beatmap discussions

05:03:198 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39) - the spacing on this particular pattern seems slightly harsher and a bit more inconsistent compared to previous and following iterations of the pattern (examples: 02:43:019 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37) ; 05:14:884 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39) ) despite few variations of the song (be it vocals-wise or instrument-wise) during the chorus. Changing the position of 37 to somewhere like 406;202 or 407;203 could be better in this case.


00:18:668 (1,2) - rhythm suggests a circle at 00:18:668 then a circle at 00:18:816 (to line up with the percussion in this section)


02:21:843 (10) - isn't this circle misplaced? I don't hear a clear sound, just the fadeout of the previous drum sound at 02:21:736 (that isn't mapped)




02:22:329 (2) - pretty sure the note is supposed to begin on a grey tick there instead of a pink one (so it would begin on 02:22:311 instead).


04:02:268 (9) - I get that you don't want to put a nc in the middle of a stream, but to be consistent with 04:00:912 (1) (where a similar feat happens), it would be better to represent the beginning of the conflicting voices with a nc there rather than on 04:02:607 (1).


03:05:658 (1) - I understand why you placed this here (to coincide with the wooshing noise at that point), but why the break afterwards? The noise feels like rippling out, so it would make more sense to place a slider. Same applies to 03:08:370 (1).


00:49:135 (1,2,3) - A few suggestions
On 1, I would make the slider slightly more angled to face the head of 2.
On 2, I would reverse the slider and make it more angled to face the head of 3.
On 3, I would angle slightly the head.

It would look something like this:

but probably smoother


01:03:030 (8) - maybe reverse the direction of the slider? it makes for a smoother transition between 7, 8 and 1




00:13:666 (3) - Your slider finishes too late, it should finish on 00:13:777


00:08:999 (4) - Your slider finishes too early, it should finish on 00:09:222


00:07:666 (4) - Your slider finishes too early, it should finish on 00:07:888


00:07:999 (3) - Your reverse doesn't seem to be mapped to anything (mostly because it's placed on a red tick while this part only requires purple ticks). Maybe replace it with 2 1-beat sliders or 1 slider with 2 reverses instead?


00:08:666 (3) - Your reverse slider still acts like a 1/4 reverse slider instead of the 1/3 reverse slider that would be needed to represent the sounds there. It should finish on 00:08:888
