00:57:178 (2) - Expecting this kind of vocal to have at least some movement. Because you did it a lot in the previous section. 00:58:116 (4,5) -, 00:58:116 (4,5) - as well. Kinda kills the build-up tho
00:46:163 (4,5) - I don't see any reason to make this a hyperdash because the vocal is quite weak. Put this on dash instead?
01:12:178 - Aaaa, kinda the same case as 1739205#4209335. Please add a circle here to follow the vocal better
00:29:522 - Move to 00:29:756 -. This is to ensure that you focus more on the vocal rather than shifting the focus so sudden.
Feels strange to still have a fruit placed after the vocal stops. Better to have rhythm placement like 00:26:710 (1,2,3) -.
If Jakku is following the trumpet, 1/4 is rather ambiguous because of kicks placed on the white tick. IMO the trumpet fits more on 1/8
Also, I don't know what the difference is between using the Short Ver. marker and the Game Ver. marker. IMO using Game Ver. marker is more suitable for the title?
Assuming the song you used is the actual OP song of the game without any unofficial cut added.
I mean, I mapped similar sounding sound with the same stuff :(
A few is mapped with slider + circle though