Q: When will you farm pp? A: When it's possible for me to farm from alt/tech maps.
Q: Why don't you farm some easy pp maps? A: I want to get pp from where others can't farm so easily.
Q: Is there any connection between your tournament history and your rank or pp(Did you refuse to farm because you want to play some tournaments)? A: No. Even if I had never played any tournament, I'd still be there.
Q: What makes you become who you are now? A: I don't like the pp system. You can consider this as my way to refuse to take it. pp/rank is more and more relative to tournaments, and I've played some tournaments(in fact the only 5 digit tournament I played in after 2023.9 is 5WC), then I think there's no need to say what happened next lol
Q: Have a goal now? A: I want a 600pp first(e.g. Toumei Elegy top diff HDFC with 98.6%), or just try to reach 8kpp by only "farm" alt/tech maps.
指法: 以前:戳板双刀(k1m1)-------→Azuki-------→键鼠单双 现在:键鼠单双------→板键单双------→伪单双(i can do nothing but singletap)-------→混双 握笔: 介于正常握笔与Freddie Benson的握法之间的一种握笔方式----→几乎和Woey的握笔相同 Tablet: Wacom CTL-672(Varying small mapping 40mmX28mm now in 2021.12.18) Skin: None:Aristia(Edit) HD(andHDHR):(seoul v9) HR only:howlwatcher
skip 300pp(所以倒刷是必要的) (failed) fc Logic Agent [Farewell] by Amiya fc Sendan Life [Nostalgia] by Lami with at least 98.5acc or fc with HDHR fc Signal feat. Such [Interference] by yukiyo with at least 97acc fc Signal feat. Such [Resonance Signal] by Livia with at least 95acc fc Choose me [Choose Atalanta's Extra] by Yukiyo with at least 96acc pass and get at least 800combo on Choose me [Choose me] by Yukiyo get at least 1.1k combo on White Prism [Prism] by Arieruco (almost done) fc Cross Over [Extra] by Down with at least 95acc(acc goal is easy) fc White Lily [Black and White's Story] by Yugu get at least 800combo on Keshin [Zero Gravity] by Delis get at least 700combo on 60th Summer of Love [ultRa] by Fushimi Rio pass Natsuirozaka [Luscent's Extra] [moph's Extreme] [Sakase] by kwk pass ito [Petal] by Lasse fc Kikoku Doukoku Jigokuraku [Notch Hell] by Hollow Wings