13:25 Kibbleru: wb o3o
13:26 Zero__wind: hi, I'm fine now
13:26 Kibbleru: hm do we get started o-o?
13:26 Zero__wind: let me update first
13:27 Zero__wind: ok
13:27 *Zero__wind is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/359869 DECO*27 feat. Aoi Yuki - Heart's Homing Instinct [Insane]]
13:27 Zero__wind: let's see
13:28 Kibbleru: oh god o3o
13:29 Zero__wind: oh god, just ease
13:29 Zero__wind: 00:37:371 - missing clap
13:30 Zero__wind: also 00:39:026 - and 00:39:854 -
13:30 Kibbleru: lol whoops
13:30 Zero__wind: and 00:43:164 -
13:30 Zero__wind: eh I though it was rare but seems there're many lol
13:30 Kibbleru: lol
13:30 Kibbleru: its just that
13:31 Kibbleru: every time i change pattern or something
13:31 Kibbleru: i keep forgetting to add in the hitsounds
13:31 Kibbleru: again
13:31 Kibbleru: lol
13:31 Zero__wind: I see
13:31 Zero__wind: self check is important, plz always remember
13:31 Kibbleru: kk
13:32 Zero__wind: 01:58:475 - and some more
13:32 Zero__wind: 01:59:302 -
13:32 Kibbleru: ill go through it later to fix up any missing hitsounds lol
13:32 Kibbleru: ah got that one already
13:33 Zero__wind: I'm just going through the diff
13:33 Zero__wind: I need to have a full view of it first
13:33 Kibbleru: ah
13:33 Kibbleru: ill try to find any missing hitsounds
13:33 Zero__wind: 02:54:337 - finish
13:34 Zero__wind: and 02:54:750 - clap
13:34 Kibbleru: k
13:35 Zero__wind: ok, now we could go again from the start
13:35 Zero__wind: first I got a question to ask about
13:35 Kibbleru: mhm?
13:36 Zero__wind: can you still remember how you arranged the rhythm for the preface?
13:36 Zero__wind: I mean, from the start till 00:15:441 (1) -
13:36 Kibbleru: hmm
13:36 Zero__wind: just try to express what you thought when mapping it
13:36 Kibbleru: kinda
13:36 Kibbleru: actualy
13:36 Kibbleru: not sure lol
13:36 Zero__wind: ok
13:37 Zero__wind: so this is the problem
13:37 Zero__wind: when you're making a map, and you're not sure what you're actually doing, that means it's not good
13:37 Kibbleru: mhm?
13:38 Zero__wind: so let me explain what I mean by this
13:39 Zero__wind: first, you need to grab what's happing in the music, how the drums are working, and also about other instruments, no matter what they are
13:39 Zero__wind: for your song, the drums are just simple as you see
13:39 Kibbleru: yep
13:40 Zero__wind: so in this case, we're more often focusing some other more unique things, right?
13:40 Kibbleru: mhm
13:40 Zero__wind: otherwise all maps could be the same if with all 1/2 beats
13:41 Kibbleru: yes
13:41 Zero__wind: so for the preface, you could rather try to go with the melody instead of drum instead
13:42 Zero__wind: let me call it keyboard sound
13:42 Zero__wind: I don't what instrument it should be
13:42 Kibbleru: ah
13:43 Zero__wind: so let's take an example from the start
13:43 Zero__wind: 00:02:199 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
13:43 Kibbleru: k
13:43 Zero__wind: I would arrange the rhythm differently, like
http://puu.sh/7otd7.jpg13:44 Zero__wind: the difference is between 00:02:612 (2,3) -
13:44 Kibbleru: hmm
13:45 Kibbleru: can u explain a bit as to why you would use a circle though o3o
13:45 Zero__wind: yeah sure
13:46 Zero__wind: starting from 00:02:199 - , then at 00:02:406 - , and then 00:02:612 - , till 00:02:819 - , there're four different tones of that "keyboard sound" can you get them?
13:47 Kibbleru: yes
13:47 Zero__wind: and when comparing, you could see that the one from 00:02:819 - is longer?
13:47 Zero__wind: while there's not a new tone at 00:03:026 -
13:48 Kibbleru: hm i see
13:50 Zero__wind: so that's what I'm trying to achieve, by stating a slider from 00:02:819 -
13:50 Kibbleru: i see
13:50 Zero__wind: so that's the difference between my rhythm and yours
13:51 Zero__wind: and in this way, your rhythm won't be like consistent 1/2 in pairs all the way
13:51 Kibbleru: i see
13:51 Zero__wind: let's try something similar with 00:03:855 (1,2,3,4) -
13:53 Zero__wind: for these, it would be really interesting if you replace 00:03:855 (1) - with two circles, and replace 00:04:682 (3) - with two circles
13:54 Zero__wind: in this way, the shorter tones and the longer tones would have difference in between
13:54 Kibbleru: i can see why with (3) but why (1) o-o
13:54 Zero__wind: it's really the same
13:55 Zero__wind: there're two different tones at 00:03:854 - and 00:04:061 -
13:55 Kibbleru: i cant really hear any tone change with (1) though o-o
13:55 Kibbleru: hmm Oo
13:55 Zero__wind: the one at 00:04:061 - is with low pitch
13:55 Zero__wind: but don't you ignore that
13:55 Kibbleru: i hear that with (2) as well though
13:56 Kibbleru: hm
13:56 Kibbleru: actualy nvm
13:57 Kibbleru: hm
13:57 Kibbleru: how doul i arrange this :X
13:57 Kibbleru: it feels awkward having 2 normally spaced circles after a jump lol
13:57 Zero__wind: hmm
13:57 Zero__wind: you can stack them
13:58 Kibbleru: guess that works
13:58 Zero__wind: common spacing is also ok, as long as they're leading the same flow from the jump
13:58 Zero__wind: ok
13:59 Zero__wind: if you tried to stack them, then it would be like two stacked circles and a 1/2 slider following
13:59 Zero__wind: and that's a pair
13:59 Zero__wind: and from 00:04:681 - , it's the other one
14:01 Kibbleru: hm hows something like this
http://puu.sh/7ouvg.jpg14:01 Kibbleru: fk puush still down
14:01 Zero__wind: I mean that, the first two stacks and the slider is 123, and the second group of stacks with slider is 456
14:01 Zero__wind: and you should try to make them match with each other
14:02 Kibbleru: they stack on the slider?
14:02 Zero__wind: no
14:02 Kibbleru: k
14:02 Kibbleru: something like this?
14:02 Kibbleru:
http://gyazo.com/ef6ef02edf8700a9caed6ec69ad5114d14:02 Zero__wind: oh no why the puush image is dead and dead and dead today
14:03 Zero__wind: I was really disturber
14:03 Kibbleru: yah gunna use gyazo xD
14:03 Zero__wind: disturbed
14:03 Kibbleru: yah puush seems to be buggy today :u
14:03 Kibbleru: does the gyazo link work?
14:04 Zero__wind: sadly, no
14:04 Zero__wind: idk if it's my problem
14:04 Kibbleru: hm
14:05 Kibbleru: ah ill just describe it
14:05 Kibbleru: 00:03:854 (1,2) - stacked
14:05 Kibbleru: then 00:04:268 (3) -
14:05 Kibbleru: then 00:04:681 (4,5) - stacked
14:05 Kibbleru: then 00:05:095 (6) -
14:05 Zero__wind: yes right
14:05 Zero__wind: this is basical
14:05 Zero__wind: and what I'm trying to tell is that
14:05 Zero__wind: 456 could correspond to 123
14:06 Zero__wind: this may be a symmetrical pattern or any
14:06 Kibbleru: basically what i did i i copied 123 copied, and did ctrl hj
14:06 Kibbleru: oops said copied twice
14:06 Zero__wind: yes
14:06 Kibbleru: is
14:06 Zero__wind: you're just doing it right, exaaaaaactly
14:07 Kibbleru: i suppose i follow the same rhythm for the rest of the part?
14:07 Zero__wind: not forcing symmetry for any sake, but it's only because that make sense for this kind of case
14:07 Kibbleru: yah
14:07 Zero__wind: yeah
14:07 Kibbleru: its looks kinda nice in this case xD
14:08 Zero__wind: it's also ok that you change for some time
14:08 Zero__wind: to have some variety
14:08 Zero__wind: like 00:10:889 (2) -
14:08 Zero__wind: it's good
14:08 Kibbleru: thats fine o3o?
14:08 Kibbleru: mmk
14:08 Zero__wind: but I hope they were organized
14:08 Kibbleru: yah lol
14:09 Zero__wind: eh, but I don't really mean a 1/1 slider at that point
14:09 Kibbleru: oh
14:09 Zero__wind: I would rather prefer using a 1/1 from 00:06:130 -
14:09 Zero__wind: of course a circle at 00:05:923 -
14:11 Zero__wind: oh wow
14:11 Zero__wind: I suddenly noticed that
14:11 Zero__wind: all of your notes was 1ms off from correct
14:11 Kibbleru: o-o
14:11 Kibbleru: o_O
14:12 Kibbleru: wut
14:12 Kibbleru: how did
14:12 Kibbleru: like unsnapped?
14:12 Zero__wind: that may happen after some timing change
14:12 Kibbleru: or is the offset wrong
14:12 Zero__wind: unsnapped
14:12 Kibbleru: oh
14:12 Kibbleru: hmm i checked the boxes
14:12 Kibbleru: maybe it bugged out a bit lol
14:12 Zero__wind: just drag them all together on the time line
14:13 Kibbleru: would that snap it?
14:13 Zero__wind: well, won't be a big problem, I think
14:13 Kibbleru: all?
14:13 Zero__wind: assume that
14:13 Kibbleru: k i just ctrl a and moved it a bit
14:13 Kibbleru: lol
14:13 Zero__wind: all of the notes were off
14:13 Zero__wind: and that would work I think
14:15 Zero__wind: it's like when you already have a slider at 00:09:233 (2) - , and I want to set a circle here to replace it, but after I throw the circle down, the slider didn't appear
14:15 Zero__wind: so I noticed that the original slider was off
14:15 Zero__wind: no
14:15 Kibbleru: ah
14:15 Zero__wind: didn't disappear*
14:16 Kibbleru: ah idk what to make for a pattern here00:07:164 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
14:16 Kibbleru: it would be boring to make another symmetrical thing right
14:16 Zero__wind: ok let's go on and see
14:17 Zero__wind: ok I have some ideas
14:17 Zero__wind: eh
14:18 Zero__wind: I think it's just fine to use 4 sliders lol
14:18 Kibbleru: o-o
14:18 Kibbleru: lol
14:19 Zero__wind: and it would be good if they correspoind to each other
14:19 Zero__wind: and then for 00:09:233 (2,3) - , it's like 00:02:612 (2,3) -
14:20 Zero__wind: also 00:12:130 (1) - is a good way to arrange
14:20 Zero__wind: but still you should better start a slider from 00:12:750 -
14:21 Kibbleru: mmk
14:26 Kibbleru: is this rhythm fine? 00:11:510 (4,5,6) -
14:26 Zero__wind: it's ok
14:26 Zero__wind: then you got every time different
14:30 Kibbleru: alright im done up to here 00:13:888 -
14:30 Zero__wind: ok good
14:31 Zero__wind: from where there's vocal, I found the rhythm fine
14:32 Zero__wind: 00:20:406 (2,3,4,5,6) - these are good
14:32 Zero__wind: it really goes well with the guitar
14:33 Zero__wind: still good at 00:25:372 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) -
14:33 Kibbleru: 00:13:786 (1,2,3) - these random triplets are not fine right lol
14:33 Kibbleru: i think i have a general idea of what i need to change
14:33 Kibbleru: i should make sliders where the guitar plays right
14:33 Kibbleru: ie here 00:18:544 (1,2) -
14:33 Zero__wind: but 00:34:475 (5,6) -
14:34 Zero__wind: yeah you grabbed it
14:34 Zero__wind: it would be good if you swap 00:18:544 (1,2) -
14:34 Kibbleru: yah i c what to fix
14:35 Zero__wind: then you'll know what to do to 00:34:475 (5,6) -
14:35 Zero__wind: quite similar, right?
14:35 Kibbleru: 00:39:026 (2,3) - here too i suppose?
14:35 Kibbleru: yah i get it
14:35 Zero__wind: yes
14:35 Zero__wind: don't let 00:39:026 (2) - reverse
14:35 Kibbleru: yep
14:35 Kibbleru: i swapped the circle and slider around xD
14:36 Kibbleru: mmk
14:36 Kibbleru: but
14:36 Zero__wind: ya
14:36 Kibbleru: 00:13:786 (1,2,3) - should i change these o-o?
14:36 Zero__wind: ok these
14:36 Zero__wind: better do
14:36 Kibbleru: honestly idk why i made them triplets lol
14:36 Zero__wind: yeah, they don't really make sense
14:38 Zero__wind: and these are almost what you need to do until the kiai
14:39 Kibbleru: ah k
14:39 Zero__wind: then we'll have a look at the kiai part
14:40 Kibbleru: ill get rid of the weird triplets too lol
14:40 Zero__wind: yes
14:40 Zero__wind: 00:59:303 (2,3) -
14:40 Zero__wind: maybe swap the rhythm I think
14:40 Zero__wind: it goes better with the vocal
14:41 Zero__wind: and 01:00:337 (5,6,7) - 'are not fitting well
14:41 Zero__wind: 00:59:924 (4,5,6,7) - , you really should have 3 sliders for the "de" , "na" and "i"
14:42 Zero__wind: and circles instead for 01:01:165 (8) -
14:43 Kibbleru: hang on still on 00:59:303 (2) - lol
14:45 Zero__wind: the "shi" at 00:59:302 - is short
14:45 Zero__wind: better with a circle imo
14:46 Zero__wind: and start slider from 00:59:509 - for "nan"
14:47 Kibbleru: mk
14:47 Kibbleru: i just randomly placed them down for now gunna work on placement later xD
14:48 Zero__wind: yeah
14:48 Kibbleru: so for the kiai do we focus on the vocals o-o?
14:48 Zero__wind: 01:03:441 (1,2,3,4) - these make sense
14:48 Zero__wind: it's fine if you do so
14:49 Zero__wind: because from 00:55:164 - , it would be the same as preface if you don't
14:49 Kibbleru: ic
14:49 Zero__wind: and for parts like 01:02:200 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
14:50 Zero__wind: the background track is NOT really clear to follow
14:50 Zero__wind: that also means that the one who wroted this song wanted us to focus more on the vocal
14:51 Kibbleru: but for like the longer held notes is it fine to map out some drum beats there cuz i don't want to have like very long sliders on insane
14:51 Zero__wind: yes
14:51 Kibbleru: 01:17:510 (3,4,5,6) - example
14:51 Zero__wind: at some gaps where vocal is longer than 1/1
14:52 Zero__wind: or at points where there's no vocal
14:52 Zero__wind: ah
14:52 Zero__wind: these are also fine
14:52 Kibbleru: hmm ic
14:53 Zero__wind: though the placement of 01:18:337 (1) - isn't vevry nice lol
14:53 Zero__wind: this is another topic =.=
14:53 Kibbleru: i agree haha
14:53 Kibbleru: idk why but my beats always end up off the screen =w=
14:53 Zero__wind: it's mostly because 01:17:510 (3,4,5,6) -
14:53 Zero__wind: are leading a strong anti-clockwise flow
14:54 Zero__wind: while the trail from 01:17:510 (3) - to 01:18:337 (1) - 's head is not leading that
14:54 Kibbleru: i get it
14:54 Kibbleru: so would it be better to get rid of the reverse?
14:55 Zero__wind: no
14:55 Kibbleru: k i dont get it then lol
14:55 Zero__wind: I think the most simple sollution is to move 01:18:131 (6) - to (160,272)
14:55 Kibbleru: oh nvm
14:55 Kibbleru: i get it
14:55 Zero__wind: of course you could have you other ideas
14:56 Zero__wind: I'm just bring up the issues
15:03 Zero__wind: I checked other parts then, and mostly similar problems
15:04 Kibbleru: mmk
15:04 Kibbleru: i will go through everything
15:04 Kibbleru: is this still only on the insane diff though?
15:04 Kibbleru: what about hard o3o
15:04 Zero__wind: yeah, like 01:37:993 (4,5) - and 01:40:682 (1,2,3) - and so on
15:04 Zero__wind: I know you could handle them on your own
15:05 Zero__wind: still some small things in Insane
15:05 Zero__wind: like removing clap from 02:13:786 (5) - 's head
15:05 Kibbleru: mmk
15:05 Zero__wind: and also remove 02:24:544 (1,3,1,3) - 's claps, I think they don't sound nice
15:06 Zero__wind: the band starts again from 02:27:855 (1) -
15:06 Zero__wind: not before it
15:06 Kibbleru: ic
15:07 Zero__wind: and could you plz remove those bodywhistles?
15:07 Kibbleru: when im done fixing what i can would u mind coming back for a recheck o3o
15:07 Zero__wind: is that intended?
15:07 Zero__wind: I really hate them
15:07 Kibbleru: bodywhistles o-o?
15:07 Kibbleru: oh
15:07 Kibbleru: un
15:07 Kibbleru: um
15:07 Zero__wind: 02:14:613 (1,1,4,1) -
15:07 Kibbleru: how lmao
15:07 Kibbleru: oh those
15:07 Kibbleru: nvm
15:07 Zero__wind: intended?
15:07 Kibbleru: i thought u meant like the slider sound
15:08 Zero__wind: yes
15:08 Zero__wind: I mean that
15:08 Zero__wind: ssssssssssssssssssssssss sound
15:08 Kibbleru: hmm
15:08 Zero__wind: 02:19:372 (1,2) -
15:08 Zero__wind: and so on
15:08 Kibbleru: do i
15:08 Kibbleru: how do i get rid of tha ;w;
15:08 Zero__wind: it would be ok if you'd really want to keep them
15:08 Kibbleru: do i use a silent custom hitsound?
15:09 Zero__wind: I'm just so fed up with that
15:09 Zero__wind: silent what
15:09 Kibbleru: wait are we talking about the same thing here lol
15:09 Zero__wind: no I think
15:09 Kibbleru: do u mean the whistle u add by pressing w or like
15:09 Kibbleru: the
15:09 Zero__wind: w
15:09 Kibbleru: slidersound itself
15:09 Kibbleru: the little drumroll
15:09 Kibbleru: oh ok
15:09 Kibbleru: alright
15:10 Zero__wind: select 02:19:372 (1) - with your mouse
15:10 Zero__wind: and you'll see the whistle icon on the right is bright
15:10 Kibbleru: yah ik what u mean now xD
15:10 Zero__wind: and would you plz deactivate that
15:10 Kibbleru: k i will
15:11 Zero__wind: it's good that you use whistles on both 02:19:372 (1) - 's head and tail
15:11 Zero__wind: but plz not body
15:11 Kibbleru: wait a sec Oo
15:11 Kibbleru: when you select a slider
15:12 Zero__wind: there are many, in the soft part, from 02:14:613 (1) -
15:12 Zero__wind: yeah
15:12 Kibbleru: normaly
15:12 Kibbleru: when you select a slider normal
15:12 Kibbleru: so both ends are orange
15:12 Kibbleru: it adds a different kind of whistle Oo?
15:12 Kibbleru: like
15:12 Zero__wind: soft sliderbody whistles is different
15:12 Zero__wind: you could have a try with 100% volume
15:12 Zero__wind: that would be more apparent
15:13 Kibbleru: if just selected 02:19:372 (1) -
15:13 Kibbleru: and pressed w
15:13 Kibbleru: it would be different than selecting 02:19:372 (1) - 's head and tail individually and pressing w?
15:13 Kibbleru: like both
15:13 Zero__wind: yes
15:13 Zero__wind: different, totally
15:13 Kibbleru: oh shiet o-o
15:13 Kibbleru: i did not know that
15:13 Kibbleru: lol
15:13 Kibbleru: i thought it would just automatically add a whistle at the head and tail
15:13 Kibbleru: wow learning new stuff everyday lol
15:14 Zero__wind: if you add whistle to the slider directly, when there's no any other hitsounds on it, there would be whistles on both head&tail and also body
15:14 Zero__wind: but moooooooooost time, we don't want that body one
15:14 Kibbleru: ic
15:15 Zero__wind: so when you're gonna add whistles to both head and tail of a slider, plz do them seperately
15:15 Zero__wind: so now you know, and I'lm thinking that there might be simiar problems in all your diffs
15:15 Kibbleru: kk xD
15:15 Zero__wind: plz be considerate and deal with them on
15:15 Zero__wind: them all *
15:16 Zero__wind: ok then, next topic
15:16 Zero__wind: 02:39:234 (1) - , it would just play better if you replace it with two circles
15:17 Kibbleru: hmm i got that suggestion before but i dont really see why o-o
15:17 Zero__wind: on two hands
15:18 Zero__wind: on one hand for playability
15:19 Zero__wind: starting streams after a 1/2 slider simply sucks at most times
15:19 Zero__wind: ACC breaker
15:19 Zero__wind: on the other hand, to make sense with the music
15:20 Kibbleru: ah
15:20 Zero__wind: it's good that you noticed that from 02:37:786 (1) - , the drum in the music is getting more intensive
15:20 Zero__wind: and you did it right to use coherent circles to express
15:21 Zero__wind: and in this case, there simply should be a 8 at 02:39:233 - to join the group of 02:38:613 (5,6,7) - and match with 02:37:786 (1,2,3,4) -
15:22 Zero__wind: and from 02:39:440 - , it's a new stanza, from where the drums get even more intensive than 02:37:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ,which became a stream
15:23 Zero__wind: so they are just seperate different things, and should not be confounded with a 1/2 slider
15:23 Kibbleru: ic
15:28 Zero__wind: omgggggg, puush woks for me again, plz see (this)[http://puu.sh/7ozs5.jpg]
15:28 Kibbleru: oh sweet puush is up
15:28 Kibbleru: hmm
15:29 Zero__wind: this is for referrence only
15:29 Kibbleru: thats a good pattern
15:29 Zero__wind: or you could have 1234 straight, and 5678 stragith, also fine
15:30 Zero__wind: this is just what I mean by saying 5678 and 1234 should correspond to each other
15:31 Kibbleru:
http://puu.sh/7ozBE.jpg yah i get what u mean
15:31 Kibbleru: is that good?
15:31 Zero__wind: of course
15:31 Zero__wind: just fine
15:31 Zero__wind: ok next topic then
15:31 Zero__wind: last one for Insane
15:31 Zero__wind: about 03:07:579 (1) -
15:32 Zero__wind: I would really prefer you throw this away and map this part with circles&sliders
15:32 Kibbleru: mhm
15:32 Kibbleru: hmm
15:32 Kibbleru: ok
15:32 Zero__wind: the music is simply different from 01:21:648 (1) -
15:32 Kibbleru: yah
15:33 Zero__wind: there're many interesting and detailed things startin from 03:07:578 -
15:33 Zero__wind: you should appreciate them
15:33 Kibbleru: mmk
15:33 Zero__wind: that's all for Insane
15:34 Kibbleru: im gunna assume its similar for the other difficulties lol
15:35 Kibbleru: lol the reason that spinner is there is cuz i originaly had the song end there
15:35 Kibbleru: then ppl told me to map the rest
![Surprised :o](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/57.gif)
15:37 Zero__wind: yeah, viewing the Hard
15:37 Zero__wind: difficulty spread is good,
15:37 Zero__wind: flow is good
15:38 Kibbleru: rhythm probably isnt good
15:38 Zero__wind: plz improve the rhythm with what you've leanred just now
15:38 Zero__wind: yes
15:38 Zero__wind: and after that, make the objects align better
15:39 Kibbleru: mk
15:39 Zero__wind: I mean, to make the map looks neater by saying that align
15:39 Kibbleru: hmm what do u mean by align? like the blankets and stuff?
15:40 Zero__wind: and it contains things mostly about consistency
15:40 *Zero__wind is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/358606 DECO*27 feat. Aoi Yuki - Heart's Homing Instinct [Hard]]
15:40 Zero__wind: take some examples
15:40 Zero__wind: slider shapes
15:40 Kibbleru: k
15:40 Zero__wind: it would be good if you avoid making 1/2 sliders too curved like this
15:41 Kibbleru: 00:03:855 (1) - o3o?
15:41 Zero__wind: yes
15:41 Zero__wind: 00:03:855 (1) -
15:41 Zero__wind: eh why haven't I copied that lol
15:41 Zero__wind: baka me
15:42 Zero__wind: then, some slider shapes could improoved, 00:10:475 (1) -
15:42 Zero__wind:
http://puu.sh/7oA9A.jpg15:43 Zero__wind: but gah, I'm bad at drawing sliders, plz do better than me
15:43 Kibbleru: lol
15:45 Zero__wind: all kinds of decorating work like these
15:45 Zero__wind: it's like polishing a newly-made draft
15:45 Zero__wind: poor network lol
15:45 Kibbleru: wb o-o?
15:45 Zero__wind: poor network lol
15:46 Kibbleru: wait did u get what i said?
15:46 Zero__wind: nothing, I just said that there're plenty of similar work of this kind
15:46 Zero__wind: like polishing a newly-made draft
15:46 Zero__wind: to make it LOOK better
15:47 Kibbleru: ah
15:47 Kibbleru: but question; when a slider has more than one tone lol..
15:47 Kibbleru: 00:02:199 (1) -
15:47 Zero__wind: yes?
15:47 Kibbleru: how would i do the rhythm
15:47 Zero__wind: it's just fine
15:47 Kibbleru: originally what i thought for 00:02:199 (1) - is the pitch is increasing so i would make one slider for that
15:47 Kibbleru: does that make sense? Oo
15:48 Zero__wind: using 1/1 s to cover too frequent 1/2 beats in Hard diff is common
15:48 Zero__wind: well, I don't mean that's TOO frequent though
15:49 Kibbleru: but like how would i know when to do that and when not to thats basically what im asking xD
15:49 Zero__wind: being more important, you need to avoid rhythm like 00:06:131 (2,3) -
15:49 Kibbleru: hmm what's the problem with that one o3o
15:50 Zero__wind:
http://puu.sh/7oArI.jpg15:51 Zero__wind: bugged two objects together
15:51 Zero__wind:
http://puu.sh/7oAug.jpg15:51 Zero__wind: this is correct
15:52 Kibbleru: ahhhaa that makes sense
15:52 Zero__wind: yes I mostly mean this kind of problems in the diff
15:53 Zero__wind: and for 00:03:855 (1,2,3,4) -
15:53 Zero__wind: it's ok that you make them seperate, I think that looks better
15:53 Kibbleru: u mean ignoring DS?
15:54 Zero__wind: as sliders have their leniency, distance usage between sliders is with looser restriction
15:54 Zero__wind: yes, or maybe a bit bigger ds between sliders
15:55 Zero__wind: but remember, this only applies from Hard diff and on
15:55 Zero__wind: you should keep ds anyway when mapping Easy or Normal
15:56 Kibbleru: 00:07:165 (1,2,3,4) - what about this one
15:56 Zero__wind: same
15:56 Zero__wind: could make them seperate
15:56 Zero__wind: and why is 00:07:165 (1) - pointing the opposite side
15:56 Kibbleru: k
15:58 Zero__wind: hos easy it is to draw a siingle slider and copy paste it over n' over again
15:58 Zero__wind:
http://puu.sh/7oAKp.jpg15:58 Zero__wind: possible sollution ↑
15:58 Kibbleru: idk i thought it would look nice lmao
15:58 Zero__wind: of course you could something different
15:59 Kibbleru: so its mainly just the rhythm right
16:00 Zero__wind: yes
16:00 Zero__wind: and decorate it after making rhythm fine
16:00 Kibbleru: k
16:00 Zero__wind: pokishing work is always important, although there're always just small things
16:00 Zero__wind: polishing*
16:01 Zero__wind: but still plz remember, that was the last step of mapping
16:01 Zero__wind: you should have your map mostly ok, and polish it afterwards
16:01 Kibbleru: mmk
16:02 Zero__wind: hmm let me think
16:02 Zero__wind: nothing else
16:02 Kibbleru: mmk
16:02 Zero__wind: just refer to the log for Insane, mostly similar problem, also for those whistles and blahblahblah
16:02 Zero__wind: will post in the thread
16:02 Kibbleru: okie :3
16:03 Kibbleru: alright
16:03 Kibbleru: tyvm!