00:57:178 (2) - Expecting this kind of vocal to have at least some movement. Because you did it a lot in the previous section. 00:58:116 (4,5) -, 00:58:116 (4,5) - as well. Kinda kills the build-up tho
00:46:163 (4,5) - I don't see any reason to make this a hyperdash because the vocal is quite weak. Put this on dash instead?
01:12:178 - Aaaa, kinda the same case as 1739205#4209335. Please add a circle here to follow the vocal better
00:29:522 - Move to 00:29:756 -. This is to ensure that you focus more on the vocal rather than shifting the focus so sudden.
Feels strange to still have a fruit placed after the vocal stops. Better to have rhythm placement like 00:26:710 (1,2,3) -.
01:22:160 (1,2) - Quite unexpected that (2) appears on the right side. Maybe flip 01:22:318 (2,3,4,5,1) -?
Also, make 01:22:160 (1) - lined-up with the position of 01:22:002 (9) -?
Honestly, can I get a bit of volume down on a few streams that uses normal clap addition such as 00:46:160 -, 00:49:475 -, 00:49:949 -, 01:00:844 -, etc? I think the way normal clap spams is too loud and unpleasant to listen.
Or instead, just put drum clap addition. It is way better to listen at least for me
00:47:107 (2,3,4,5,1) - Kinda awkward flow. The main cause IMO is this 00:47:107 (2,3,4) - flow that creates a little bit of confusion. Reworking to something more flowy would be good
00:21:528 (1,2) - Would be a better flow if (2) is placed on the right side of the slider instead of on the left side.
01:02:311 (1,2,3) - Not really a good way to end the song with a hyperchain as the song is getting weaker. Put 01:02:596 (2) - as a dash.
00:50:633 (5,6) - I'd suggest to not do this so sudden. To me, it feels like a diff spike rather than being "fun-to-play". As it is pretty much really stands out than the rest of the map. Remove the hyperchain on (5) -> (6) and just merge them as a c-shape stream.
01:03:165 - Either put a long slider just like the platter and overdose did or put a spinner for the guitar sound.
*Putting a long slider is preferable~
00:20:728 (2,1,2,1) - I'd say this is a subjective opinion. But this kind of stream flow is a little bit advanced for a rain. So, if you could make 00:21:678 (2) - a curved slider instead of full-vertical slider, it is much appreciated for a recover pattern.
[1] Check your whole difficulty for patterns that have 1/1 gap. Especially if it should be a walk. For example: 00:07:627 (1,2) -
Make the distance around 1.00x instead of 1.18x. Kinda ambiguous for a walk.
[2] Sometimes, I see 1/2 dashes have 1.7x as their distance. And it's pretty ambiguous distance too. Check them in the difficulty as well and make it around 1.9x.
00:53:197 (1,2,3,4) - Flows kinda break the immersion. Probably could try this to make it less awkward:
or as simple as:
00:06:108 (1,2) - Feels like it's missing the main beat in playing. Mapping it similar to 00:18:260 (1,2,3) - is better in comparison.
Or make the entire section mapped similar to 00:39:526 -'s section. This one is more pleasant to listen.
01:03:165 (2) - Idk, this sounds like it lands on 1/3? Need more confirmation on this for all difficulties.
00:39:336 - Weirdge that you left this empty. Meanwhile, you have similar parts such as 00:02:880 (5,1) - and 00:15:032 (5,1) - mapped. It's better to be consistent between the similar parts.
00:02:880 (5,1) - A direction change would be cooler for the new section (And vocal) emphasis. But, if you don't want, it's fine to keep.
Similar: 00:15:032 (5,1) -
00:33:975 (5,1) - Hyperdash missing? Seems like you have put a hyperdash for every 4/1 passed in this section
What do you think about making 1/3s having the same distance in-between such as? 00:21:953 (6,7,1) - and 00:11:054 (6,7,8,1) -
Might be aesthetically more pleasing, but up to you
00:32:964 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Probably could use some sort of more intense movement because of those "dudududu" sounds. Something other than C-curve pattern or utilizing sliders like you did on 00:35:661 -
01:22:484 (8,1) - Honestly, a 1/4 hyperdash here is not that bad
01:17:084 (7,8,9) - on (8) should be a dash instead of ambiguous walk
Similar: 01:19:484 (7,8) -
01:14:384 (5,6) - can be merged into a slider instead and put a flowy pattern to make it prettier in gameplay.
For emphasis, 01:14:684 - to 01:14:834 - can be a walk, 01:14:834 - to 01:14:984 - can be a hyper or dash, your call
01:09:584 (1,2,1) - I think just end each of the sliders on 1/4 instead of 1/8. Feels weird-shaped on 1/8
01:00:884 (7,1) - This one is worth with hyperdash too. Don't be afraid to use 1/4 hyperdash in Kiai section
00:47:984 (1,2,3,4) - Overemphasized. Just put a hyperdash on 00:48:584 - as the vocal is quite high. The others can use dash
00:39:584 (1,2) - Standing still stacks like this are hard to catch. Just use a curvy c-shape stream with a minimum hyperdash trigger as this is a higher-snapped hyperdash. Can use my diff as reference.
Also, 1/8 sound didn't exist on 00:40:184 (2) -. So, watch out your stream usage here. Be sure to only map an existing 1/8 sound
Similar: 00:42:584 -, 00:43:784 (2) -, 00:46:784 (1) -