Hi there! I'm mangomizer but you can just call me mango!
About me: I'm an osu!taiko player currently living in the United Kingdom! I've been involved in numerous projects on osu! but I am perhaps best known for being the "osu!taiko masochist". Below are the current responsibilites/positions I hold:
I was first introduced to osu! by toyuyn, a friend who knew of my prior experience with Taiko no Tatsujin (since 2006). Since then, I've exclusively played the osu!taiko gamemode since 2012.
With the release of Discord and following a commentary stint for TWC 2017, I began to involve myself in a variety of community projects, though my endeavours usually stayed quite close to the tournament scene. It has only been recently that my interests have started diverging towards the wider osu! community.
Looking back, it's surprising how far I've come since those early days but now I am fully directing my energies towards managing and improving the osu!taiko community!
Inspired by Ikkun who had achieved 8,000pp without a single 400pp score, I decided in January 2018 to achieve a more impressive feat of 10,000pp without a 500pp score. Little did I know this would turn into a commitment of sheer willpower and attrition for over two years.
Extremely well documented on Reddit and other platforms, this challenge had the unintended benefit of shaping me to become an extremely well rounded player, as well as elevating my consistency from being infamous for having low accuracy to becoming one of the more accurate players in the game. Most importantly it improved my nerve control to point of mostly unflappable during tournaments.
You can find the documentation of my two year journey below.
Original Challenge: (Start 09/01/2018) Goal: 10,000pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 13/08/2018 | IMG (10,000pp) | Thank you rg_seo | #SWAG Goal: 10,050pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 27/09/2018 | IMG (10,090pp) Goal: 10,100pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 12/10/2018 | FULL IMG (10,104pp) Goal: 10,150pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 28/10/2018 | FULL IMG (10,163pp) Goal: 10,200pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 01/11/2018 | FULL IMG (10,200pp) Goal: 10,250pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 11/11/2018 | FULL IMG (10,250pp) Interim 1: 10,275pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 07/12/2018 | FULL IMG (10,276pp) Interim 2: 10,290pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 11/01/2019 | NO IMG SAVED FINAL GOAL: 10,300pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 15/01/2019 | IMG (10,300pp)
Final Push: Goal: 10,396pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 14/12/2019 | NO IMG SAVED Goal: 10,397pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 19/12/2019 | NO IMG SAVED Goal: 10,398pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 05/01/2020 | FULL IMG (10,398pp) Goal: 10,399pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 09/01/2020 | NO IMG SAVED TRUE FINAL GOAL: 10,400pp without a >500pp score.ACHIEVED 15/01/2020
Ranked by number of individuals met per country, in chronological order. Usernames and country flags are accurate at time of meeting. Individuals only count if I met them through osu!, or primarily as a common interest.
Note: this list is no longer being maintained (too much effort).
Meetups only count if it is a planned osu! related gathering. With the exception of first meetings, subsequent causal meetings (eg. "lunch") do not count and are not documented.
[JAN] jjrocks After hearing about my endeavours regarding the osu!monthly revival project, jjrocks (original osu!monthly creator) contacted me to meetup as he was visiting in London.
[APR] Zetera Zetera was visiting the UK and I agreed to host him for a few days.
[JUN] Teezel, aceticke, ali161102, ikin5050 Glasgow Meetup. We played cards and touched grass. We remembered about ikin 1 hour before the meetup ended and somehow he made it in time!
[JUN] Dusk- A surprise visit from the elusive Dusk-. Ate delicious wings at WINGWING and spent hours at FPC!
[JUL] juankristal juan pretends to be my husband for 2 weeks for £30.