Liked songs from these mappers: Xilver15, Mismagius, Gust, PandaHero and more Learn mapping as a newbee. Did some guest diffs before and greatfully thanks for those mappers who helped me or gave me the chance to join. Without them my diff would be even worse. Thank you for playing my map :3
About my username/中二取名黑历史 我给自己取了三个游戏名字:Fruitser、Sillyier、SIyuyuko(now) ①Fruitser诞生于刚接触osu那会(2017年2月高一下学期),我很喜欢吃苹果,因为是水果所以便用其英文创建了用户名。后缀-er源自英语语法(我现在英语水平不行就不一一解释了)。其实那段时间我很多账号的名字都是这个XD(改名字都是连带性质的一并改) have remarks which means I know who you are)
So happy to meet you in osu! Wanna mutual? plzzzzzz let me know right now ╰(*°▽°*)╯ I will give you a feedback (●'◡'●) I will mutual if i found when you did this too until you delete me
想当一个不只是打跳图的玩家 QAQ dream to be a not-only-jump player. Good luck to me:D