03:00:931 (3) - pretty sure something's wonky about this slider
02:41:164 (1,2) - Slider art appears to be too sharp for a calm section
gonna look for more opinions on that one
remapped the section with smoother sliders
You don't need widescreen support cuz u don't have storyboard. Idk if it's still looked at tbh but i remember a BN pointing this stuff out. So i'm doing the same lol.
i do want to get one though (heysomeoneplsmakemeastoryboardthanks)
but sure, i can disable it
05:10:883 (1,2,3,4) - Move this upwards/
i don't find it necessary
04:28:407 (3) - I think this should end downwards
no, its the same as 04:28:126 (3) - this one
04:06:958 (5,5) - same as 04:04:715 (5)
04:05:836 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Change in tune should have a change in spacing imo
aah i'll keep equal spacing, following the drum intensity
04:04:715 (5) - Emphasize this beat by replacing with a kickslider
04:02:332 (4,1,2,3,4) - Make these into a perfect pentagon?
not really necessary. it would also mess the spacing of 04:02:332 (4,5) - up
02:13:031 (3) - Move this slightly to the right for better "flow"?
rotated 02:12:831 (1,2,3) - a little, seems better now
01:49:431 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Streams would be overemphasizing these two beats, better would be to replace with kicksliders
the guitar would be rather underemphasized if i put kicksliders there, the low spaced streams work better imo