mapped by richardfeder
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I suggest you add "Nostalgraph" to tags since junk is also known by that name (you can see it on his soundcloud, for searchability purposes


very confused I think that alias wasn't used for a very long time (same as his "p" alias). I want to leave this out as I don't think it is really that relevant to his more recent work.

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

I think you should overall be more consistent with the usage of finish hitsounds, since sometimes you use them at the start of a section and sometimes you instead place a kick or something like that, like for example: 01:05:136 - this is a finish, while this one 00:54:469 - which sounds the exact same is a kick. There's also the inclusion of some double finish hitsounds like this ones (this is not true for insane diff, only for extra and top) 01:37:136 - 01:23:802 - 01:58:469 - 03:07:802 - , which are fine, however there doesn't seem to be much logic behind when a double finish is used and when it's not, for example: 03:07:802 - this is a double finish while this 01:26:469 - is not, and they both sound the same.
I will not be going over all of the instances of this happening so please check the finish hitsounds by yourself


the hs copier is playing around...thanks for pointing that out
all fixed

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

02:41:136 - 03:02:469 - no hitsounds for this section? I don't see why not add them when there are kicks and snares sounds in the song that were previously hitsounded in other sections


ah weird I think I had those but not sure where they went...anyway added

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

HS volume is too low, hitnormals are almost inaudible, you should crank the volume up to at least 40% i'd say


Doing 30% for now. I think that is audible enough especially considering custom samples are already loud enough.


I'm pretty sure custom samples are not dependent of the greenline hs volume, so if they are at 70% volume they will remain that way even if you increase or decrease the general hs volume


yeah but the problem is that when you have three to four hitnormal pressed at the same time (with osu hithsound random delay also...) the kick/snare becomes inaudible, and it just sounds bad to me. I don't know if it is just me, but if more people complain about the hitsound I will consider raising the volume more. For now I think 30% is already sort of excessive for me.

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

I suggest you use a kiai between 00:33:136 - and 00:42:469 - in bruce's extra and insane diff like you did in top diff. Also, 02:30:469 - 02:39:802 - I think this should be a kiai too since it sounds the same as the one here 00:33:136 -


Added kiai for bruce's extra
02:30:469 indeed that section can be added but I think it is part of the "down time" between two climax and we didn't make it legitimately hard, so I think it is also fine to just leave it as it is.

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

Even if the map's lenght is 4:23, the drain time is 4:11, and when the drain time is between 3:30 and 4:15, the lowest difficulty of the set cannot be harder than a Hard, so a Hard diff must be added for it to fit this criteria


let's see what bn says. If this doesn't get a pass I will just use some dirty fix like extend the intro or outro a bit...


01:25:969 - 02:08:636 - you should add a snare hitsound in these two timestamps like you did with 00:53:969 - 01:15:302 - 03:07:302 - 03:28:636 - , also this is just a suggestion but I personally believe that a kick hitsound would fit better in all of the timestamps mentioned since there are no snares there but kicks instead


sure. I do think kick works better but snare is also fine. Added to both places

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

"A beatmap's audio file must (...) have an average bit rate no greater than 192kbps." The audio file used for this map greatly exceeds 192kbps, if you look at its properties you'll see that its bit rate is 1411kbps, so you need to reduce it or get a new audio file to fit this criteria


oh I didn't realize that ogg is also bounded by that rule
will get this fix later (when this set is actually entering ranking process)


...I don't really want hitnormal to mess with the rest

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

03:12:386 - add snare hitsound here and delete this other snare hs 03:12:552 - since rn the snare is in the wrong timestamp (this is how it should be 03:17:719 (197719|0,197802|0,197969|0) - )



Marked as resolved by richardfeder

Don't forget to look at AI mod, he cries about unsnapped object on Insane

Setting OD/HP:

Insane: 7/7 (somehow agree with this since it's a 'hard' Insane)
Extra: Probably 7.5/8 or 8/8 (OD 9 is too harsh, imo, since this diff rely much on speed. HP set to 8 to prevent spamming. Could be lower though)
Top diff: 8/8 is neat

But that's my opinion, you probably need to ask someone else for better adjusment.

What a hard set. This is something. Love it.


All fixed. That 1ms unsnap was so triggering

The extra has harsher OD setup is basically to match the pure rice pattern, and in return it has a more relax HP setting. It is actually very hard to pass as an 6* extra considering its purely rice with tricky pattern so I think the current setup is fine. Raise HP to 7.5 also won't hurt tho, see what simple star says.

Thanks for dropping a mod!

Marked as resolved by richardfeder







thumbs up




Maybe should add 'comiket' / 'comic market' into tags. I know you have c92 already representing it, but I don't know how anal the staff could go about it when going for ranked. I think it's better to play it safe. (not necessary to add tag imo, but I'm just putting it out there)

Also add 'universe' to tags for easier search. I think most people would type 'universe red' rather than 'univeeerse red' (3 E's) when searching for the map.


I think having comiket would be an overkill, but yeah having universe there is definitely helpful!

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

We need more maps by richardfeder !


Thanks a lot!


















Please increase hitsound volume to at least 50%. This was according to the default sample file which is almost can't be heard at 15% volume. An example of appropriate custom sample soft-hitnormal usually comes from newest ranked map.


Hey Decade thank you very much for your inputs! Not sure if 50% is way to much but yeah I can definitely use custom sample soft-hitnormal files. I am sorry that I rejected most of your mods, but after talking with Kafuuchino we believe that a lot of the stuffs should stay the same way as they were before. There are a lot of inconsistent parts across two difficulties because I have the whole Insane planned in mind, whereas Shuffle is a random collab between me and him, but still we decided that they are in proper forms and there is no need to make everywhere in Shuffle to be strictly harder than anywhere in Insane. The difficulty curve doesn't need to be monotonic and strictly greater everywhere. That is the main reason why we have to reject a lot of your suggestions, but nevertheless they are all good ideas. I really appreciate you spend your time to come and share your inputs!

Marked as resolved by richardfeder

Nice! Thanks for your mod!




Thanks for dropping a mod!
