mapped by D3kuu
This beatmap was ranked on 9 June 2024!
nominated by Boaz and Nifty
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hii i think the map is really cool! 2 small things i wanna post tho that i noticed while playing the map

02:40:849 (84) - perhaps you could remove this note as well same with 02:42:244 (98) - and other occurances to emphasize the basskick since this is the only part where this kind of kick stuff happens? would be cool

02:47:564 - how come this isnt mapped to 1/6? its the same buzzkicks as 03:10:586 which are mapped as 1/6


you're right on the first point, I changed it a bit and it's cooler now

for the second suggestion, I didn't want to have 1/6 + finisher (I don't even use 1/4 + finishers in the map, so I dediced to intentionally ignore it.

thank you for your suggestion, will apply now.

Marked as resolved by D 3

on a second thought, I like longer patterns more, I watched both versions multiple times and I think I prefer that


I think it'd be good to up the volume by like 5% on both 00:57:508 and 01:08:671, since I can barely hear the hitsounds until they get to 80% volume. Even then it is kinda hard to hear but acceptable at 80 imo.

So I recommend changing 70 -> 75 and 75 -> 80 on those sections, you could make the buildup part 82 or 83 instead of 80 if you'd really care for small progression.


done, however I put 85 for the buildup which should still be fine

Marked as resolved by D 3

After a testplay, I do think patterns in general are pretty well done and smooth through to play
As intended for off-handed streams.

I have in-game modded a part
04:08:668 - I believed he intend to follow through the hardstyle kick by having every single beat covered by a d and the mapper mapped the part with streams and single notes
So I suggested them using even patterns that allow emphasis on trance sounds and giving variety in the part, suggesting that the part where can be mapped as even notes to balance out with the part at 01:19:833 which consists of even patterns (4, 6, 8 etc.)
Given examples: -
these kind of patterns support the prominent melodies and cover the hardstyle they wanted

They made adjustment according to the idea on their own on 04:08:668 - 04:30:993


awesome mod, thank you so much for your input

Marked as resolved by D 3