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Taiko Suiji Cup

TSC logo

The Taiko Suiji Cup (TSC) was a three-on-three randomised team based osu!taiko tournament hosted by Backfire. Each participant registered individually and was assigned to a random team. It was the first instalment of the Taiko Suiji Cup.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2018-08-01/2018-08-25
Live drawings 2018-08-25 (12:30 UTC)
Round of 32 2018-09-01/2018-09-02
Round of 16 2018-09-08/2018-09-09
Quarterfinals 2018-09-15/2018-09-16
Semifinals 2018-09-22/2018-09-23
Finals 2018-09-29/2018-09-30
Grand Finals 2018-10-06/2018-10-07


Placing Prize
Gold crown Unique profile badge

TSC winner badge


The Taiko Suiji Cup was run by various osu!taiko community members.

Position Member(s)
Organizer Backfire
Mappool selector Backfire, Lno, Kasumii-sama
Referee Backfire, Kasumii-sama, JDrago14, -dragon67, fajar13k, 390, Garpo
Streamer Garpo, [TaikoTori]
Commentator Raphalge, Beat43210, Das, BabySnakes, DuckyDoom, incandescence
Designer Backfire, Reo
Statistician Kasumii-sama, Lno
Wiki editor fajar13k, Briesmas


Team Members
:) Das, [ TaiDex ], Berg, closed, dhn, Lefafel
♂ Drum ♂ Spanking ♂ Festival ♂ Ikkun, duski, DwarfSpykerr, -F1-, Rimazii, raii
69% acc MTDex, Consified, Halzyn, Juanisimo, Korkk Minekuchi
aあاㄚɐაಅअ@ᵃ아አאₐ Alchyr, Apopaino, Blobby3000, Mayline, pmriva, sagu_samidare
BabySnakes is Dumb BabySnakes, Ali161102, CrabCow, kazu0611, Ppus, rubies87
Barely Legal janitoreihil, Agresywny Arbuz, Akali393394, Bola, gevbiivi5, Noko_BSF
DON'T KAT MeovvCAT, [-TSG-], Briesmas, Eiuh, Kotu776, sing216
E=mc^2 Skull Kid, iceOC, JustMax, Kbludoh, Salimen, Titovare
ERROR 404: Team Name Not Found uone, [_Chichinya_], _Kuroni_, ensan71714, eterpay, Taiko_VN12
Foda-se HiroK, il_sandwich, Kyoumo, Myckoll, Omega Ranger, Protonori
Fun Assurance Team goheegy, Acetylcholine, ARGENTINE DREAM, DDM, -Kazu-, maximaxiU
hello we play taiko TrolloCat, Gamelan4, JarvisGaming, kane K hiku, nananass, Trilt
Hentaiko _DUSK_, [Zeth], bernard351, FlamingRok, Leafeon, lolphis
i like grosses baguettes Yona la loutre, Bauregaurd, Deathwing1306, jmeh07, Smallwu, Vmannnn
jakpat aEoNNzR-, Ayumi-chan, Jintsuu, KonaeAkira, Pochacco, Toorun12
Low Accuracy SS Acrith, _Faithful_, Amane, Bombrilho2, dudetm, momgi
Magnolia Horiiizon, miyavi_0611, Nepuri, Nozdormu, Rhytoly, Yoshi-GH
MIStaikon Element118, Gulmion, Shyguy, ThatTaikoGuy, Voenkom, Xeltic Rival
Nihongo Wakaranai Alwaysyukaz, apaajaboleh10, ArmoredReaper, drumchanon, haga1115, Tsubasa2
not a taiko team xd Oui, Don Omar, GodEater7x, night_flower, owatanimal, perro chocapic
Ooyama Shota isobe, _Infected_, Beat43210, IAvocaloid, Ryoko, uchuuj1n
Pißwasser jleste, Axer, beary605, Kaemz, KILI3343, the_robot
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis R-18, Colorojo12, DiggyDogg, hikiko-, lineqtxz, Lix_0101
Press F for Ayachi Ulqui, Ayachi Meme, cheese salad, FarawayOtaku, Minisora, Voltaeyx
Samurai Pizza Cats Catgirl, iamdicky000, Mikudayo, Romainnoda, samel12, Troll Face
Taco Monsters Foxerus, _verto_, asuasu_yura, Kiv x Monster, ma_r1n, Tsred
Tai-KO Garpo, -[ ix Ishida xi ]-, Bedwyr Aorta, Cactie, Faputa, ZimnyGrzejnik
TaikOwO sparxe, Coryn, Lalamomo4, monnhann869, nyanmi-1828, -Rmdy
Taiko Time Fahrenheit7, DayzeekFeed, Lightning Wyvern, Kyoren, phucdtd, Tsuki_yura
Team 7 I-ShiR4Nu1, AbstractStep, Ammy, Lazarento, Sirikid, vladyushko
Team Seven Loopy542, Brames, Cristo, lukili846, Tetsurio, xpokn
The Tasuke Train tasuke912, AngelRemm, AnonX32, CaptainEChan, kknegative, Wolfgang


This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:

Placing Team
Gold crown jakpat ( aEoNNzR-, Ayumi-chan, Jintsuu, KonaeAkira, Pochacco, Toorun12)
Silver crown i like grosses baguettes ( Yona la loutre, Bauregaurd, Deathwing1306, jmeh07, Smallwu, Vmannnn)
Bronze crown BabySnakes is Dumb ( BabySnakes, Ali161102, CrabCow, kazu0611, Ppus, rubies87)


Grand Finals

Download the mappack here! (86 MB) - MEGA - Direct Link

Mappool A

Mappool B


Download the mappack here! (80 MB) - MEGA - Direct Link

Mappool A

Mappool B


Download the mappack here! (92 MB) - MEGA - Direct Link

Mappool A

Mappool B


Download the mappack here! (70 MB)

Mappool A

Mappool B

Round of 16

Download the mappack here! (97 MB)

Mappool A

Mappool B

Round of 32

Download the mappack here! (78 MB)

Mappool A

Mappool B

Match results

Grand Finals

Saturday, 6 October 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
jakpat 7 5 BabySnakes is Dumb #1

Sunday, 7 October 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
i like grosses baguettes 3 7 jakpat #1


Saturday, 29 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
MIStaikon 3 7 hello we play taiko #1

Sunday, 30 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Samurai Pizza Cats -1 0 BabySnakes is Dumb win by default
i like grosses baguettes 7 6 jakpat #1
hello we play taiko 4 7 BabySnakes is Dumb #1


Saturday, 22 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 0 6 Hentaiko #1
♂ Drum ♂ Spanking ♂ Festival ♂ 6 2 The Tasuke Train #1
i like grosses baguettes 6 2 Samurai Pizza Cats #1

Sunday, 23 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Pißwasser 1 6 BabySnakes is Dumb #1
Foda-se 0 6 hello we play taiko #1
♂ Drum ♂ Spanking ♂ Festival ♂ 4 6 BabySnakes is Dumb #1
MIStaikon 4 6 jakpat #1
Hentaiko 3 6 hello we play taiko #1


Saturday, 15 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Nihongo Wakaranai 6 4 Magnolia #1
Low Accuracy SS 5 6 The Tasuke Train #1
Ooyama Shota -1 0 BabySnakes is Dumb win by default
Barely Legal -1 0 hello we play taiko #1
Hentaiko 6 0 aあاㄚɐაಅअ@ᵃ아 win by default
69% acc 1 6 Press F for Ayachi #1
TaikOwO 6 0 DON'T KAT #1
i like grosses baguettes 6 0 Foda-se #1
not a taiko team xd 6 3 Fun Assurance Team #1

Sunday, 16 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
BabySnakes is Dumb 6 5 TaikOwO #1
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 0 6 Samurai Pizza Cats #1
Nihongo Wakaranai 5 6 The Tasuke Train #1
jakpat 6 5 ♂ Drum ♂ Spanking ♂ Festival ♂ #1
hello we play taiko 6 2 not a taiko team xd #1
Hentaiko 6 4 Press F for Ayachi #1
MIStaikon 6 5 Pißwasser #1

Round of 16

Saturday, 8 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Taco Monsters 0 5 Press F for Ayachi #1
MIStaikon 5 3 not a taiko team xd #1
TaikOwO 3 5 i like grosses baguettes #1
Barely Legal 4 5 Pißwasser #1
Foda-se 5 2 Ooyama Shota #1

Sunday, 9 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
:) -1 0 DON'T KAT win by default
Nihongo Wakaranai 2 5 Samurai Pizza Cats #1
Taiko Time 3 5 aあاㄚɐაಅअ@ᵃ아 #1
Hentaiko 1 5 ♂ Drum ♂ Spanking ♂ Festival ♂ #1
Magnolia 5 4 Tai-KO #1
hello we play taiko 5 4 Team Seven #1
jakpat 5 0 69% acc #1
BabySnakes is Dumb 5 3 E=mc^2 #1
Fun Assurance Team 5 1 ERROR 404: Team Name Not Found #1
TaikOwO -1 0 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis win by default
The Tasuke Train 0 -1 Team 7 win by default

Round of 32

Friday, 31 August 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Press F for Ayachi 3 5 Ooyama Shota #1

Saturday, 1 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Magnolia 2 5 MIStaikon #1
ERROR 404: Team Name Not Found 3 5 Samurai Pizza Cats #1
Low Accuracy SS 5 4 hello we play taiko #1
i like grosses baguettes 5 0 aあاㄚɐაಅअ@ᵃ아 #1
DON'T KAT 2 5 ♂ Drum ♂ Spanking ♂ Festival ♂ #1
:) 0 5 Hentaiko #1

Sunday, 2 September 2018:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Nihongo Wakaranai 5 4 Fun Assurance Team #1
Taco Monsters 0 5 Foda-se #1
Barely Legal 5 4 The Tasuke Train #1
Team Seven 0 5 pneumonoultramicrosopicsilicovolcanoconiosis #1
BabySnakes is Dumb 3 5 jakpat #1
Taiko Time 1 5 TaikOwO #1
not a taiko team xd 5 1 Tai-KO #1
69% acc 5 3 E=mc^2 #1
Team 7 -1 0 Pißwasser win by default


  • The match lobby will be created by the referee, and the team captains of both teams will be invited. The captain is then responsible for inviting the rest of their team. If the captain of a team is not online, the referee will invite any other player from that team, and that player will be responsible for inviting their team.
  • Teams have a 15 minute grace period to have at least 4 players available to play the match. If 15 minutes pass and a team does not have enough players to play the match, the other team will receive a win by default.
  • Once all players have joined the lobby, captains will be asked to !roll; the winner of the roll will have the first warmup, first ban, and first pick.
  • The Mappool will contain 16 maps. The format is as follows:
    • Mappool A will contain the following: 4 NoMod, 2 Hidden, 2 HardRock, 2 FreeMod.
    • Mappool B will contain the following: 2 Challenge, 1 DoubleTime, 1 Easy Mod, 1 Hidden+HardRock, and the Tiebreaker. These maps are not bannable.
    • Each team is allowed to ban 1 map from Mappool A. Mappool B maps may not be allowed to be banned at any time.
  • Warmup maps will be allowed for the entirety of the tournament. Each team may select one warmup pick.
    • Warmups may not exceed 4:30 total length.
  • The referee can give host to the players for warmups only. The referee will have host for the entire match after warmups. A team will select a map by naming the map in the multiplayer chat, and the referee will select it.
  • Each team has 1 bans per match. Banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for the duration of the match and are not allowed to be picked. A team is allowed to ban 1 maps from the same mod pool.
  • Teams have 3 minutes to select a map; if they fail to choose in the allotted time, the map choice will pass to the other team. This will have no effect on the order of picks afterward.
  • There is no restriction on map selection order; teams may select any available map at any time regardless of mod.
  • On FreeMod picks, at least two players from each team must use Hidden, HardRock, or both.
  • Hidden and HardRock are allowed, but not required, on Tiebreakers.
  • Only one of each seed is allowed to play in the lobby at any given time, so the team can only have 1 A seed, 1 B seed, and 1 C seed.
  • Once the map choice is locked in, players will have 3 minutes to ready up. The referee will start the match when all players are ready. If the 3 minute timer ends, the referee will force an !mp start 15 command, and the match will start with whoever is in the lobby.
  • The winner of a map is determined by which team ends with a higher score.
  • In the case of a disconnection, a rematch will only be played if the disconnection occurred within the first 30 seconds of the map. This can be judged by the mp link. If a player disconnects after 30 seconds of the map have passed, their score will not be counted.