The first performance score (abbreviated as ppv1) is an ancient ranking system for players globally across all modes from osu!. It replaced the old system of ranking by total score and was abandoned due to the implementation of ppv2.
ppv1 was launched in April 2012 and initially mentioned in players' profiles under the name ???
during a test phase. After finally being renamed to pp (performance points) on April 17, 2012. This system existed with the previous ranking system (ranking by total score) and eventually became the unique system in-place on July 24, 2012 during the release of version 20120722-24 of the osu! client.
This system was initially updated at regular intervals (usually every 24 hours) until finally being run in real-time on August 16, 2012.
ppv1 was abandoned and replaced by ppv2 on January 27, 2014. The reasons behind that change were the criticism of the players:
difficulties with modsIt also allowed peppy to separate the job of maintaining and updating the filing system and thus ease its workload.
The calculations involved are not publicly known, however some indications on the inner workings of the system were disclosed:
The ranking is mainly related to the performance on individual maps, leading many players to only focus on mastering single difficulties. ppv1 encouraged a common theme of practices among players: