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Shortcut key reference

There are many shortcuts in osu! that can be utilised while in-game or while idle at any screen. They are listed out with their functions below.

Note: This article lists the default keyboard shortcuts. You can change some of them in the options.


These shortcuts work anywhere:

Shortcut Action
Alt + F4 Close the game client (no prompts). If in gameplay, beatmap editor, or osu!direct, go back to song selection or main menu (for osu!direct).
Alt + Up/Down Arrow Adjust the master volume, use the left and right arrows to adjust effect and music volumes.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S Reload the current skin. If pressed during gameplay or at the results screen, this will be executed after returning to the song selection screen.
Ctrl + F11 Toggle the frame times graph. Pressing Ctrl will pause this.
F7 Cycle through the frame rate limiters.
F8 Toggle the chat window.
F9 Toggle the extended chat window.
F10 Toggle all mouse buttons (except for the mouse wheel, which is always enabled).
F12 Take a screenshot. Click on the dialog to open the screenshots folder.
Shift + F12 Take a screenshot and upload to the server for sharing. The screenshot will also be saved locally. This will open the screenshot on your web browser.
Insert This is the boss key. Minimise the game client into the notification area. This will also mute the game.
Shift + F1 Open osu!status on your web browser. (Only when a connection error appears.)
Ctrl + O Open the options sidebar. Can not enter the offset wizard if you are not in the main menu.
Shortcut Action
Alt + Enter Toggle fullscreen mode.
Up/Down Arrow Adjust the master volume, use the left and right arrows to adjust effect and music volumes.
Esc Go back or cancel.
P, E, or O Open the play menu.
P three times Enter Solo.
P twice, then M Enter Multi.
E twice Enter edit mode.
O Open the options sidebar.
Q Display the exit prompt.
Esc Display the exit prompt, when the options and play menu are closed.
F Toggle the FPS counter.


Shortcut Action
Z or F1 Play the previous song.
X or F2 Play the song. If playing, start the song over.
C Toggle pause and play.
F4 Stop playing (resets the current time).
V or F5 Play the next song.
J or F6 Opens the jump to menu.
R Play a random song.

Song select

Note: Not all of these work in the Multi mode's song select screen.

Shortcut Action
F1 Open the game modifiers selection menu.
F2 Randomly select a beatmap.
Shift + F2 Go back to the previously random-selected beatmap.
F3 Open the beatmap options.
F5 Reprocess beatmaps (this may prompt you to continue).
Shift + Delete Prompt the delete beatmap dialog. This will ask you if you want to delete the beatmap (all difficulties), a single difficulty, or all visible beatmaps.
Ctrl + 1 Switch the game mode to osu!.
Ctrl + 2 Switch the game mode to osu!taiko.
Ctrl + 3 Switch the game mode to osu!catch.
Ctrl + 4 Switch the game mode to osu!mania.
Ctrl + Enter Play the selected beatmap with the Auto mod.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Play the selected beatmap with the Cinema mod.
Ctrl + A Toggle the Auto mod.
Ctrl + F3 or Ctrl + + Increase the osu!mania scroll speed (while in osu!mania mode).
Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + - Decrease the osu!mania scroll speed (while in osu!mania mode).
Ctrl + Backspace Delete the last word in the search bar.
Up/Down Arrow Select the next difficulty up/down respectively.
Left/Right Arrow Select the next beatmap up/down respectively.
Page Up/Down Scroll the page up/down respectively.
Enter Enter the current selection (if selecting over a beatmap or collection group) or being playing a difficulty (if selecting over a beatmap).
Shift + Left/Right Arrow Enter the next/previous group.
Shift + Enter Expand or collapse the selected group.

Game modifiers

Main page: Game modifiers
Note: Pressing the shortcut key will toggle it. You need to be in the game modifiers menu to use these shortcuts.
Note: Target practice (osu!), 1K and 2K (osu!mania), Co-op (osu!mania), and Mirror (osu!mania) do not have shortcuts.

Shortcut Mod
Q Easy
W No Fail
E Half Time
A Hard Rock
S Sudden Death
S twice Perfect
D Double Time
D twice Nightcore
F Hidden (osu!, osu!taiko, and osu!catch) or Fade In (osu!mania)
F twice Hidden (osu!mania)
G Flashlight
Z Relax (osu!, osu!taiko, and osu!catch) or cycle through xK mods (osu!mania)
X Auto Pilot (osu!) or Random (osu!mania)
C Spun Out (osu!)
V Auto
V twice Cinema
B Score V2
3 to 9 3K to 9K (osu!mania)

Play mode

Shortcut Action
+ or - Adjust the local offset (hold Alt to change the precision).
Esc Pause gameplay, or return to song selection if watching a replay or Auto or Cinema mod is used.
Space Skip to gameplay.
Tab Toggle the scoreboard.
Shift + Tab Toggle hiding of the in-game interface.
H Toggle hiding of the scoreboard and replay interface (when watching a replay or spectating).
F3 or F4 Adjust speed for osu!mania (can be used near the beginning of gameplay).
Ctrl + R or ` Must be held briefly. Quick retry the current map (skips the intro upon retry).

Replay mode

Notice: You must use the cuttingedge release stream to use these.

Shortcut Action
5 Pause the replay.
6 or 0 Resume or set playback speed to 1x.
7 Set playback speed to 2x.
8 Set playback speed to 3x.
9 Set playback speed to 4x.

Beatmap editor

Main page: Beatmap Editor


These shortcuts work anywhere within the beatmap editor:

Shortcut Action
Z Jump to first note or start of song.
V Jump to last note or end of song.
X Play from the start.
C or Space Pause or resume.
Left Arrow or Right Arrow Skip through the song.
Up Arrow or Down Arrow Skip between timing points.
Shift + Left Arrow or Shift + Right Arrow Skip through the song at 4x speed.
Ctrl + B Add a bookmark at the current timestamp.
Ctrl + Shift + B Remove the bookmark in the current timestamp.
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow Jump to the previous/next bookmark.
Ctrl + L Revert to the last saved state (partial). This will reload the .osu and .osb files.
Ctrl + Shift + L Revert to the last saved state (full). This will reload everything.
Ctrl + O Opens the difficulty selection window.
Ctrl + S Save the beatmap in its current state.
Ctrl + N Prompt to remove all hit objects.
Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow Increase/decrease the playback speed by 25%.
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow Increase/decrease the playback speed by 5%.
F1 Switch to the compose mode.
F2 Switch to the design mode.
F3 Switch to the timing mode.
F4 Open the song setup dialog.
F5 Enter test mode.
F6 Open the timing and control points dialog.
Ctrl + P Add an uninherited timing point at the current timestamp. If not in the timing mode, this will also open the timing and control points dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + P Add a inherited timing point at the current timestamp. This will also open the timing and control points dialog.
Ctrl + I Delete the current uninherited or inherited section. This will not work on first uninherited timing point.


Shortcut Action
Mouse Wheel Up/Down Seek forward/backward.
Shift + Mouse Wheel Up/Down Seek forward/backward at 4x.
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up/Down Adjust the snap divisor.
Alt + Mouse Wheel Up/Down Adjust the distance snapping multiplier when hovering over the playfield. Adjust the timeline zoom when hovering over the timeline.
Alt + Shift + Mouse Wheel Up/Down More precisely adjust the distance snapping multiplier when hovering over the playfield.



Shortcut Action
Alt + F4 or Esc Return to song selection.
Ctrl + Z Undo.
Ctrl + Y Redo.
Ctrl + A Select all hit objects.
Ctrl + X Cut.
Ctrl + C Copy.
Ctrl + V Paste.
Ctrl + D Clone the selection. This will paste the selection 1 measure after last selected object.
Ctrl + M Adjust the snap divisor.
Delete Delete.
1, 2, 3, or 4 Switch between placement/selection mode: select, circle, slider, and spinner respectively (osu!, osu!taiko, or osu!catch).
1, 2, or 3 Switch between placement/selection mode: select, circle, and hold respectively (osu!mania).
Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel Up/Down Switch between placement/selection modes.
Ctrl + Shift + A Open AiMod.


Shortcut Action
Double Click On circles or slider ends to jump to the object's position in the timeline from any point in the song. (osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch)
Right Click Toggle new combo (when placing new hit objects) or delete object (when selecting).


Shortcut Action
Alt Temporarily toggle distance snap while held down.
Y Toggle distance snap.
Shift Temporarily toggle grid snap while held down.
T Toggle grid snap.
G Cycle through grid size.
Ctrl + 1 Set grid size to tiny.
Ctrl + 2 Set grid size to small.
Ctrl + 3 Set grid size to medium.
Ctrl + 4 Set grid size to large.
L Toggle locking of hit objects.

Object manipulation

Shortcut Action
Q Toggle new combo.
Ctrl + , Rotate the selection by 90 degrees anticlockwise.
Ctrl + . Rotate the selection by 90 degrees clockwise.
Ctrl + H Flip the selection horizontally.
Ctrl + J Flip the selection vertically.
Ctrl + G Reverse the selection. That is, move the first selected object to the last selected object and so on.
Ctrl + Shift + R Rotate the selected hit objects by a specified angle (opens a dialog).
Ctrl + Shift + S Scale selected hit objects by a specified amount (opens a dialog).
Ctrl + Shift + D Generate polygons with a specified number of points (opens a dialog).
Ctrl + Shift + F Convert the selected slider into a hit circle stream (opens a dialog).
Ctrl + Left/Right/Up/Down Arrow Nudge the selected notes in the pressed direction. (osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch)
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow Move selected objects left or right one column. (osu!mania)
Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow Move selected objects up or down 1 divisor. (osu!mania)


Shortcut Action
W Toggle the Whistle addition to selection.
E Toggle the Finish addition to selection.
R Toggle the Clap addition to selection.
Shift + (Q, W, E, or R) Change sampleset for the selection to auto, normal, soft, or drum respectively.
Ctrl + (Q, W, E, or R) Change addition set for the selection to auto, normal, soft, or drum respectively.
Ctrl + Shift + I Open the sample import dialog.


Shortcut Action
Shift + (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,, 6, 7, 8, or 9) Set the beat snap divisor to 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8 and 1/9 respectively.
Shift (while dragging in the timeline) Ignore the beat snap divisor snapping.
J Nudge the selection backwards 1 divisor.
K Nudge the selection forwards 1 divisor.


Shortcut Action
I Open the sprite library overlay.
Ctrl + Z Undo.
Ctrl + Y Redo.
Ctrl + X Cut the selected sprite.
Ctrl + C Copy the selected sprite.
Ctrl + V Paste the sprite at the current time. Note: Pasted sprites will not be shown on the layer list until the beatmap is saved and reloaded.
Delete Remove the selected sprite from the layer.
W, A, S, D Nudge the selected sprite up, left, down, or right respectively one osu!pixel.


Shortcut Action
T Set BPM and offset when tapped to the beat of the song.
Shift while adjusting BPM or offset Increment 5x the normal amount.
Ctrl while adjusting BPM Increment by 0.25.
Ctrl while adjusting offset Increment by 1.
Ctrl while adjusting slider velocity Increment by 0.1.