Keep, as before im actually snap it to 1/4 but got modded.
But i snapped 02:06:813 (11) - the note here as you suggest xD
Im sorry xD I kinda want to follow emphasize of vocal sound ''aaa'' on them like i do with the rest of note with similiar vocal
im following the synth here as you said
as both 00:25:242 (173,174,175,176) - and 00:25:564 (177,178,179,180) - kind of similiar in term of rhythm i guess, i just want to cover them.
also add the rest note :)
00:55:075 (115) - disini jangan di add? gapapa fokus vocal, yang di atas itu ga ada vocal malah jadi aneh jadi di cover karena ga ada pilihan lain. (musiknya jelas)