: aah
00:20 HanzeR: oh i see
00:20 Yuugoh: it's just whistels and normal sounds get ping-pongified
00:20 Yuugoh: and claps are more like a drumsnare hit
00:20 HanzeR: lol
00:23 Yuugoh: okay about hitsounds
00:23 Yuugoh: the pattern 00:51:076 (3)- 01:45:076 (2)-
00:24 Yuugoh: uhh
00:24 Yuugoh: that's a bad link xD
00:24 Yuugoh: from 01:42:076 (1)-
00:25 Yuugoh: it sounds a lot cooler to me if you put a clap on every second white tick instead of a whistle
00:25 Yuugoh: kinda like you do starting from 01:45:676 (3)-
00:25 Yuugoh: in fact, exactly
00:25 Yuugoh: oh wait the whistles were for her voice effect huh..
00:26 Yuugoh: I guess if you want to be consitent with that, you can keep it if you want
00:27 HanzeR: hmmm]
00:27 Yuugoh: I gotta say that I didn't hear her voice effect until you mentioned it though :p
00:28 Yuugoh: but I'm more of a drum/guitar guy anyway so that might just be me
00:28 HanzeR: haha yeah
00:28 HanzeR: i wanst sure why it felt like the start of the chorus had more 'energy' than the rest
00:28 HanzeR: then i listened to it and heard that
00:29 Yuugoh: but but
00:29 Yuugoh: the claps give me much more of a catchy energetic beat fealing than whistles do
00:30 Yuugoh: actually hold on, lemme put a normal skin on
00:30 HanzeR: haha
00:30 HanzeR: do you have default hitsounds on
00:30 HanzeR: on mine the claps are almost indistinguishable from the normal ones really
00:30 HanzeR: just a little different
00:31 Yuugoh: ah man osu! standard skin, this brings nostalgia
00:31 HanzeR: haha
00:32 Yuugoh: lol you're right the claps don't do shit on this skin
00:32 Yuugoh: ok keep it like this xD
00:32 HanzeR: right aha
00:32 HanzeR: ok
00:33 Yuugoh: okay gonna play finish now
00:33 *Yuugoh is playing Leftymonster - START [Finish]
00:33 Yuugoh: wait wat
00:33 HanzeR: orz it says mine is different
00:33 Yuugoh: try now
00:33 Yuugoh: I updated it
00:37 HanzeR: is the offset wrong
00:37 HanzeR: lol
00:37 Yuugoh: lol idk
00:37 Yuugoh: so much 100
00:37 HanzeR: yeah o.o
00:37 HanzeR: aha
00:37 Yuugoh: hm.. I'm not the most accurate person though and OD8 is usually kinda rough on me
00:41 Yuugoh: I'm not sure
00:41 Yuugoh: second playthrough 90% acc
00:41 HanzeR: weiirdd
00:41 Yuugoh: but asking in #modhelp for an offset check never hurts
00:41 HanzeR: yeah
00:41 Yuugoh: if someone actually does help
00:42 Yuugoh: though for some reason people often help whe it comes to offset for some reason
00:43 HanzeR: free kds /o/
00:43 Yuugoh: meh kd's
00:43 HanzeR: jeeze
00:43 Yuugoh: sup?
00:44 HanzeR: that was an impressive number of 100s lol
00:44 Yuugoh: ahaha
00:44 Yuugoh: lemme try again
00:44 HanzeR: esp with that combo
00:45 Yuugoh: well it's better
00:47 Yuugoh: bleh
00:47 HanzeR: haha
00:47 HanzeR: think i should go od7
00:47 HanzeR: maybe
00:47 HanzeR: hmm
00:47 Yuugoh: it's been a trend lately to have low od maps
00:48 Yuugoh: but I don't think it's a good trend
00:48 HanzeR: haha
00:48 Yuugoh: I'd suggest asking #modhelp or wasn't there a thread on th forums for timing checks?
00:48 HanzeR: this was originall cs5 too
00:48 HanzeR: yeah
00:48 Yuugoh: dunno how fast that is though
00:49 Yuugoh: cs4 feels a lot better than 5 :p
00:51 HanzeR: yeahh
00:51 HanzeR: i figured it would just invite lots of 1 votes if it ever got ranked too
00:51 HanzeR: l;ol
00:52 Yuugoh: but your name isn't val0108
00:52 Yuugoh: of course your map isn't gonna be ranked
00:53 HanzeR: hahahahahaha orz
00:53 HanzeR: so true
00:53 Yuugoh: well
00:53 Yuugoh: I still have shitty acc on od7 xD
00:53 HanzeR: hmm
00:53 HanzeR: try changing the offset to 71 and see if thats better
00:55 Yuugoh: lol 95%
00:56 HanzeR: orz there we go
00:57 Yuugoh: okay ended with 92
00:57 Yuugoh: but it's an improvement
01:00 Yuugoh: I feel like offset 69 works even better
01:01 HanzeR: yeahhhh
01:01 HanzeR: t-t now i have to change all these little green lines
01:02 Yuugoh: okay time to actually check the map xD
01:02 Yuugoh: aww
![Sad :(](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/56.gif)
01:02 HanzeR: haha
01:05 Yuugoh: I see what your doing at 00:18:069 (1)- but I feel like another circle on that white tick and starting the spinner
01:05 Yuugoh: after that sounds kinda nice
01:05 Yuugoh: do you agree?
01:07 HanzeR: ohh thats pretty cool
01:07 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GyfQ01:09 Yuugoh: man it's hard to testplay with the standard skin
01:10 Yuugoh: hm.. I've put that not onx:420, y:200 to get in the spinny mood
01:10 Yuugoh: but that would be counterproductive if people spun the other way anyway so I think your position is better
01:11 HanzeR: yeah i spin that way haha
01:17 Yuugoh: consider swapping 01:59:169 (2)- and 01:59:319 (3)- for a more smooth flow
01:18 Yuugoh: though I can see you love snap-back jumps, this part of the map kinda relies on flow more than snappy
01:18 Yuugoh: movement
01:19 HanzeR: yeah taht does feel better
01:19 HanzeR: that
01:23 Yuugoh: I have some wierd shit going on at 02:28:419 (2)-
01:23 Yuugoh: could you puush a screenshot of that pattern, I think I messed something up by accident
01:23 HanzeR: hmm
01:23 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GyDZ01:26 Yuugoh: Okay I reverted it back to normal
01:26 Yuugoh: it still feels a bit odd
01:26 Yuugoh: why is there a triple there?
01:27 Yuugoh: I feel like it follows the music and mapflow better without 02:28:051 (2)-
01:30 HanzeR: it probably follows the music better but i think its really awkward to switch from clicking on the downbeat to the
01:30 HanzeR: upbeat like that
01:30 HanzeR: the stream is kind of a transition i guess
01:32 Yuugoh: wait where do you swith from downbeat to upbeat then?
01:32 Yuugoh: btw the same story applies to 02:32:401-
01:34 HanzeR: mm
01:38 HanzeR: i dunno it plays really weird wihout the stream there i think
01:38 HanzeR: i should probably add a note between the 4/4 slider and the 1/2 slider
01:38 HanzeR: that follows the music exactly but it isnt very fun i guess
01:39 Yuugoh: hm..
01:39 Yuugoh: fun > music tbh
01:40 Yuugoh: and isn't a note between the 4/4 and the 1/2 the current situation? or is that what you meant?
01:41 HanzeR: a note on the red tick and then the slider on the white
01:43 Yuugoh: then what about that single note at? 02:28:426 (5)-
01:43 Yuugoh: I feel like I'm misunderstanding something xD
01:43 HanzeR: id have to delete it
01:43 Yuugoh: right
01:43 Yuugoh: lets see how that is
01:44 HanzeR: i dunno i did it like this
01:44 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1Gz9g01:46 Yuugoh: hm.. I that could work but only with better placement
01:46 Yuugoh: let's see if that''s possible
01:47 Yuugoh: guh if only my puush worked
01:48 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GzdH01:48 Yuugoh: I'm thinking put the circle at 468, 168
01:49 Yuugoh: and then make the slider a straight one that fits with the follow-up pattern
01:50 Yuugoh:
http://imgur.com/80Qca01:51 Yuugoh: blegh fix my puush please peppy
01:51 HanzeR: hahaa i was literally doing the same exact thing
01:51 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GziP01:51 Yuugoh: nice :p
01:51 Yuugoh: I feel like this solves it quite nicely
01:52 HanzeR: yup
01:54 Yuugoh: oh
01:54 Yuugoh: 02:51:526 (1)- and 02:51:601 (2)-
01:55 Yuugoh: what do you think about turning those into a more motion stream instead of stacked notes
01:55 HanzeR: like from where
01:55 HanzeR: not sure how i could make that flow properly
01:58 Yuugoh: uhh
01:58 Yuugoh: like, pushing them to.. 8 o'clock towards the end of that 4/4 slider
01:59 Yuugoh: I feel like the motion that comes from the slider get's slightly killed if you put a stack there
02:00 HanzeR: hm what about this
02:00 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1Gzvo02:00 Yuugoh: sort of how charles never stacks his notes at the start of a slider but keeps them spread out (even though with
02:00 Yuugoh: little spacing)
02:01 Yuugoh: fuck that completly messes up the note that comes after the slider
02:02 Yuugoh: 02:52:276 (4)-
02:02 Yuugoh: now I feel like you'll have too much speed xD
02:02 HanzeR: haha
02:04 HanzeR: i could just move 4 closer to to the end iguess
02:04 Yuugoh: but your poor symmetry
02:05 HanzeR: hahaha
02:05 HanzeR: like this kinda works i guess
02:05 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GzCK02:09 Yuugoh: haha that kinda takes the reason for changing the triplet away but I like this
02:10 HanzeR: haha
02:15 Yuugoh: how do you feel about this?
http://imgur.com/NhIsQ02:15 Yuugoh: it gives that slight break a bit more feeling
02:17 HanzeR: hm
02:18 HanzeR: it could work
02:18 HanzeR: but stream jumps liek that are kind of weird i think
02:19 HanzeR: plus i might have one too many ways to piss off hd players in this section already haha
02:19 Yuugoh: lol hd players are gonna hate this map
02:20 HanzeR: haha
02:21 Yuugoh: but you can keep the streamjump out if you don't see it fitting in, it was only a small suggestion
02:22 Yuugoh: what about 02:32:401- btw?
02:23 Yuugoh: I actually forgot I removed that myself and now I'm even more convinced it sounds better without it
02:23 HanzeR: ohh yeah
02:23 HanzeR: haha
02:27 HanzeR: i kind of went like this i guess
02:27 HanzeR:
http://puu.sh/1GA6502:30 Yuugoh: yes yes that's nice
02:30 Yuugoh: woa it's getting late lol
02:30 Yuugoh: 02:30 xD
02:30 HanzeR: ohhh really haha
02:30 HanzeR: asdfz
02:31 HanzeR: YEAH
02:31 Yuugoh: o.O
02:31 HanzeR: i should go eat --
02:31 HanzeR: aha