
Mili - Fable [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年12月20日 at 23:34:12

Artist: Mili
Title: Fable
Source: Deemo
Tags: rayark hamoloid
BPM: 146
Filesize: 4765kb
Play Time: 02:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. HD - 4Key (2.56 stars, 779 notes)
  2. NM - 4Key (1.63 stars, 472 notes)
Download: Mili - Fable
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Love Deemo~
My 1th RANK map, hope you enjoy
Bubble by Spy
Rank by Rumia-

nice nice
Hello :0
mania modding desu.

The girl

00:34:520 - 1 note delete
00:57:123 - 1 note add
00:59:999 - ^same
01:01:232 - ^
01:14:794 - ^
01:15:616 - ^
01:26:506 - ^
01:26:609 - ^
01:26:712 - ^
02:06:575 - all long note change(~02:07:397)


00:30:417 - 1 note add
00:36:986 - ^
00:57:123 - ^
00:59:999 - ^
01:00:205 - 1 note delete
01:00:308 - 1 note add
01:00:410 - 1 note delete
01:00:616 - 1 note add
01:02:260 - 1 note delete
01:10:273 - 1 note add
01:10:890 - 1 note delete
01:13:972 - 1 note add
01:14:794 - 2 note add
01:15:616 - ^
01:21:369 - 1 note add
01:41:712 - delete
01:41:815 - delete
01:41:917 - 1 note add
02:06:575 - all long note change(~02:07:397)

final, u must "preview point set" and "letterbox off"
1.preview point set
solution : Top menu Timing -> set current position as preview point press(u want listen time set it XD)

2. letterbox off
solution : F4 -> Design -> Letterbox during breaks uncheck press :)

Good luck u beat map XD
Topic Starter
thank u sooooo~ much for modding,fix some~ :) and thank u for teach me about the "preview point" and "letterbox" by the way ;)

KawaEE wrote:

Hello :0
mania modding desu.

The girl

00:34:520 - 1 note delete-ok
00:57:123 - 1 note add-^
00:59:999 - ^same-^
01:01:232 - ^-^
01:14:794 - ^-^
01:15:616 - ^-^
01:26:506 - ^
01:26:609 - ^-
01:26:712 - ^
02:06:575 - all long note change(~02:07:397)-ok


00:30:417 - 1 note add-ok
00:36:986 - ^-^
00:57:123 - ^-^
00:59:999 - ^-^
01:00:205 - 1 note delete
01:00:308 - 1 note add
01:00:410 - 1 note delete
01:00:616 - 1 note add
01:02:260 - 1 note delete
01:10:273 - 1 note add-ok
01:10:890 - 1 note delete
01:13:972 - 1 note add-ok
01:14:794 - 2 note add-^
01:15:616 - ^-ok
01:21:369 - 1 note add-ok
01:41:712 - delete
01:41:815 - delete
01:41:917 - 1 note add-ok
02:06:575 - all long note change(~02:07:397)-ok
final, u must "preview point set" and "letterbox off"
1.preview point set
solution : Top menu Timing -> set current position as preview point press(u want listen time set it XD)

2. letterbox off
solution : F4 -> Design -> Letterbox during breaks uncheck press :)

Good luck u beat map XD
hi~from queue
column 1234

00:03:082 - add?
00:06:780 (6780|3,10068|2) - same thing
00:13:356 (13356|1) - ^
00:16:643 (16643|0,19931|3,23219|2,26506|3) - ^
02:08:219 (128219|1) - too long
00:51:780 (51780|3,51780|0,51986|0,52089|1,52191|3,52191|0,52397|1) - change pattern,using 1/3
00:57:123 - add
01:18:082 - add
01:26:506 (86506|2,86506|0,86609|1,86712|0,86712|2) - change 1/6
02:08:219 (128219|1,128219|2) - too long

Good Luck~

you shouldn't req when only M4M open
most dislike "can't read English people",such as you
be careful,otherwise you will be got out from o!m
Topic Starter

hutunohito wrote:

hi~from queue
column 1234

00:03:082 - add?
00:06:780 (6780|3,10068|2) - same thing
00:13:356 (13356|1) - ^
00:16:643 (16643|0,19931|3,23219|2,26506|3) - ^
02:08:219 (128219|1) - too long-ok
00:51:780 (51780|3,51780|0,51986|0,52089|1,52191|3,52191|0,52397|1) - change pattern,using 1/3-ok
00:57:123 - add-ok
01:18:082 - add-ok
01:26:506 (86506|2,86506|0,86609|1,86712|0,86712|2) - change 1/6-ok
02:08:219 (128219|1,128219|2) - too long-ok

Good Luck~

you shouldn't req when only M4M open
most dislike "can't read English people",such as you
be careful,otherwise you will be got out from o!m
Im so sorry about this :( , i realize it is "M4M" after i replay . Even worse is, all your map is 7K or 8K ,which i am really not good at....
Nevertheless, Thanks for your mod :)
hello :)

you should change the preview point of the NM,isn't the same with the 4K HD


then if this mapset will be only 4k you have to take off the 4K from the diffculties name,only NM and HD


Column -1-2-3-4-

00:02:671 - add note 1
00:09:246 - add note 3
00:12:328 (12328|1,12328|0) - CTRL + H
00:12:534 - add note 1
00:13:972 - add note 4
00:14:383 - add note 1
00:19:520 (19520|1) - move in col 3
00:19:726 (19726|3,19931|1,20136|3,20342|1) - CTRL+J
00:20:137 (20137|1) - move in col 1
00:20:547 - add note 2
00:22:397 - add note 3
00:25:684 - add note 1
00:25:890 (25890|1) - move in col 4
00:27:123 - add note 3
00:29:999 - add note 4
00:32:876 (32876|1) - delete
00:33:082 - add note 4
00:33:287 (33287|1) - delete
00:33:493 - add note 1
00:33:904 - add note 3
00:36:575 - add note 1
00:57:534 (57534|2) - move in col 4
00:57:739 - add note 3
01:00:616 - add note 2
01:14:589 (74589|0) - move in col 3
01:15:000 (75000|3) - move in col 1
01:15:410 - add note 1
01:21:986 (81986|2) - delete
01:22:500 - like the previous pattern add note in col 3
01:22:602 (82602|2) - move in col 2
01:38:424 - add note 2
02:05:136 - add note 4

hope my mod will be helpfull and nice song!
Topic Starter
Thank you~~i will think again at some mod. Overall, it helps me a lot, well done :)

Harbyter wrote:

hello :)

you should change the preview point of the NM,isn't the same with the 4K HD


then if this mapset will be only 4k you have to take off the 4K from the diffculties name,only NM and HD


Column -1-2-3-4-

00:02:671 - add note 1 - er...i dont think so, i'll keep it , and think again
00:09:246 - add note 3 - ^
00:12:328 (12328|1,12328|0) - CTRL + H - ok
00:12:534 - add note 1
00:13:972 - add note 4
00:14:383 - add note 1 - ok
00:19:520 (19520|1) - move in col 3 - ok
00:19:726 (19726|3,19931|1,20136|3,20342|1) - CTRL+J - ok
00:20:137 (20137|1) - move in col 1
00:20:547 - add note 2
00:22:397 - add note 3
00:25:684 - add note 1
00:25:890 (25890|1) - move in col 4
00:27:123 - add note 3
00:29:999 - add note 4 - ok
00:32:876 (32876|1) - delete
00:33:082 - add note 4
00:33:287 (33287|1) - delete - ok
00:33:493 - add note 1
00:33:904 - add note 3 - ok, but i prefer put into 1
00:36:575 - add note 1 - ok
00:57:534 (57534|2) - move in col 4 - ok
00:57:739 - add note 3 - ok
01:00:616 - add note 2 - ok
01:14:589 (74589|0) - move in col 3
01:15:000 (75000|3) - move in col 1
01:15:410 - add note 1 - ok
01:21:986 (81986|2) - delete - ok
01:22:500 - like the previous pattern add note in col 3 - ok
01:22:602 (82602|2) - move in col 2 - ok
01:38:424 - add note 2 - ok
02:05:136 - add note 4 - ok, i put it on 3

hope my mod will be helpfull and nice song!
Hi random mods..
The artist must be "Mili"

Source : Deemo
Tags : rayark hamoloid

No kudosu
Topic Starter

Kazamastar11 wrote:

Hi random mods..
The artist must be "Mili"

Source : Deemo
Tags : rayark hamoloid
Thank you for reminding~ :) Are you free to mod this map?

SanadaYukimura wrote:

Thank you for reminding~ :) Are you free to mod this map?
Yes, free..
Maybe, if i'm in mood.. I'll mod the mapset too.. But tomorrow is a school day..
Topic Starter

Kazamastar11 wrote:

SanadaYukimura wrote:

Thank you for reminding~ :) Are you free to mod this map?
Yes, free..
Maybe, if i'm in mood.. I'll mod the mapset too.. But tomorrow is a school day..
it's fine, i can wait. Take your time~


00:07:602 (7602|3) - move to 1
00:10:890 (10890|2) - move to 4
00:14:178 (14178|1) - move to 1
00:18:493 (18493|3) - move to 3
00:20:753 (20753|3) - move to 3
00:24:041 (24041|2) - move to 1
00:30:410 (30410|3) - move to 3
00:36:986 (36986|0) - move to 2
00:50:958 (50958|1) - move to 1
01:09:041 (69041|1) - move to 1
01:15:616 (75616|1) - move to 1
01:16:849 (76849|0,76849|2) - move to 2 and 4
01:23:424 (83424|2) - move to 2

no errors

end of my mod

can i make a storyboard for your map?
Topic Starter
Well done! Fix some. And thank you for the amazing storyboard by the way. XD

arviejhay wrote:



00:07:602 (7602|3) - move to 1 - ok
00:10:890 (10890|2) - move to 4 - ok
00:14:178 (14178|1) - move to 1- ok
00:18:493 (18493|3) - move to 3
00:20:753 (20753|3) - move to 3- ok
00:24:041 (24041|2) - move to 1- ok
00:30:410 (30410|3) - move to 3- ok
00:36:986 (36986|0) - move to 2- ok
00:50:958 (50958|1) - move to 1- ok
01:09:041 (69041|1) - move to 1
01:15:616 (75616|1) - move to 1- ok
01:16:849 (76849|0,76849|2) - move to 2 and 4
01:23:424 (83424|2) - move to 2

no errors

end of my mod

can i make a storyboard for your map?
Mod From 中频
有两条绿线出现在同一时间内 自己看下
00:31:643 (31643|1) - 移到1
00:39:246 (39246|1) - 移到4
00:34:109 (34109|3) - 可以Delete(
01:43:150 (103150|1,103356|0,103356|2,103561|1,103561|3) - 这样?
00:12:123 (12123|3,12328|1,12328|2) - 这样?
01:03:904 (63904|0,63904|1,64109|2,64109|0,64109|3) - 这样?
01:42:534 (102534|3,102636|2,102739|1) - 这样?
话说这图是for rank吗 for rank的话没HS不行哦(
Topic Starter

liaoxingyao wrote:

Mod From 中频
有两条绿线出现在同一时间内 自己看下 - 猴,找到了
00:31:643 (31643|1) - 移到1 - OK
00:39:246 (39246|1) - 移到4 - OK
00:34:109 (34109|3) - 可以Delete( - OK
01:43:150 (103150|1,103356|0,103356|2,103561|1,103561|3) - 这样? - OK
00:12:123 (12123|3,12328|1,12328|2) - 这样? - 看这个不顺眼很久了,改改改;w;
01:03:904 (63904|0,63904|1,64109|2,64109|0,64109|3) - 这样?
01:42:534 (102534|3,102636|2,102739|1) - 这样? - OK
话说这图是for rank吗 for rank的话没HS不行哦(
是的for rank,HS已加~
hi here's mod as requested via PM, sorry for late, busy in real life ;w;

Here i'm focusing on your hardest difficulty

00:02:876 (2876|2,3082|1) - Ctrl+H ,here the pitch are reversed ,but if you want to make the pattern variety you can ignore it

00:13:767 (13767|1) - Move to 1, to make stronger high pitch note

00:13:972 - here add to 4, i hear a piano sound

00:25:479 (25479|2) - Move to 2, to make stronger high pitch note

00:26:712 (26712|2) - Move to 1
00:26:917 (26917|0) - Move to 3
^ follow the pitch should be good, since this is segment only have piano sound

00:27:123 - Add Note

00:33:082 - Add to 1
00:33:493 - Add to 1

01:27:534 (87534|1,87534|3,88356|0,88356|2,89178|1,89178|0) -01:29:178) - Delete, This should be avoided on mapping, dont use double on non cymbal sound

01:30:821 (90821|2,91232|1,91643|1,92054|2) - Delete, one note is enough for this beat

01:33:698 - Add to 4

01:35:958 - Add to 1

01:36:780 (96780|2) - Move to 4

01:37:191 (97191|2) - Move to white line below

01:49:315 (109315|3) - Move to 2, make it stair, dont worry about the LN below

02:02:260 (122260|2) - Move to 1

02:08:219 (128219|1,128219|2) - Well Normal note looks good, better than these LN

You can add hitsound after several mods

Good Luck ~ Nice song owo
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:

hi here's mod as requested via PM, sorry for late, busy in real life ;w; Me too ;w;

Here i'm focusing on your hardest difficulty

00:02:876 (2876|2,3082|1) - Ctrl+H ,here the pitch are reversed ,but if you want to make the pattern variety you can ignore it - Fix

00:13:767 (13767|1) - Move to 1, to make stronger high pitch note- Fix

00:13:972 - here add to 4, i hear a piano sound- Fix

00:25:479 (25479|2) - Move to 2, to make stronger high pitch note

00:26:712 (26712|2) - Move to 1
00:26:917 (26917|0) - Move to 3- Fix
^ follow the pitch should be good, since this is segment only have piano sound

00:27:123 - Add Note- Fix

00:33:082 - Add to 1- Fix
00:33:493 - Add to 1- Fix

01:27:534 (87534|1,87534|3,88356|0,88356|2,89178|1,89178|0) -01:29:178) - Delete, This should be avoided on mapping, dont use double on non cymbal sound- Awesome!

01:30:821 (90821|2,91232|1,91643|1,92054|2) - Delete, one note is enough for this beat- Fix

01:33:698 - Add to 4

01:35:958 - Add to 1- Fix

01:36:780 (96780|2) - Move to 4- Fix

01:37:191 (97191|2) - Move to white line below- Fix

01:49:315 (109315|3) - Move to 2, make it stair, dont worry about the LN below- Fix

02:02:260 (122260|2) - Move to 1- Fix

02:08:219 (128219|1,128219|2) - Well Normal note looks good, better than these LN Er..i'll think again, delete one LN
You can add hitsound after several mods

Good Luck ~ Nice song owo
Still work on the hitsound, making a good music is not a simple thing :?
Topic Starter
Hi guys, i need some help with the hitsound, it really annoying me :?


General outline of what my mods contain:
>My thoughts about mapset
>Some advices
>Harsh opinions about map if I feel like it needs more work
>Complaining about mapstyle (sometimes even shouting)
>Commenting on 90% of things I mention
>Funny maymay arrows
>Random images
>All the bad shit you may not expect
Keep in mind that all harsh things I say, not because I hate stuff, but because I care about every single map I mod and want to help you get it ranked. I'm voicing all of my opinions without restraint. Please don't rage at me because of this, I don't mean to offend you in any way. Also do note that I'm still learning, so I might misunderstand some things. and I'm terrible at naming instruments orz

Unfortunately I can't help you with hitsounding since I suck at it lel

Columns are: |1|2|3|4|


AT LEAST 7 should be there ffs

00:30:205 - Normal stair here, pitch'n' stuff
00:36:780 - ^
00:43:767 - Add note here, rearrange patterns
00:44:178 - Delete one
00:52:602 - Delete one
00:56:917 (56917|3) - Delete
01:04:931 - Delete one (you put doubles on loud plates and this one is quiet)
01:12:328 (72328|2) - Delete
01:16:438 - & 01:16:849 - Why are those doubles? Delete one each
01:20:547 - Again delete one
01:23:013 (83013|2,83013|3,83424|3,83424|2) - Those also sound like singles and you put doubles here
01:23:835 - 01:26:712 - Either follow violin with longer LN's or follow piano with normal notes, 1/1 LN's are unfitting to piano
01:26:506 - You can make a 1/4 triplet stair for drums here //Add on 01:26:609 - and move 01:26:712 (86712|2) - to create a stair
01:26:712 (86712|2) - Sound is exactly the same on all beats and you map first one as double and rest as singles, decide on one thing
01:32:260 - Add note
01:34:931 (94931|3) - Delete
01:35:136 - Add on 4th
01:38:630 (98630|3,98630|2,98630|1,98938|0,99246|3,99452|1,99452|2,99452|0) - Why are there triples and why there are singles when the sound is the almost same as on triples?
01:46:849 - 01:51:780 - Map 1/1 sound alongside those LN's
02:08:219 (128219|1) - If you were to be technically accurate, this LN should end on 02:14:794 - , but it's optional
Also delete that last slowdown, it's really weird and very likely to be a missing point for beginners. You don't want that on the last note, don't you?

HP/OD 7,5

00:14:794 - Add, 2 instruments
00:28:356 (28356|0,28356|1,28767|2,28767|3) - Delete one each, single instrument
00:32:876 (32876|3) - Delete
00:34:109 - Add on 2nd
00:34:520 (34520|0) - Remove, same sound as 00:34:109
00:36:164 - Add, 2 instruments
00:41:095 - This section sound like it needs some minijacks (example: 00:41:301 - sounds like minijack; 00:41:712 - doesn't sound like minijack, pitch releveancy) and/or retake on note density, recheck everything and MAKE SURE you add only 1 note on each instrument unless it's very loud
00:46:849 (46849|3) - You should split it into two, or shorten it , inconsistencies with earlier LN's
01:00:308 - Note missing
01:06:986 - 01:07:397 - I feel like those should be doubles, because of drums/percussion/whatever
01:11:917 - Why triple?
01:15:924 - Missing note for drum
01:18:082 (78082|3) - Sounds is so low that I don't think it's worth mapping it
01:20:547 - And now you suddenly stop mapping violin when it's still very clearly hearable, idk why
01:23:835 - It'd be more appropriate to use LN's for violin and change those LN's into normal notes or just rearrange them and add some LN's for violin // Just a suggestion tho
01:32:876 - Why'd you use double LN now? Remove one
01:31:027 - Missed drum
01:31:849 - Missed triplet drum
01:33:082 - Missed drum
01:36:986 - Delete one
01:43:150 - Add one for piano or whatever that is
01:43:561 vs 01:45:205 - lel?
01:46:849 - Delete one, you already have 2 LN's and note, no need to make it 4
01:53:424 - Delete one, you've got enough notes there

Your SV is very strange too, but I can't playtest it now sadly :/
Anyway, good luck o/
Topic Starter

-Kamikaze- wrote:


General outline of what my mods contain:
>My thoughts about mapset
>Some advices
>Harsh opinions about map if I feel like it needs more work
>Complaining about mapstyle (sometimes even shouting)
>Commenting on 90% of things I mention
>Funny maymay arrows
>Random images
>All the bad shit you may not expect
Keep in mind that all harsh things I say, not because I hate stuff, but because I care about every single map I mod and want to help you get it ranked. I'm voicing all of my opinions without restraint. Please don't rage at me because of this, I don't mean to offend you in any way. Also do note that I'm still learning, so I might misunderstand some things. and I'm terrible at naming instruments orz

Unfortunately I can't help you with hitsounding since I suck at it lel

Columns are: |1|2|3|4|


AT LEAST 7 should be there ffs - 6 ;w;

00:30:205 - Normal stair here, pitch'n' stuff - fix
00:36:780 - ^ - fix
00:43:767 - Add note here, rearrange patterns - er...
00:44:178 - Delete one - fix
00:52:602 - Delete one - fix
00:56:917 (56917|3) - Delete - Nope ;w;
01:04:931 - Delete one (you put doubles on loud plates and this one is quiet) - fix
01:12:328 (72328|2) - Delete - fix
01:16:438 - & 01:16:849 - Why are those doubles? Delete one each - let me think again
01:20:547 - Again delete one - fix
01:23:013 (83013|2,83013|3,83424|3,83424|2) - Those also sound like singles and you put doubles here - fix
01:23:835 - 01:26:712 - Either follow violin with longer LN's or follow piano with normal notes, 1/1 LN's are unfitting to piano
01:26:506 - You can make a 1/4 triplet stair for drums here //Add on 01:26:609 - and move 01:26:712 (86712|2) - to create a stair - Fix
01:26:712 (86712|2) - Sound is exactly the same on all beats and you map first one as double and rest as singles, decide on one thing I don't quite understand ...
01:32:260 - Add note - fix
01:34:931 (94931|3) - Delete - I think i'll keep it...
01:35:136 - Add on 4th - sry...nope
01:38:630 (98630|3,98630|2,98630|1,98938|0,99246|3,99452|1,99452|2,99452|0) - Why are there triples and why there are singles when the sound is the almost same as on triples? - All change to double
01:46:849 - 01:51:780 - Map 1/1 sound alongside those LN's
02:08:219 (128219|1) - If you were to be technically accurate, this LN should end on 02:14:794 - , but it's optional
Also delete that last slowdown, it's really weird and very likely to be a missing point for beginners. You don't want that on the last note, don't you?
You r right, this LN is difficult for me to decide where should end. I'll ask some of the mapper and reply this when i make any decition

HP/OD 7,5

00:14:794 - Add, 2 instruments - √
00:28:356 (28356|0,28356|1,28767|2,28767|3) - Delete one each, single instrument - √
00:32:876 (32876|3) - Delete - √
00:34:109 - Add on 2nd - √
00:34:520 (34520|0) - Remove, same sound as 00:34:109
00:36:164 - Add, 2 instruments
00:41:095 - This section sound like it needs some minijacks (example: 00:41:301 - sounds like minijack; 00:41:712 - doesn't sound like minijack, pitch releveancy) and/or retake on note density, recheck everything and MAKE SURE you add only 1 note on each instrument unless it's very loud
00:46:849 (46849|3) - You should split it into two, or shorten it , inconsistencies with earlier LN's - √
01:00:308 - Note missing - √
01:06:986 - 01:07:397 - I feel like those should be doubles, because of drums/percussion/whatever
01:11:917 - Why triple? - fix
01:15:924 - Missing note for drum - √
01:18:082 (78082|3) - Sounds is so low that I don't think it's worth mapping it
01:20:547 - And now you suddenly stop mapping violin when it's still very clearly hearable, idk why
- i totally didnt follow the violin,01:17:260 (77260|0,78082|3,78904|1,79726|0) - this three LN is the cello

01:23:835 - It'd be more appropriate to use LN's for violin and change those LN's into normal notes or just rearrange them and add some LN's for violin // Just a suggestion tho - √
01:32:876 - Why'd you use double LN now? Remove one - √
01:31:027 - Missed drum - √
01:31:849 - Missed triplet drum - √
01:33:082 - Missed drum
01:36:986 - Delete one
01:43:150 - Add one for piano or whatever that is - √
01:43:561 vs 01:45:205 - lel?
01:46:849 - Delete one, you already have 2 LN's and note, no need to make it 4 - √[/color]
01:53:424 - Delete one, you've got enough notes there - √
Your SV is very strange too, but I can't playtest it now sadly :/
Anyway, good luck o/
Thank you for your modding, very helpful. Fix most of it.
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:


SanadaYukimura wrote:

Spy wrote:

hello, this map of yours are splendidly done, and i like this instrumetal song very much. however, this is merely my opinion (please dont take this offensively),
perhaps this instrumetal map would sound a lot nicer if you replace its hitsound. try to look for hitsound which blend/fit well with the songs. perhaps, you can mix along piano keysound, or any 'soft' sounded keys. also, the hitsound volume should be a lot higher for more impact- i personally found your current hitsound unfitting but then again everyone's preference is different, so do anything you think right :)

good map, good luck
Topic Starter

Kruzon wrote:

hello, this map of yours are splendidly done, and i like this instrumetal song very much. however, this is merely my opinion (please dont take this offensively),
perhaps this instrumetal map would sound a lot nicer if you replace its hitsound. try to look for hitsound which blend/fit well with the songs. perhaps, you can mix along piano keysound, or any 'soft' sounded keys. also, the hitsound volume should be a lot higher for more impact- i personally found your current hitsound unfitting but then again everyone's preference is different, so do anything you think right :)

good map, good luck
I have to say, i didnt like the HS either. And i'm still trying my best to look for a best HS to suit my map...
(One of my friend suggests me to make the HS one by one, but i have totally no idea how to do those thing
So... any help? :D



00:34:931 (34931|1,35342|2) - CTRL + J 較為好看的排列
00:37:808 (37808|1) - move to 1
01:02:671 (62671|2) - move to 2
01:09:657 (69657|0,69760|1,69863|2) - 這3個音的跟這裡的是一樣的01:11:301 (71301|3,71506|2,71506|1) - 建議一致下
02:06:575 (126575|3,126575|0) - 結束應該是在這裡 02:08:013 -
02:08:219 (128219|1) - 同樣的 結束在02:14:897 -
00:17:260 - 建議這樣擺
00:25:273 (25273|2,25479|3,25479|2) - 怎麼突然出現這種連點 建議改掉 或是其他地方都一致
01:40:273 - 重音加一個
01:46:438 - ^
02:06:575 (126575|3,126575|0) - 結束應該是在這裡02:08:013 -
02:08:219 (128219|2) - 同樣的 結束在這裡02:14:897 -

Mod end good luck :)

- Sky Demon -
Topic Starter

Sky_Demon wrote:




00:34:931 (34931|1,35342|2) - CTRL + J 較為好看的排列
00:37:808 (37808|1) - move to 1
01:02:671 (62671|2) - move to 2
01:09:657 (69657|0,69760|1,69863|2) - 這3個音的跟這裡的是一樣的01:11:301 (71301|3,71506|2,71506|1) - 建議一致下
02:06:575 (126575|3,126575|0) - 結束應該是在這裡 02:08:013 -
02:08:219 (128219|1) - 同樣的 結束在02:14:897 -
00:17:260 - 建議這樣擺
00:25:273 (25273|2,25479|3,25479|2) - 怎麼突然出現這種連點 建議改掉 或是其他地方都一致
01:40:273 - 重音加一個
01:46:438 - ^
02:06:575 (126575|3,126575|0) - 結束應該是在這裡02:08:013 -
02:08:219 (128219|2) - 同樣的 結束在這裡02:14:897 -

Mod end good luck :)

- Sky Demon -
Fix all, 非常有用的Mod,谢谢~ :)
Hi MOD here as requested in my Queue~ (~*w*)~
[4K MOD]

Song setup > Design > Widescreen support
00:11:917 (11917|1,12123|3) - Ctrl + G (Pattern)
00:25:068 (25068|3,25273|1) - ^
00:39:452 Add note to |2| (Snare | Impact)
00:45:616 Add note to |4| (Cymbal - Piano - Drumbeat | Impact)
01:46:438 Add note t |4| (Cymbal - Impact)
02:08:219 (128219|1) - End it here 02:09:863 (End of pitch)
OD = 8
00:39:452 Add note to |3| (Snare Impact)
00:41:095 Add note to |2| (Cymbal | Impact)
00:55:684 Add note to |3| ^
01:00:821 Add note to |2| ^
01:05:753 Add note to |2| ^
01:06:575 Add note to |1| ^
01:06:712 (66712|0) - Move to |2| (Hand balance | Pattern)
01:07:397 Add note to |2| (Cymbal | Impact)
01:32:260 Add note to |3| (Cymbal)
01:33:698 Add note to |4| (Cymbal | Impact)
01:35:958 Add note to |4| ^
01:36:986 Add note to |1| ^
02:08:219 (128219|2) - End it here 02:09:863 (End of pitch)

Nice map!~
Good luck!~ =w=)b
Topic Starter

[GraveChaos] wrote:

Hi MOD here as requested in my Queue~ (~*w*)~ WOW! so quick(~*w*)~
[4K MOD]

Song setup > Design > Widescreen support
00:11:917 (11917|1,12123|3) - Ctrl + G (Pattern) - Awesome!
00:25:068 (25068|3,25273|1) - ^ - Awesome!
00:39:452 Add note to |2| (Snare | Impact)
00:45:616 Add note to |4| (Cymbal - Piano - Drumbeat | Impact)
01:46:438 Add note t |4| (Cymbal - Impact)
02:08:219 (128219|1) - End it here 02:09:863 (End of pitch)
OD = 8
00:39:452 Add note to |3| (Snare Impact)
00:41:095 Add note to |2| (Cymbal | Impact)
00:55:684 Add note to |3| ^
01:00:821 Add note to |2| ^
01:05:753 Add note to |2| ^
01:06:575 Add note to |1| ^
01:06:712 (66712|0) - Move to |2| (Hand balance | Pattern)
01:07:397 Add note to |2| (Cymbal | Impact)
01:32:260 Add note to |3| (Cymbal)
01:33:698 Add note to |4| (Cymbal | Impact)
01:35:958 Add note to |4| ^
01:36:986 Add note to |1| ^
02:08:219 (128219|2) - End it here 02:09:863 (End of pitch)
↑this LN is quite annoying. As you see, there are some other modder have different idea with this, i'll leave it for now↑

Nice map!~
Good luck!~ =w=)b
Thank u ~ fix most of it OwO
Yes u are right, i did miss some cymbal sound, but i think double is good enought to suit the song, not really necessary add to triple, sry to refuse your suggest
and sorry for my poor english
NM diff should have 1,5+ stars. Please consider it.
Topic Starter

ichia7x wrote:

NM diff should have 1,5+ stars. Please consider it.
Ok then, thank u for remind :)
i think i'll just add to 1.5 stars,Probably done tonight

the default soft hitsound is more fittin than the current one you are using , since its a piano song it dont fit the song at all
i also have a suggested sampleset to be use in your hitsound to make your map better
the side tick you can apply manually on which sound applies to it and pls delete your soft-hitnormal :c its really iritating to hear it with this song

01:12:534 (72534|3,72739|0,72945|3,73150|1,73356|3,73561|2) - how about ?more fit to the piano and mood
01:13:767 - add a note for piano
01:38:938 (98938|3) - this should be at 01:38:904 -
01:39:246 (99246|1) - this is at 01:39:212 -
01:39:760 (99760|0) - this is at 01:39:726 -
01:40:068 (100068|2) - this one is at 01:40:000 -
02:05:136 - add a note here for piano
02:08:219 (128219|1) - this is actually louder than 02:06:575 (126575|0,126575|3) - so how about adding another hold on 3rd collumn?

00:33:287 - add a note on 2nd collumn
00:53:630 - add a note for violin , it is nice to catch here
01:00:821 - to 01:01:438 - would be better if you catch the 1/2 piano notes
01:08:527 (68527|2) - move to 1 ?
01:09:246 - add a note
01:10:068 - to 01:10:684 - would be nice if you make it a 1/4 stream :D
01:11:815 - add a note here , seems like you miss a bassdrum here
01:12:226 - ^
01:16:438 (76438|3,76438|1,76849|1,76849|3) - here you note it as 2 note and 01:23:013 (83013|0,83424|3) - just 1 ? why not making it consistent ?
01:35:239 - add a note
01:35:650 - ^
01:36:575 (96575|2,96575|1) - move to left and add a note at 01:36:472 -
01:36:883 - add a note here too
01:38:527 - add a note
01:38:630 - to 01:40:273 - refer NM's mod for the placement reference
Topic Starter
All done

Check request by PM.


00:02:465 - 00:02:876 - 00:03:287 - 00:05:753 - 00:06:164 - 00:06:369 - 00:06:575 - 00:07:808 - 00:08:013 - 00:09:041 - 00:09:452 - 00:09:657 - 00:09:863 - 00:11:095 - 00:11:301 - 00:12:328 - 00:12:739 - 00:12:945 - 00:13:150 - 00:13:561 - 00:13:972 - 00:14:383 - 00:15:616 - 00:16:027 - 00:16:232 - 00:16:438 - 00:17:876 - 00:18:904 - 00:19:315 - 00:19:520 - 00:19:726 - 00:21:164 - 00:22:191 - 00:22:602 - 00:22:808 - 00:23:013 - 00:24:452 - 00:25:479 - 00:25:890 - 00:26:095 - 00:26:301 - 全部都是漏音
00:36:575 - 加一個吧
00:46:027 (46027|0,46027|2) - 為何2個 ?如果是因為那個crash聲的話,那個聲音在00:46:284
00:49:315 (49315|0,49315|2) - 這個也是一樣。。00:49:160
00:55:376 - 加一個吧
00:58:047 - 加
00:58:869 - 同上
01:01:952 - ↑
01:15:616 (75616|3,75616|0,76438|2,76438|0,76849|0,76849|2) - 給我一個用雙note的理由。。
02:08:219 (128219|1) - 沒這麼長啦,到02:09:863就行了

00:49:212 - Add a note
01:23:630 - 漏音
01:23:835 到 01:26:712 - 開50%聽可以聽出漏了很多琴聲
01:26:815 - 01:26:917 - 01:27:020 - 漏音
01:55:273 - 01:55:479 - 漏音
01:56:712 - 01:56:917 - 01:57:123 - 漏音
01:58:561 - 漏音
01:58:972 - 漏音
01:59:589 (119589|0) - 這個跟你抓的琴不同部分。。如果要抓的話其他地方也要跟著抓
02:08:219 (128219|2) - 同Normal

還有一些些新手會犯的毛病呢,我建議你先找找victorica_db來幫你摸一次之後我應該就可以泡了 :?

順便一提你忘記給Rumia kudosu了
Update for SB ... 9.rar?dl=0

- Crop some images
- Make White images scale bigger
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

Check request by PM.

KIAI的點怪怪的00:54:246開始吧 - 好的

00:02:465 - 00:02:876 - 00:03:287 - 00:05:753 - 00:06:164 - 00:06:369 - 00:06:575 - 00:07:808 - 00:08:013 - 00:09:041 - 00:09:452 - 00:09:657 - 00:09:863 - 00:11:095 - 00:11:301 - 00:12:328 - 00:12:739 - 00:12:945 - 00:13:150 - 00:13:561 - 00:13:972 - 00:14:383 - 00:15:616 - 00:16:027 - 00:16:232 - 00:16:438 - 00:17:876 - 00:18:904 - 00:19:315 - 00:19:520 - 00:19:726 - 00:21:164 - 00:22:191 - 00:22:602 - 00:22:808 - 00:23:013 - 00:24:452 - 00:25:479 - 00:25:890 - 00:26:095 - 00:26:301 - 全部都是漏音
00:36:575 - 加一個吧
00:46:027 (46027|0,46027|2) - 為何2個 ?如果是因為那個crash聲的話,那個聲音在00:46:284
00:49:315 (49315|0,49315|2) - 這個也是一樣。。00:49:160 - 还是不抓crash的音了吧,改成单Note
00:55:376 - 加一個吧
00:58:047 - 加
00:58:869 - 同上
01:01:952 - ↑
01:15:616 (75616|3,75616|0,76438|2,76438|0,76849|0,76849|2) - 給我一個用雙note的理由。。 - fix
02:08:219 (128219|1) - 沒這麼長啦,到02:09:863就行了

我是建議那種想要表達強烈的節奏對比再放變速就行了 - 删了一些0.9
00:49:212 - Add a note
01:23:630 - 漏音
01:23:835 到 01:26:712 - 開50%聽可以聽出漏了很多琴聲
01:26:815 - 01:26:917 - 01:27:020 - 漏音
01:55:273 - 01:55:479 - 漏音
01:56:712 - 01:56:917 - 01:57:123 - 漏音
01:58:561 - 漏音
01:58:972 - 漏音
01:59:589 (119589|0) - 這個跟你抓的琴不同部分。。如果要抓的話其他地方也要跟著抓
02:08:219 (128219|2) - 同Normal

還有一些些新手會犯的毛病呢,我建議你先找找victorica_db來幫你摸一次之後我應該就可以泡了 :? - 嗯,等我先把你和rumia的mod彻底处理好吧
其實我不喜歡這個音效,mania要的是貼近歌曲的音效,不是像Standard的下音方式,多留意一下,把這音效換了吧,這歌光靠soft跟某些地方放finish其實就夠了- 嗯,这歌的音效肯定会重做的

順便一提你忘記給Rumia kudosu了
Fix all
有时间骚扰你一波吧,in game。有些Mod没太懂,也有点问题想问 :D
Topic Starter

arviejhay wrote:

Update for SB ... 9.rar?dl=0

- Crop some images
- Make White images scale bigger
WOW!!Thank u again!
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:


the default soft hitsound is more fittin than the current one you are using , since its a piano song it dont fit the song at all
i also have a suggested sampleset to be use in your hitsound to make your map better
the side tick you can apply manually on which sound applies to it and pls delete your soft-hitnormal :c its really iritating to hear it with this song

01:12:534 (72534|3,72739|0,72945|3,73150|1,73356|3,73561|2) - how about ?more fit to the piano and mood
01:13:767 - add a note for piano
01:38:938 (98938|3) - this should be at 01:38:904 -
01:39:246 (99246|1) - this is at 01:39:212 -
01:39:760 (99760|0) - this is at 01:39:726 -
01:40:068 (100068|2) - this one is at 01:40:000 -
02:05:136 - add a note here for piano
02:08:219 (128219|1) - this is actually louder than 02:06:575 (126575|0,126575|3) - so how about adding another hold on 3rd collumn?
How about this, delete one from 02:06:575 (126575|0,126575|3) - and add another on 4rd collum since 02:08:219 -

00:33:287 - add a note on 2nd collumn
00:53:630 - add a note for violin , it is nice to catch here
01:00:821 - to 01:01:438 - would be better if you catch the 1/2 piano notes
01:08:527 (68527|2) - move to 1 ?
01:09:246 - add a note
01:10:068 - to 01:10:684 - would be nice if you make it a 1/4 stream :D
01:11:815 - add a note here , seems like you miss a bassdrum here
01:12:226 - ^
01:16:438 (76438|3,76438|1,76849|1,76849|3) - here you note it as 2 note and 01:23:013 (83013|0,83424|3) - just 1 ? why not making it consistent ?
01:35:239 - add a note
01:35:650 - ^
01:36:575 (96575|2,96575|1) - move to left and add a note at 01:36:472 -
01:36:883 - add a note here too
01:38:527 - add a note
01:38:630 - to 01:40:273 - refer NM's mod for the placement reference
Done! fix all, inclued the hit sound. Finnally...
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:



00:01:643 - 00:27:945 - 这一部分开始重新做 。我觉的只需要抓主钢琴就OK。。
这里的重钢琴可以用双note。当然条子也行 看你自己的选择
00:41:095 - 这边开始的吧。抓提琴啊(是提琴吧) 你现在的这个完全是在闭着眼睛做呀。。和这段的节奏不符
01:05:753 - 我建议
01:20:547 - 01:23:835 - 这段钢琴有错 重新听一下
01:37:191 - 加一个note
01:38:013 - ^

01:43:356 (103356|0,103356|3) - 这里不要抓鼓点
01:43:356 (103356|3,103356|0,106849|3,108493|0,110136|3) - 条子删了。这部分要么鼓点 要么钢琴。。不要都取
01:53:835 - 01:54:246 - 加note
01:10:787 - 漏鼓
01:11:198 - ^
01:16:643 - 加个note
01:17:054 - ^
01:23:219 - ^
01:26:815 (86815|0) - 没音?
01:26:815 (86815|0,90410|1,90821|3,91232|2,91643|0) - 提琴红线结束 然后这部分主写提琴吧 和前面区分开.
01:51:164 - 家一个note
01:55:273 (115273|2,115479|0) - 不觉的很怪吗..你这里的轻钢琴完全可以不写
01:58:767 - 01:59:178 - 家一个note

其他差不多了 就这样吧
Topic Starter

victorica_db wrote:


音效重新下一下啊,现在的太难听了。。完全没有曲子的风格。。 - 嗯,HS等把这个Mod弄完立马改

00:01:643 - 00:27:945 - 这一部分开始重新做 。我觉的只需要抓主钢琴就OK。。 - 主抓钢琴是指像HD那样么,暂时没改,游戏里问你下
这里的重钢琴可以用双note。当然条子也行 看你自己的选择
00:41:095 - 这边开始的吧。抓提琴啊(是提琴吧) 你现在的这个完全是在闭着眼睛做呀。。和这段的节奏不符
01:05:753 - 我建议
01:20:547 - 01:23:835 - 这段钢琴有错 重新听一下
01:37:191 - 加一个note
01:38:013 - ^

01:43:356 (103356|0,103356|3) - 这里不要抓鼓点
01:43:356 (103356|3,103356|0,106849|3,108493|0,110136|3) - 条子删了。这部分要么鼓点 要么钢琴。。不要都取
01:53:835 - 01:54:246 - 加note
01:10:787 - 漏鼓
01:11:198 - ^
01:16:643 - 加个note
01:17:054 - ^
01:23:219 - ^
01:26:815 (86815|0) - 没音?
01:26:815 (86815|0,90410|1,90821|3,91232|2,91643|0) - 提琴红线结束 然后这部分主写提琴吧 和前面区分开. - 改了,但不知道改的对不对
01:51:164 - 家一个note
01:55:273 (115273|2,115479|0) - 不觉的很怪吗..你这里的轻钢琴完全可以不写
01:58:767 - 01:59:178 - 家一个note

其他差不多了 就这样吧
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

Topic Starter
UPDATE the hitsound
All done


SanadaYukimura wrote:

UPDATE the NM diff hitsound

Topic Starter

liaoxingyao wrote:

SanadaYukimura wrote:

UPDATE the NM diff hitsound


SanadaYukimura wrote:

Here we go.
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

Here we go.
nice map
good :)
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

nice map
Topic Starter

Sky_Demon wrote:

good :)
Grats ~
Topic Starter

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:


Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Grats ~
:D :D
[ M o m o ]
Congrats \o/ nice map :)
Topic Starter

liaoxingyao wrote:

Hitsound by 性药

left:HD right:NM

HD is right rhythm
Topic Starter

hutunohito wrote:

left:HD right:NM

HD is right rhythm
I will ask Spy to disqualified it, thank u for your reminding
Gratzz for your ranked maps~
oe......i thought i pointed out these....
congrats on your re-qualify~!
nice map! :D
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

oe......i thought i pointed out these....
Yes you are right ... and sry for i didnt recheck it, my bad

SanadaYukimura wrote:

liaoxingyao wrote:

Hitsound by 性药
111 我也出了一份力
Topic Starter

liaoxingyao wrote:

SanadaYukimura wrote:

Hitsound by 性药
111 我也出了一份力
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

先是抱歉,没有仔细check自己的图 :( :(


SanadaYukimura wrote:

Spy wrote:

先是抱歉,没有仔细eheck自己的图 :( :(

Hi, i'm gonna disqualify due of incorrect snap on NM and HD diff -

01:38:630 - should be 1/3 on beats could be better
00:33:904 - Add a note

01:32:260 - Add a note with finish

Call me back after fixed.
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

00:33:904 - Add a note

01:32:260 - Add a note with finish

Call me back after fixed.
All done
show more
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