After a testplay, I do think patterns in general are pretty well done and smooth through to play
As intended for off-handed streams.
I have in-game modded a part
04:08:668 - I believed he intend to follow through the hardstyle kick by having every single beat covered by a d and the mapper mapped the part with streams and single notes
So I suggested them using even patterns that allow emphasis on trance sounds and giving variety in the part, suggesting that the part where can be mapped as even notes to balance out with the part at 01:19:833 which consists of even patterns (4, 6, 8 etc.)
Given examples: -
these kind of patterns support the prominent melodies and cover the hardstyle they wanted
They made adjustment according to the idea on their own on 04:08:668 - 04:30:993
00:54:848 - wrong starting point of rhythms placed, move to 00:54:934
[Chrisse's Hard]
00:50:819 - starting from the part, the melodies here are not on beat so it's wrongly mapped apparently
(The circle) = your starting rhythms
(The negative mark) = 1/4 snaps (white+red+blue ticks)
your apparent rhythms on 1/4 is
But in fact the melody in the music is playing
Another fact, starting from 00:56:305 the melody become
o--o--o-o--o--o- but the third notes on the loop isn't really noticeable so it's fine to ignore
so move the start of rhythms at 00:51:162 to 00:51:077, 00:51:848 to 00:51:762, including the rests of the calm part
o---o---o---o--- to
o--o----o--o---- instead
Or alternatively, if the blue line notes are considered hard to play, you can change from
o---o---o---o--- to
o-------o------- instead
But it isn't really a problem because starting from 01:07:277 you have mapped the notes on blue ticks so following my first solution is absolutely fine
The sustain note which is following the piano is fine to keep, but the one that follows the melodies need adjustment because it feels confusing to hear
This can also be applied on Heist difficulty as well but it's also fine apparently
I think master diff here is irrelevant since it uses more difficult snapping
Also, the part starting from here 02:20:821 is significantly harder to handle imo but considering it's the fastest and hardest part, I don't think 02:30:989 needs any nerf since there're many 1/1 spaces that helps players gradually recover and is easier to handle than previous part