Current playstyle: "Play for fun" style :3 Hoping Team Malaysia to advance till semi-finals week in twc2021 (further than that is ofc better xP) Skin: Eve_Skin (from [Eve], gotta give'em supporter tag soon xD, pm for link) Me irl: click the link to my facebook page lul Hobby: Chess, Cooking (Other than playing osu owo) Other games I play: League of Legends, Cs:Go, PUBG, L4D2, Outlast, Yooka Laylee :3333 My personality: prefers alone over crowd, likes to have my own spare time, a little bit shy .3.
Songs I love the most discovered from osu: ~Emilia (Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive ~Stella no Mahou - "Yonaka Jikaru" ~Matsunaga Maho (from StylipS) - Resonant World ~m-flo - LOVER (el poco maro remix) ~Touhou (Tatsh feat. Tsukiko) - Floating Darkness ~KOTOKO - Koi Kou Enishi ~Feint - Laurence ~Seiryu - STARLiGHT ~more...... (too much to type xD)
Players I'd admire the most (osu!taiko) tasha_old_3: Cool guy, gave me some very useful advice when I had no clue where and how to improve my taiko gameplay, his commentates always boost my confidence to play good as well xDD Jaye: Genius NEPPU: One of the main carries of osu!taiko Team Malaysia, a pretty good leader as well taiko_maniac1811: Accuracy god, don't be fooled by his pp LOL Devon: A very skillful player, gave me some good ass 1/6 maps too mangomizer: One of the players I'd admire the most, has great handspeed and reading ability, hopeefully I'll be a player like that too someday :3 Tem: 400bpm god Chocola_2287: o/ chill guy, always has some cool songs to map lul Grimbow: The player I'd admire the most when I first started playing osu, awesome hidden skills and a very nice guy to talk to :3 Mekelemembe: Easy-going guy, been through together on lms4, a very talented gentlemen cdh: owo owo owo HiroK: DK 2017 partner, same playstyle bt better in many aspects than me hehehehe MetalStream: The fastest improving player I've ever seen, might be one of the top competitors for any future taiko tournaments, no doubt his skill xD rango: totally opposite playstyle as me, chill dude as well owo