oh boobs (´^Σ^`)Hi, picked this from #modreqs
1621ms isnt enough imo. set lead-in 2000ms
compared with the other colors, combo color1 looks odd to me. you might want to make it brighter
* claps like 00:16:064 (8) - are really too loud (listen to the snare carefully and compare it with 00:16:347 - ) can you reduce volume a bit?
00:00:498 (2) - considering the shapes of 00:01:630 (4) and - 00:03:517 (2) - , it should be more curved. not really an issue tho
00:13:328 - Normal sampleset instead of soft one here? clearer feedback would be great and more fitting
00:25:215 - this point should be more emphasized. maybe clap+whistle here?
00:36:347 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - awesome
00:58:988 (4) - finish. either default or custom would be fine
01:11:819 (3) - whistle will fit well with the bell in the song
01:12:951 - too many whistles in this section, i'd suggest to remove this one
01:13:517 (1) - unnecessary newcombo imo
01:13:517 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - way too loud (and it makes the next finish so poor) i'd prefer 40% or so here
01:15:781 (6,7,8) - this pattern is quite linear and not very comfortable to me. i prefer something like this. it's not a decent alternative though
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/42403501:23:894 (5) - how about a newcombo here? it's more suitable for melody/your pattern imo
01:25:404 (5) - whistle like what you did on hard diff
01:28:517 - need clap here for consistency
00:25:026 - you forgot a clap here? Insane has it
00:25:215 - same sugguestion as Engage
00:39:177 (4) - i'd prefer something like this. fits with the previous note better
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/42405900:45:970 (5,6) - a bit nazi, but they can be stacked better
00:48:234 (1) - make this slider like this for better flow?
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/42406200:58:988 - same as Engage, finish here
01:11:819 - whistle
01:20:120 (8,1) - switch these newcombos to warn the speed-down
[zully's Normal]
00:24:083 - (1,2)のhitsoundの流れ的にここもfinishの方が気持ちイイと思いました
00:25:215 - finishだとえこー的なのが強すぎてここでは音が一旦抜けるため合わないと思います
00:34:837 (1,2,3) - このwhistleたち僕の耳にはややうるさいので減らしてほしい(願望 僕なら(2)外します
00:49:932 - デフォのfinishの方が音に合うと思います
00:55:592 - ここはnormal samplesetだと思います
01:03:517 - whistle?
01:15:592 - ^
01:23:517 (2,4,6) - custom clapの都合でちょっとアレかもだけど聞いた感じそんなに違和感もないのでこんな感じにしたらどうでしょう
http://puu.sh/12p9Z01:30:498 (3) - 少し下げて完全に重ねた方が綺麗です
http://puu.sh/12pcS01:33:139 (3) - このあたりwhistle多いような・・・?01:27:102 (2) - を考えるとこのwhistle要らないんじゃないかな
01:39:366 (3) - those先生のdiffみたいにnormalにしてみては softは少し違和感あります
[Fiya's Easy]
00:07:668 - remove whistle for consistency with the previous part
00:10:687 (2) - ^
00:14:460 (1,2,3) - would prefer something like this
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/42408500:24:649 - sampleset should be N:C1 here
00:57:479 (3) - finish is too much imo, whistle would be enough
01:02:007 - default finish will be more suitable for the beginning of Kiai time
overall nice map, Engage diff is especially nicely made so starred
good luck~