Mania organiser(lead) for the Mentorship program since 15/12/2017 Current Mentorship Cycle (29) Stage: Mentee Signups Feb 10-17 If you have any questions regarding the program, feel free to ask.
Sorry I break my profile quite often cus BB codes are weird lul
@me if you'd like me to do a GD/collab, I won't bite
The new BN box! Joined BNG 10 September 2017 - 18 January 2020, 10 October 2021 - present QAT member 4 February - 18 June 2018
Status: Open until whenever Open Queue -Extended Mix-: Request here! New experimental queue! tl;dr streamlined format and relaxed rules but you won't know if I've accepted until I actually show up on the map.
Anything greyed out on my tracksheet means I have looked at it and either accepted it (and should be in one of the lists below), or rejected. Rejected maps can be re-requested but I recommend not requesting the same thing more than twice.
The "held" list Stuff here I have previously taken, but placed on hold as there has been an extended period of no activity on the map from the mapset host. tl;dr if you see your map here please respond soon
To see completed BN checks and mods, as well as responses to the Open Queues, check here.
Legacy BN box Joined BNG 10 September 2017 - 18 January 2020 QAT member 4 February - 18 June 2018
Status: Don't use this! I have a newer BN box! I'll be starting a job full-time really soon so I'll need to dedicate most of my time to doing that soon. Will try and prioritise maps from Mappers' Guild (I'll know if you're in or not)
Please send messages through the legacy/old forum PM system for now, thanks I don't get notified otherwise, and if there's no notification I am definitely not going to see what you sent. and I don't like my messages disappearing after a month
I generally always have a few requests ongoing at one time so I won't always be able to get to your map straightaway. Also, I don't do stuff in order, so there's that. I'll figure out whatever else I need to put here whenever.
If I don't appear on your map within a month, assume that I declined it. You can always request again, though I'll likely decline it again. Alternatively, you can go request in my modding queue instead. Sometimes I just don't want to mod something under the guise that I'm actually BN checking when I really don't want to/don't feel the map is at that stage yet.
Also, me appearing in the discussions does not automatically there for a BN check. I can mod just to help you along. If you're in doubt, message me on the new site after I've modded.
The map contains osu!mania difficulties. I'm an o!m person, after all.
Ranking criteria is followed
You have one or more metadata sources for the song (try to find official sources, but I can help with that if you're struggling with it)
Has at least 5 hype and is relatively well-modded
If the map is TV Size or shorter, it needs an Easy diff or lower. It's just lazy not to and shouldn't take much time to do.
Hitsound the map well. Custom hitsounds are generally preferred, but I can do defaults if they're done extremely well. And I mean extremely well. Try not to import absolutely everything as it makes both your life and my life a tiny bit harder.
The map is not in the graveyard. I don't want to have to guess whether you're actually continuing with the set and potentially waste my time if you aren't. (Updating without changing anything will keep the set alive, as will having an active nomination)
Describe your map a little. Helps me know what I'm looking for, which in turn makes both of our lives easier. Failure to include this will result in an instant reject, because I hate guessing things.
Preferences: Don't actually have any for now but please don't drive me insane, ok?-
Aight. A lot of you seem to think stalking me through irc is a good idea. No, it's not. So, forum PMs only now. Out of format will be ignored. Requesting when closed will be ignored. Please follow rules, 'kay? Failure to do so will land you in the ban box for an unspecified amount of time, perhaps permanently. I hate having to do this, but I need peace of mind sometimes.
I will ignore people who try and request checks in-game. It's annoying. I really shouldn't need to put this here, but people can't read, so I have no choice, yet again. Also, do NOT include me in mass request PMs. It's lazy and insulting.
- NM/M4M request (no icon) (will also generally be fine without an icon at all for this one) - General enquiries (also fine without icon, just ensure PM topic mentions this is an enquiry) - Bubble request (indicate in PM whether this is M4M) - If the map is already bubbled by someone else then use this icon.
Apparently some people were confused about not having a format, so here's one in case you need it
I'll probably be giving this a revision and sticking that in a google doc so keep a lookout for that.
Likely there will be quite a few issues with your map that I'd want to discuss, and I've essentially found myself repeating the same things over and over again. So I thought I'd put it all here.
General Information
Check AIMod. The number of times I come in and there are still problems here is crazy. It's often just simple checks like unsnapped notes and kiai toggles that are overlooked.
The maximum bitrate for audio files is 192kbps, minimum 128kbps. Check this by looking at the properties of the audio file in the song folder. AIMod will also try to pick up this problem.
Custom hitsounds must have a maximum delay of 5ms and be at least 100ms in length. Preferably, they should have no delay at all.
Background need to optimally be 1920*1080 for 16:9 or 1920*1200 for 16:10 (as these are the maximum rankable dimensions.)
Don't leave unused files in folders, as they take up unwanted space since the maximum permissible folder size is 30MB.
OD and HP: Generally speaking, between 6 and 9 for both is fine, but don't do something silly like odhp 9 for an Easy or odhp6 for an Extra. Usually having these values up to 1.0 apart is normal, as long as the idea of progression is still present within the map.
Make sure they're averaged so the overall section is still sightreadable (best way of doing this is maintaining the 1x average mentioned in the guides)
Use them appropriately. There shouldn't be any random SVs in the map.
Charting This is generally the way I like to map things. "percussive jumpstream" so to speak. Of course, there are other ways of mapping, but I find this one the easiest to understand, and likely this is also then fairly easy to pick up. You can map differently to this, so long as you're able to fully explain why you've made certain decisions.
First thing's first. I'm going to say mapping notes to vocals or to more or less any form of lead for an extended period of time is strongly discouraged and should be avoided. There's nothing technically wrong with it, but with following sounds for mania (what you should be doing, might I add), it can get a little cluttered, particularly for 4K and following vocals is the first thing to be dropped.
Going off of that, unlike standard, there are no filler notes in mania. That means that, if there aren't any sounds about, there shouldn't be anything there. Vocals aren't really considered as sounds for this as they're not as clear-cut as something like percussion. If there are notes where there aren't sounds, then those are ghost notes.
Avoid "anti-ghosting" as well, which is not mapping something that should be. For example, something like a snare sound shouldn't be missed. It's more often than not a problem for easier difficulties, as you can't really map many things that appear on 1/4s at high BPMs. The easy solution is to "cover the sound" with a long note (LN). A good place where people use this is in drum fills.
The thing to come after this is consistency, which is essentially mapping the same sound with exactly the same number of notes, well, consistently. A common thing would be to map bass kicks for the harder difficulties as doubles, and this would be the same throughout the rest of the map. Occasionally this can be broken, but there needs to be a very good reason as to why.
"Variety is the spice of life", as they say. Remains true for this too, you know. It's not wrong to be repetitive, but being varied (while being consistent) can make a map interesting.
Another important factor is playability. Essentially, it's trying to ensure that the patterns you map are somewhat comfortable. Of course, you can go against this, but you're going to need a reason to the tons of modders who will point it out. It's important to playtest your map often and think about the players it will be aimed for. (The most common way most people do this is through spreading the notes out across all of the columns evenly.)
Lastly, progression. Easier difficulties should essentially be a more basic version of harder difficulties, rather than a different entity altogether. Simply, there shouldn't be anything in an Easy or Normal that would be absent in a Hard or an Insane, for example. The other thing is, there can't really be too much of a difference between difficulties, as the jump would be unreasonable to players trying to progress onto the harder difficulties.
If anything, practice will improve your mapping skills, as it does anyone. But knowing about these will certainly help, as it has for me. c:
Of course, if there's anything here that you don't understand, feel free to PM me somewhere.
STATUS Playing: Whenever I'm bothered lol (7k transition I guess) Mapping: Semi-Active Modding: Whenever I can outside of BN checking and doing other IRL things