
Think you've got what it takes to be a BAT?

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Think you've got what it takes to be a BAT?

If you want to join the ranks of the approval team, here are a few tips to get you started.
  1. Mod maps in Help and Pending, the way other mods mod them. Take the initiative and show us you can mod.
  2. Create your own maps and get them ranked. Not only does this show that you have dedication to your work, you will also learn valuable tricks and tips which you can pass on when modding.
  3. Chat on IRC (in-game chat). We'll get to know you better, which in turn makes it more likely for us to promote you. A cheerful, bright personality with a good sense of humour helps.
  4. Don't ask, complain or rave on about how good you are, how many posts you've made, or how you've worked so hard and are still not a BAT. If we haven't approached you to become a BAT, you're probably not doing something right, be it modding or behaviourwise (ie. learn to internet). Put yourself in our shoes; would you want to promote someone who keeps whining?
Remember the golden rule: You don't ask us, we ask you.

Here is a list of things to check posted in the mod forums. Use it to help you mod.

Guide to modding maps

Check all of the following things:
  1. Timing: both offset and BPM must be spot on
  2. Beat placement: the placement of the beats should be intuitive. Play through the map in play mode, test or edit, and make sure you know when you have to hit each beat without looking at the timeline. If the map has lots of stacked notes, get the mapper to spread them out.
  3. Rhythm: the rhythm of the beats should follow some recognisable pattern, such as lyrics/drums/beat.
  4. Difficulties: there should be at least two different maps with different difficulties, at least one which you can pass. If you can't pass either, you should check with someone who can :P
  5. Length: If the song is in excess of 4-5 minutes, ask the mapper to make it shorter unless there's a good reason for mapping such a long map
  6. Breaks: Check that breaks are suitably used. Breaks should not be longer than 20 seconds. There should not be any sections longer than 5-10 seconds that are blank. In addition, the breaks should be evenly spaced out. There shouldn't be an excess of breaks in one section of the map and a ridiculously long section in another part of the song.
  7. Filesize: If the .osz is larger than 10MB with no video (ie. a high quality music file) or larger than 20MB with video, ask the mapper to recompress at lower quality
  8. Sound effects: If no whistles and finishes are used, recommend the mapper to use them
  9. Volume: The sound effects should not be overwhelmingly loud and the music should not be too soft
  10. Eye candy: If there are any backgrounds/videos/storyboarding/custom skins, check they are appropriate/unoffensive and that any offsets are correctly timed
Create your own maps and get them ranked.--------> :(
EDIT: Yes, I have.
[deleted user]
One of my beatmaps is 4:31. Is it too long or will you let it slide?
If you can shorten it in any way, by all means go ahead. Chances are if it has well placed breaks it can still be ranked though.

P.S. - Lets try to keep this thread on topic thanks.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
foulcoons a BAT now too? damnit, I need to mod maps.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

foulcoons a BAT now too? damnit, I need to mod maps.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
No one wants to be a bat? :(

James wrote:

No one wants to be a bat? :(

Yea. Bout that. :\
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
i only know basic english :oops:

James wrote:

i only know basic english :oops:
Well, I guess I can do it if Peppy allow. :|

But I would only mod songs from Anime.
I hope I got what it takes :o
If not, please tell me what to change! I'm still learning :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Opinion: osu! Needs more BAT's as there seem to be waaaay more maps getting submitted lately, and waaay too many don't get any attention.
Actually, it's not that we need more BATs.

We just need more people who mod. After all, lots of the things submitted to Pending nowadays have errors, and you don't need a BAT until it's error-free (for bubbles and such). Besides, lots of the crap submitted nowadays are nukeable. I even see 1 difficulty beatmaps in Pending. Other than that, we don't need any more BATs. We just need more active modders. The issue is that while we have plenty of BATs and members, the amount of them actively modding isn't big enough to mod all the maps that get submitted, hence they often just take requests, and occasionally mod semi-randomly.

That's all. If more people modded on a semi-regular basis, life would be easier, but that doesn't look to be happening any time soon.

Ekaru wrote:

Actually, it's not that we need more BATs.

We just need more people who mod. After all, lots of the things submitted to Pending nowadays have errors, and you don't need a BAT until it's error-free (for bubbles and such). Besides, lots of the crap submitted nowadays are nukeable. I even see 1 difficulty beatmaps in Pending. Other than that, we don't need any more BATs. We just need more active modders. The issue is that while we have plenty of BATs and members, the amount of them actively modding isn't big enough to mod all the maps that get submitted, hence they often just take requests, and occasionally mod semi-randomly.

That's all. If more people modded on a semi-regular basis, life would be easier, but that doesn't look to be happening any time soon.

I think everyone is capable of modding. It's simply making suggestions to notes and forming the map to be more creative, intuitive, and sense-making. :)

BATs, imo, shouldn't be constantly harassed. They mod like regular users, but have more experience when it comes to scrolling through Edit mode. And they get to give/pop stars, bubbles, and hearts. Unless a map is extremely controversial, I think we should only consult a BAT after at least 3 non-BATs go out and check a map.

The active modders eventually become BATs, but still... Let's try consulting those who are willing, instead of bugging people who have lives. >_>
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